Western PA supplement that will be voted on has VERY MINIMAL language compared to the 1st supplement that was voted down. Full timers have vacation language for a couple months that had no language before. Part timers will be paid time & a half when forced to work holidays (no OT for 6th or 7th punch like 1st supplement had). No language regarding UPS covering the pension shortfalls like 1st supplement (FT employees will lose $.30/hr from August raise as things stand now). All employees in Western PA NEED TO VOTE THIS LAUGHABLE SUPPLEMENT DOWN! UPS refused to call this their "last, best & final offer" because our Locals would've brought NLRB charges against them for failing to negotiate in good faith. There WILL be a BETTER OFFER coming, as long as we shoot this BS down. Encourage your members to vote, their future is riding on their participation.