

Well-Known Member
Maybe not many people failed the tests because people were forced to clean themselves up before being tested? It could be working very well as a deterrent.

Anything is possible, but I highly doubt it. Those who are gonna do drugs, will do them regardless. I used to work in HUD housing and we had a tenant that was so badly addicted to crack that while she was pregnant, she would drink capfuls of bleach to try to mask drug tests. Not only did it not work but she lost 2 babies that way. Addicts will get their drugs no matter what it takes. I just don't think the number of addicts on welfare is quite as high as most people think it is. At least, not where I am. I've seen it, working with the poor day in and day out. The problem is that it's only the worst of the worst that get any kind of attention, so people assume that is how they all are.


Strength through joy
Massachusetts recently sent out notices to 170,000 ebt card holders that they would be require come in to have a picture taken & attached to their cards .
Amazing 7500 mailings came back as undeliverable .


Does that include all the subsidies given to Corporations and businesses?
Those corporations would still make that money. Take the subsidy away, and they pass that cost to you. They run a business to make a profit. Without wealth everyone would be poor.


Nine Lives
Those corporations would still make that money. Take the subsidy away, and they pass that cost to you. They run a business to make a profit. Without wealth everyone would be poor.
I still think it is better if the US National government stays out the business of picking winners.


Inordinately Right
Massachusetts recently sent out notices to 170,000 ebt card holders that they would be require come in to have a picture taken & attached to their cards .
Amazing 7500 mailings came back as undeliverable .
It's amazing only 7500 came back undeliverable. Many poor people are transient. Now many aren't only homeless at Christmas, they're also hungry.

Some people don't understand homeless doesn't necessarily mean living on the street. Poor people will stay with friends or family for short periods of time off and on. In the rough areas here apartments charge by the week, if that gives you any idea what I'm talking about.

BTW I don't think the 55,000 that didn't have photos on file are included in the 7500 out of 170,000 figures.


Strength through joy
Or it could mean that 7500 cards went to double or triple dippers .
I have to ask to see and id for every parcel picked up . And you would not believe how many credit card & cash filled wallets & purses also have an ebt card in there.


Inordinately Right
Or it could mean that 7500 cards went to double or triple dippers .
I have to ask to see and id for every parcel picked up . And you would not believe how many credit card & cash filled wallets & purses also have an ebt card in there.
No doubt the system is set up to not work. But if you think the 7500 returned cards were all double dippers you are just reaching for the easiest solution. It'd be real easy to say they're all freeloaders, but truth is, the system is built for these people to fail.

In reality, those letters never reached those people, because they didn't have an accurate address. Because they haven't lived in the same place for more than a few months in years. They are part of a multi-generational system of dependance that a two party system perpetuates.

Keep fighting over trivial bs like pictures on EBT cards. Ya, that'll fix the prolem.


Inordinately Right
Or it could mean that 7500 cards went to double or triple dippers .
I have to ask to see and id for every parcel picked up . And you would not believe how many credit card & cash filled wallets & purses also have an ebt card in there.
BTW, those credit cards are maxed out and will never be paid off. Servitude to a bank for life. And the cash? Ya thanks to republicans if you have money in the bank, you can't get public assistance, so they keep it "under the mattress". Or in their wallets waiting to be stolen in their crime ridden neighborhoods.


nowhere special
BTW, those credit cards are maxed out and will never be paid off. Servitude to a bank for life. And the cash? Ya thanks to the republicans if you have money in the bank, you can't get public assistance, so they keep it "under the mattress". Or in their wallets waiting to be stolen in their crime ridden neighborhoods.

Untrue. Assistance is based on income, not savings. You could be a millionaire with no current income and still qualify and could qualify for ebt card the same as if you had credit cars maxxed out. Another sign of a broken system and has nothing to do with republicans. And it is far more common the questionable ebt cards are going to people who game the system to get multiple forms of assistance than millionaires milking the government.


No doubt the system is set up to not work. But if you think the 7500 returned cards were all double dippers you are just reaching for the easiest solution. It'd be real easy to say they're all freeloaders, but truth is, the system is built for these people to fail.

In reality, those letters never reached those people, because they didn't have an accurate address. Because they haven't lived in the same place for more than a few months in years. They are part of a multi-generational system of dependance that a two party system perpetuates.

Keep fighting over trivial bs like pictures on EBT cards. Ya, that'll fix the prolem.
Welfare state?


Inordinately Right
Untrue. Assistance is based on income, not savings. You could be a millionaire with no current income and still qualify and could qualify for ebt card the same as if you had credit cars maxxed out. Another sign of a broken system and has nothing to do with republicans. And it is far more common the questionable ebt cards are going to people who game the system to get multiple forms of assistance than millionaires milking the government.
It depends on your state. Many states do have asset limits.


Well-Known Member
DriveInDriveOut is very much correct. I helped someone while working for HUD that was dropped from getting SSI because she had money in a savings account. She had gotten a bit of money from a grandmother that passed. It wasn't a massive amount, just a bit over a grand, I believe, but her benefits dropped until that money was gone. She was saving that money to try to get out of hud housing. I live in Florida and it happens. They will also count a second vehicle against you, so if you are a couple who gets another car so that you can both work to try to dig out of the hole, you get penalized there, also, and it doesn't matter if you paid for that car yourself or if some kind family member gave it to you. It's now an asset with value that you could sell for money so they don't have to give you as much money. Oh, you're saving up some money to put your kid through community college to help him get out of the same situation you are in? Oh well, we can't help you anymore because you have a bit of "disposable" income. I've seen it happen with my own eyes, so please don't claim it doesn't work that way. The way it is set up makes it very hard for people to attempt to get out of the system because it is one extreme or the other, so they become discouraged and just say screw it and stay where they are. Yes, some people are fortunate enough to persevere, but that isn't the norm. Many of them want to work so they can help themselves, but if that work makes them the bare minimum to survive and not enough to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps", what incentive is there for them to bust their butts to get the same pay that they would get for doing nothing? There needs to be a happy medium in there somewhere, that allows them to continue getting some type of assistance while they work to better themselves so they can move up in the world, not just to survive. Surviving isn't the same as living. In England, if you aren't working and getting assistance from the government, you can go to some type of vocational school where they will help teach you a skill and then help you find a job using that skill. We don't do that here.

Yes, there are those that play the system and I won't get into whose fault that is on a political level. The system is broken and needs to be fixed, but it does help SOME people and they aren't all mooching off the taxpayers. They are just the only ones you notice and that get any attention. For every welfare moocher that you may see buying steaks with food stamps, swiping their card with their done up nails, etc there are 10 more that you pay no mind to that are buying ramen and chicken legs at some dirty discount grocery store. Until they find a way to fix the system without hurting those that aren't abusing it, this will always be the case. Just like the corporations that do the same exact thing.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


golden ticket member
Is she serious ??

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, speaking from the House floor on Wednesday, suggesting the government stop using the term "welfare" and switch to "transitional living fund."


Strength through joy
It's been a fun week , having all those people with overstuffed wallets screaming at me because UPS is late with their money cards , which they paid extra for overnight service .
How do I know that their wallets are overstuffed, because all pick ups require you to show an id and they tend to open up their wallet & handbags in front on me . I constantly see everything contend within , all the credit cards and cash . Most carry more than I make in a week . And yes I do see multiple EBT cards in there .
The most foolish ones are those that present a passport , which has no exit or entry stamps showing ( but that is for another thread. )


Well-Known Member
Put welfare people to work to get their checks. We are paying them, might as well get a little work out of them. Imagine how clean our cities could be. And less people on welfare. win win.