Retired 23 years
Was you hanging out with Robert Kraft?
I haven't had a "happy ending" hand job hooker massage since Vietnam. They were GREAT. Not as good as a bj or actual sex from a sweet young thing over there but never the less---GREAT
Was you hanging out with Robert Kraft?
My man!I haven't had a "happy ending" hand job hooker massage since Vietnam. They were GREAT. Not as good as a bj or actual sex from a sweet young thing over there but never the less---GREAT
Those were the days my friend
I doubt it. The national will then say that the 4999 no votes are a result of national contract issues not local supplement issues therefore they are informing the contract.That would be more then 2/3s so it would be rejected.
It's 50% of the membership or 2/3s vote no.
I think the company taking everything off of the table is a supplement issue.I doubt it. The national will then say that the 4999 no votes are a result of national contract issues not local supplement issues therefore they are informing the contract.
one hit wonder
Can we just make a dedicated thread for you two to go back and forth instead of having to sort through literal pages of you two arguing on every thread that contains info on the outstanding supplements?
If the plain facts were available in one place where you two didn’t word vomit for days there might not be people starting new threads every day asking about updates because they don’t have time to sort through the threads y’all have obfuscated into oblivion with your arguments.
Was you hanging out with Robert Kraft?
Doesn't the union negotiating committee have the opportunity to say that they are not even taking this piece of crap to the membership for a vote? How can you come back with a proposal that is worse than the one that was voted down? Are they hoping that enough people are desperate so for back pay that they will pass it? Have been a strong union supporter for the 18 years I have been here but I have completely lost faith in our leadership. Can't wait for the opportunity to vote them out.How do you loose a raise? No ot for a 6 or 7 punch? Wtf is going on in pa
It sounds like the company was serious, and now they're holding your feet to the fire.
How much effort would be required.... for you to not blame them, for your woes ?
Doesn't the union negotiating committee have the opportunity to say that they are not even taking this piece of crap to the membership for a vote? How can you come back with a proposal that is worse than the one that was voted down? Are they hoping that enough people are desperate so for back pay that they will pass it? Have been a strong union supporter for the 18 years I have been here but I have completely lost faith in our leadership. Can't wait for the opportunity to vote them out.
The International has forced the remaining Locals to vote on whatever they have agreed upon. Our negotiating committee and my Principal Officer have contacted Hoffa voicing their displeasure and received NO reply. I do believe that they are hoping that many will want that extra couple hundred bucks now and will sell themselves out rather than holding UPS accountable. And, I agree with you as a 23 year Teamster and former CWA member myself, I'm disgusted with how H/H have crippled unions in this country.
"Serious"? No, more like childish. More importantly, they were sent back to the table to negotiate, not to attempt to punish their employees for voting it down. It's not hard to see how you're continuously perceived as a Hoffa/Hall shill here. BTW, wouldn't one expect the International to stand behind their Locals in these situations, rather than force them to vote on a supplement that was 90% inferior to the one that was voted down? As their steward, it's my duty to look out for my people even though I felt the first offer was good. Do you always see the company's perspective in a positive light with those who you represent, or just when bashing other Brothers & Sisters here?
The blame is shared by all parties in the Western PA supplement issue, IMO. The Locals did a poor job of explaining the original supplement to the membership. The membership has factions that are stubborn and a large number of younger employees who don't give a damn about anything except how many likes their last post on FB has gotten. For those reasons, the 1st offer didn't pass. Now, we have the company attempting to railroad us into a pitiful agreement as revenge. So, to answer your question, it's effortless because I blame everyone. All that aside, we have to move forward in the best direction we can, so I focus my energy on educating members to vote down the current joke of a supplement and trying not to repeat the mistakes of the past on the next attempt.
