What are things that irritate you at work?

Every elected official.... pays the highest dues amount in their Local.

But, you knew that.
Who says you are an elected official? And yes I'm aware. Have you read my post again so you can realize you didn't understand? I know it's hard to admit when you're wrong with a huge ego like yours. You don't have to- just read it again and try to comprehend. That will be good enough for me.


Binge Poster
Who says you are an elected official? And yes I'm aware. Have you read my post again so you can realize you didn't understand? I know it's hard to admit when you're wrong with a huge ego like yours. You don't have to- just read it again and try to comprehend. That will be good enough for me.
I have to say I reread it and I didnt really understand what you were saying.

It seemed to me you were implying that you were in a RTO state too.
So, trying to understand....you being hateful and attacking me up to and including others that wish my wife harm.....is just good, clean(albeit dark) humor?

To be fair, I didn't wish your wife harm, cancer is awful. I simply implied that dying would be better than dealing with you every day. I just took a little darker path to get there.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
To be fair, I didn't wish your wife harm, cancer is awful. I simply implied that dying would be better than dealing with you every day. I just took a little darker path to get there.
Fair? Really?

On my Wife's back.......For everyone's sake following along.....you really trying to justify that?

I mean hell my Wife sitting over there thinks it's hilarious....We laugh at her dying all the time....."darker path humor"....yeah.

"I simply implied...."

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Leave him be, man. He’s too far gone. A*hole is holding a steering wheel for a living just like the rest of us yet thinks he’s doing better than everyone. It’s called being delusional. I’m honestly surprised he keeps posting here. A sane person would have cut their losses by now.
Never said that.

What losses? That's your delusional take. It has no bearing on me.

I have said I've had a long and profitable career....longer than most and this seems to spark jealous hatred. As well as my education and some of my assets. Im excoriated for even having a job....odd but it is what it is. And somehow reporting that we have dirty bathrooms seems to be my fault......weird.



nowhere special
Ha !

Every thread sucks.