What are things that irritate you at work?


Never bought my own handtruck

Another attack^.

See, it's so ingrained in your psyche that you don't even recognize it.

For example: Let's say you are in a PCM.......and the Mgr. Says: "Know your role and shut your damn mouth!".....

See? Or in a Union meeting....or at the bank.

Being hateful is just part of who you really are......and you don't realize it.

I can understand being jealous of a plane or car but a hand truck? Being hateful over a hand truck......

I bring/buy my own water bottles......
It’s called a sense of humor, albeit dark humor, maybe if you laughed a little more you wouldn’t be such a miserable pilot.
The onus.. is on your employer...UPS.

It's provided for in the contract.

Plus, various state and federal regulations.


Some people complain and do nothing.

Others, do something.

They might be laughing at you.... but, not for the reasons you think.

Obviously your great union is fixing all of these things. Must be why people continue to post about it. Lol.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
The onus.. is on your employer...UPS.

It's provided for in the contract.

Plus, various state and federal regulations.


Some people complain and do nothing.

Others, do something.

They might be laughing at you.... but, not for the reasons you think.

You swerved into your own pile of poop.

What that lawsuit really means is that I was exactly right.

There are unsanitary conditions all over UPS. Just as I stated. Always have been and always will. UPS will NEVER spend money on employees cleaning. This place will shut down before that happens. Just because of the cost. Paper be damned.

No? Bluster on....

At the very most I've ever seen, pkg cars USED to be hosed out. Sanitized? Dream on. Tractors? Used to be a team of brush and buckets....that went away about 15 years ago. I have NEVER seen anyone(carwash) touch the inside of a feeder.

Even if cleaning supplies are provided.....we will NEVER get the time allowances.

Laugh at me? Back at ya.

Your righteous platitudes are LAUGHABLE.
K. And so?

So, I showed "backbone" in 10%. Splendid....which one's? Can you almost guarantee that much?

BTW, I spend my Saturdays relaxing, flying and the like. Not listening to Local Presidents race baiting and shutting down meetings when the questions get tough. I deal with enough BS every day.....I don't need to ruin my Saturdays with it.

My "routine" has served me well for 40 years. Want to be a combative jerk the rest of your life....have at it.
When did you get off sleeper run? Just curious.


Binge Poster
Nope- but your perception of the union and mine differ. Actually- in these parts you don't even have to be in the union. The fat slob BA lets people go up to three years without joining. Yes- when you discuss the union it is YOUR union. Not mine.
I have to chime in. There is only one Union.

There can be no denying that any large organization of people that has been around will have problems and bad habits but.......

I firmly believe that each member is personally and specifically responsible for their contribution to these problems and bad habits as that are present in this day.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
It’s called a sense of humor, albeit dark humor, maybe if you laughed a little more you wouldn’t be such a miserable pilot.
I love flying.

Say, you don't know me.....so, how do you know how much I laugh?

BTW, another attack^. For those following along.

So, trying to understand....you being hateful and attacking me up to and including others that wish my wife harm.....is just good, clean(albeit dark) humor? And I just need to laugh "a little more"? And to be clear: having bought my own hand truck 25 years ago makes me a miserable pilot?

BTW, thanks for acknowledging that I'm a pilot.
I have to chime in. There is only one Union.

There can be no denying that any large organization of people that has been around will have problems and bad habits but.......

I firmly believe that each member is personally and specifically responsible for their contribution to these problems and bad habits as that are present in this day.
Must be why there is so much unity within the Teamsters. You are welcome to your opinion- I am too. Doesn't mean you have to like it...


Got the T-Shirt
You swerved into your own pile of poop.

What that lawsuit really means is that I was exactly right.

Not really.

People in Philly and NJ have complained about the same things.

But once again, the onus is on UPS to provide for clean, sanitary, working conditions....

as long as you do your part, and hold them accountable through the grievance procedure.

Some Locals have Union porters.

My Local has contracted cleaning services, whose performance dictates if their contract is renewed.

At the very most I've ever seen, pkg cars USED to be hosed out.

They haven't done that since the 80's.

Tractors? Used to be a team of brush and buckets....that went away about 15 years ago. I have NEVER seen anyone(carwash) touch the inside of a feeder.

Our feeder drivers are paid (everyday) to clean and wash their tractors.

The company provides the supplies and 3 wash tunnels.

This issue sounds like a Local problem.... you need to address.

Claiming "someone" filed a grievance 20 years ago (as an excuse) doesn't cut it.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I have to chime in. There is only one Union.

There can be no denying that any large organization of people that has been around will have problems and bad habits but.......

I firmly believe that each member is personally and specifically responsible for their contribution to these problems and bad habits as that are present in this day.
Hi, could you clarify your statement please?

As stated, each member is to contribute to the problems and bad habits as in add to them(increase them?)(possibly?)

And if these "problems and bad habits" are purposefully what the members want.....are they fulfilling their "responsibilities"?

In other words, status quo is the way it is and should be?

There is only one Union but many factions.......



Binge Poster
Hi, could you clarify your statement please?
No, not interested in clarifying at this time.
As stated, each member is to contribute to the problems and bad habits as in add to them(increase them?)(possibly?)
You misstated what I said. I will not respond.
And if these "problems and bad habits" are purposefully what the members want.....are they fulfilling their "responsibilities"?
In other words, status quo is the way it is and should be?
There is only one Union but many factions.......
IMO It is a fact of life that factions will occur in organizations this large.
You are welcome.


Like I said, yeah they do. See? We can do this all day....

Say, get together with @Burrrbutt and share some picture books.....might quell some of that envious hate and jealous anger.

K. And so?

So, I showed "backbone" in 10%. Splendid....which one's? Can you almost guarantee that much?

BTW, I spend my Saturdays relaxing, flying and the like. Not listening to Local Presidents race baiting and shutting down meetings when the questions get tough. I deal with enough BS every day.....I don't need to ruin my Saturdays with it.

My "routine" has served me well for 40 years. Want to be a combative jerk the rest of your life....have at it.

Not really.

People in Philly and NJ have complained about the same things.

But once again, the onus is on UPS to provide for clean, sanitary, working conditions....

as long as you do your part, and hold them accountable through the grievance procedure.

Some Locals have Union porters.

My Local has contracted cleaning services, whose performance dictates if their contract is renewed.

They haven't done that since the 80's.

Our feeder drivers are paid (everyday) to clean and wash their tractors.

The company provides the supplies and 3 wash tunnels.

This issue sounds like a Local problem.... you need to address.

Claiming "someone" filed a grievance 20 years ago (as an excuse) doesn't cut it.
"My" local. Isn't it everyone's local? Lol.