Respectfully disagree with you on the blame everyone part. I personally had no problem with the first supplement. I believe a lot of the no vote was based on pent up anger from the last contract being forced down our throats. But that said, how can the union agree to place a worse offer to a vote? At very least they could have bargained for a small bump in the part time pension cap, say to $1400 a month after 25 years. It would cost the company nothing since hardly anyone works part time that long. Then they could come back saying they got us a better offer. As I asked before, doesn't the union have the right to say no? We are stuck in the middle with the feeling that nobody is really looking out for our interests. The problem is that UPS doesn't care how long this takes because they get to hold on to the back pay money. The union is licking their chops to get the increased dues money. The membership fully expects to get the backside slam from the company but we don't expect the union that we give our hard earned money to every week to be standing in line for sloppy seconds."Serious"? No, more like childish. More importantly, they were sent back to the table to negotiate, not to attempt to punish their employees for voting it down. It's not hard to see how you're continuously perceived as a Hoffa/Hall shill here. BTW, wouldn't one expect the International to stand behind their Locals in these situations, rather than force them to vote on a supplement that was 90% inferior to the one that was voted down? As their steward, it's my duty to look out for my people even though I felt the first offer was good. Do you always see the company's perspective in a positive light with those who you represent, or just when bashing other Brothers & Sisters here?
The blame is shared by all parties in the Western PA supplement issue, IMO. The Locals did a poor job of explaining the original supplement to the membership. The membership has factions that are stubborn and a large number of younger employees who don't give a damn about anything except how many likes their last post on FB has gotten. For those reasons, the 1st offer didn't pass. Now, we have the company attempting to railroad us into a pitiful agreement as revenge. So, to answer your question, it's effortless because I blame everyone. All that aside, we have to move forward in the best direction we can, so I focus my energy on educating members to vote down the current joke of a supplement and trying not to repeat the mistakes of the past on the next attempt.
Leave me alone!
Respectfully disagree with you on the blame everyone part. I personally had no problem with the first supplement. I believe a lot of the no vote was based on pent up anger from the last contract being forced down our throats. But that said, how can the union agree to place a worse offer to a vote? At very least they could have bargained for a small bump in the part time pension cap, say to $1400 a month after 25 years. It would cost the company nothing since hardly anyone works part time that long. Then they could come back saying they got us a better offer. As I asked before, doesn't the union have the right to say no? We are stuck in the middle with the feeling that nobody is really looking out for our interests. The problem is that UPS doesn't care how long this takes because they get to hold on to the back pay money. The union is licking their chops to get the increased dues money. The membership fully expects to get the backside slam from the company but we don't expect the union that we give our hard earned money to every week to be standing in line for sloppy seconds.
4.2% of our part timers are long time employees.I'm with you on the first supplement - I felt it was a decent offer. And, yes, the pent up anger from 2013 was a factor. I don't believe any of the Locals "agreed" to force this second vote on what has been re-negotiated. Rather they were contacted on 1/16/19 by P. Darrow from the International and told they HAD to gather the TAs that had been agreed upon and send them to him for a vote. As I mentioned earlier, many individuals expressed their disagreement directly to Hoffa over this, including the lead negotiator and several Principal Officers but were not given an explanation or any response by him. I would like to see a bump in the PT pension for my fellow workers inside as well but disagree with you on "hardly anyone works part time that long" as I have many friends with over 25 years and many more nearing that mark in my hub. I also want to see them get treated fairly when forced to work Saturdays, Sundays & holidays. When you ask if the union has the right to say no, I take that to mean the membership because I believe WE are the union more than just our Executive Board - and we certainly have that right, with our vote. I also must disagree with you on the statement that UPS doesn't care how long this takes - they absolutely want to get this implemented ASAP so they can begin utilizing the 22.4 language and saving thousands by having a lower paid delivery drivers doing the work our RPCDs have been doing. It falls on our shoulders to stand for what's right and to do that we need massive participation in this vote. Don't get discouraged, stay the course and we all will be better off.
Don't you mean- how would you like your steak? Lol.And, they are still posting pics from the 2001 convention....
trying to make themselves look relevant.
Guy in the white shirt is Tim B.... with his "state of the art" flip phone.
The 2021 IBT Convention—What’s at Stake?
Hey- Big Union Man has worked tirelessly on behalf of the members that paid his way.542, You have to think like DT or BUG....
Start with the mind set of, "I would sell my mother and sleep with my sister if that is what it takes to screw those who pay me to represent them!"
By thinking like that it will come to you!