What are things that irritate you at work?


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
Like I said, jealousy and envy don't apply here. I'm very successful, even relative to a much higher scale than your definition. Again, this is you needing to feel superior because you're clearly inadequate in real life, hope you feel better.

As for the rest of your incessant rambling.....wut???
Leave him be, man. He’s too far gone. * is holding a steering wheel for a living just like the rest of us yet thinks he’s doing better than everyone. It’s called being delusional. I’m honestly surprised he keeps posting here. A sane person would have cut their losses by now.
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quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Not really.

People in Philly and NJ have complained about the same things.

But once again, the onus is on UPS to provide for clean, sanitary, working conditions....

as long as you do your part, and hold them accountable through the grievance procedure.

Some Locals have Union porters.

My Local has contracted cleaning services, whose performance dictates if their contract is renewed.

They haven't done that since the 80's.

Our feeder drivers are paid (everyday) to clean and wash their tractors.

The company provides the supplies and 3 wash tunnels.

This issue sounds like a Local problem.... you need to address.

Claiming "someone" filed a grievance 20 years ago (as an excuse) doesn't cut it.

Not around here.

Those grievances are present day.

The problem has been addressed.......and nothing happened. Never will.

BTW, per your postings.....IT IS A NATIONAL PROBLEM.

Right.....there have been unsanitary conditions since the 80's.....haven't I said that all along?

Our wash tunnel has been broken for a month. We do get a bucket/brush and no soap. Sometimes the hose is turned on, sometimes not.

Our "porters" are contractors. I don't know what performance parameters our cleaning contractors are obligated to.....it just doesn't seem to matter.....the place is filthy. See?

BTW, Me to Mgt.: toilets running over....." Mgt: :"OK." 3 days later a plumber shows up. 3 days.

Me to Mgt.: "Soaps out of the bathroom" Mgt: "OK". Days later it gets replaced...

Our PE guys can't even LOOK at a overflowing toilet.....

Me: "Phone is torn off the inbound pole" Mgt: "We'll call TSG". Mgt: "Inbound on your cell" Me: "I don't have a cell..." Still broken....

This is the way UPS is....at least around here.

Mgt. to me: "Do not hand your keys to the guards inbounding." Me: "But it's District policy....what if someone gets killed?"

Mgt.: Blank stare.


quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I recognize how unity would be great but the Union operates by majority rule and when there is a minority participating it goes to super majority for most important matters.
Define "important" matters please.

We get handed major changes to our Local all the time. Not even a discussion....just a "local agreement" shoved down our throats. Major stuff. Contract? Yeah whatever.


Binge Poster
Define "important" matters please.
Not interested in defining anything. The Master CBA is an example though.

We get handed major changes to our Local all the time. Not even a discussion....just a "local agreement" shoved down our throats. Major stuff. Contract? Yeah whatever.
That is not my experience in the Local that I am a member of. The IBT Constitution and the bylaws of you Union may help make sense of your plight.