What are things that irritate you at work?


Well-Known Member
Idiots in cars. I can’t stand unpredictable drivers. Last week I almost killed an idiot in a Prius (she was in the left lane and I was in the right) that raced up beside me and took a sudden right turn in front of me to get into a parking lot. I had to slam on the brakes so hard it caused a box of Hello Fresh to come flying off the 5000 shelf and smash into the bulkhead door. It sounded like a shotgun blast it hit so hard. Luckily those boxes seem pretty tough since I didn’t have to clean the contents from all over the cargo area. I was so pissed I couldn’t keep myself from following her into the parking lot to scream at her, “WAS MAKING YOUR TURN WORTH YOUR friend’ING LIFE?!” Lady just stood there looking at me like she did nothing wrong.


Binge Poster
I agree 100% that after all the processes in place to handle grievances are given a fair effort an ad lib may be a temporary solution. (I would never buy a hand cart for UPS, however.

How many failure to provide hand cart grievances did you file and not receive satisfaction from before you ad libbed in such a IMO peculiar way?

Do you suggest that if everyone enforced the contract that the company would cease to exist?

Do you believe in enforcing the contract?

What year did you buy your hand truck?

Arguably it may have been a possible solution in the past, I would discourage this as solution to this problem now.
Unanswered questions from @quad decade guy:

Please forgive me if I missed your answers somehow.

How many failure to provide hand cart grievances did you file and not receive satisfaction from before you ad libbed in such a IMO peculiar way?

Do you believe in enforcing the contract?

What year did you buy your hand truck?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Nosy and obsessed drivers.

I am pretty laid-back and could care less about UPSs numbers so when I show up to work I’ll get ice in my cooler and put it, and my backpack, to the side then go get my DIAD and patiently wait for start time. I am there but I am not really thinking about the place or job so I definitely don’t feel the need to study the operational report (that they stick and all of our logs) for the previous day or the dispatch computer. I am so numb to all of that that I can almost completely shut out the particulars of the job until the moment I’m about to leave the center.

What really irritates me is when an obsessed/nosy driver (always in the same loop and usually on a neighboring route), shows up at any point prior to leaving the building and starts talking to me about how many stops and miles I have for the day. And then tells me what specific areas I have and whether or not they have some of my stuff or vice versa. What a sad existence they must be living. LMFAO. If it weren’t for losers like that I would typically finish each day not knowing how many stops or miles I ended with. I simply do not care and knowing before hand doesn’t change anything.

Last One In

Well-Known Member
Nosy and obsessed drivers.

I am pretty laid-back and could care less about UPSs numbers so when I show up to work I’ll get ice in my cooler and put it, and my backpack, to the side then go get my DIAD and patiently wait for start time. I am there but I am not really thinking about the place or job so I definitely don’t feel the need to study the operational report (that they stick and all of our logs) for the previous day or the dispatch computer. I am so numb to all of that that I can almost completely shut out the particulars of the job until the moment I’m about to leave the center.

What really irritates me is when an obsessed/nosy driver (always in the same loop and usually on a neighboring route), shows up at any point prior to leaving the building and starts talking to me about how many stops and miles I have for the day. And then tells me what specific areas I have and whether or not they have some of my stuff or vice versa. What a sad existence they must be living. LMFAO. If it weren’t for losers like that I would typically finish each day not knowing how many stops or miles I ended with. I simply do not care and knowing before hand doesn’t change anything.
Sounds like the guy I work next to. Tells me every morning how many stops he has and how many miles for the day. Boo hoo, sniff sniff. Wants me to feel sorry for him. Typically he has less of both than I do and gets in 90% of the time before me. If I do by some miracle get in before him, the next day he will say, "Wow, you got in early."

If management wants us to follow ORION 100% what is the point of looking at the dispatch computer? Waste of time when I am not on the clock.

Netsua 3:16

Sounds like the guy I work next to. Tells me every morning how many stops he has and how many miles for the day. Boo hoo, sniff sniff. Wants me to feel sorry for him. Typically he has less of both than I do and gets in 90% of the time before me. If I do by some miracle get in before him, the next day he will say, "Wow, you got in early."

If management wants us to follow ORION 100% what is the point of looking at the dispatch computer? Waste of time when I am not on the clock.
There’s not much worse as a driver than crappy loop mates. I took my route more for the loop and the guys on the loop more so than the actual work.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
I love seeing all the pee splashed on the sides of truck from dumping out bottles.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
There’s not much worse as a driver than crappy loop mates. I took my route more for the loop and the guys on the loop more so than the actual work.
As annoying as mine can be, they are quite useful. Those types of drivers tend to be “overachievers” and are perfect loop mates for those of us that are on the 9.5 list and follow ORION.

Netsua 3:16

As annoying as mine can be, they are quite useful. Those types of drivers tend to be “overachievers” and are perfect loop mates for those of us that are on the 9.5 list and follow ORION.
I just hate getting annoyed all day. I don’t care about your problems.
My loop convenes at the UPS store at 450 to drop air everyday and union break. If anybody’s crazy heavy still we divy it up. If not, sometimes some of us get off an hour later, we just handle it.
Stuff happens don’t get me wrong, don’t mind helping out at all. But on our loop we know not to bother each other throughout the day unless totally necessary. We all get along. It’s great. Been a totally different experience at work since I took my route

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I just hate getting annoyed all day. I don’t care about your problems.
My loop convenes at the UPS store at 450 to drop air everyday and union break. If anybody’s crazy heavy still we divy it up. If not, sometimes some of us get off an hour later, we just handle it.
Stuff happens don’t get me wrong, don’t mind helping out at all. But on our loop we know not to bother each other throughout the day unless totally necessary. We all get along. It’s great. Been a totally different experience at work since I took my route

Two of the drivers closest to me in the loop are most senior in our loop and are the type that think workload should be distributed based on seniority instead of spread out fairly throughout the loop. But they, along with the two or three other drivers in the loop, refuse to follow Orion and I know they don’t take much of, if any, lunch and drive like maniacs. So, for that reason I stay on the 9.5 list. They have straight up told me they are puzzled about how every route I am on is reduced from the prior bid driver. LOL. I don’t know why. It’s not rocket science.

Netsua 3:16

Two of the drivers closest to me in the loop are most senior in our loop and are the type that think workload should be distributed based on seniority instead of spread out fairly throughout the loop. But they, along with the two or three other drivers in the loop, refuse to follow Orion and I know they don’t take much of, if any, lunch and drive like maniacs. So, for that reason I stay on the 9.5 list. They have straight up told me they are puzzled about how every route I am on is reduced from the prior bid driver. LOL. I don’t know why. It’s not rocket science.
You gotta also learn, that the squeaky wheel may get quick grease up, but they don’t want to hear you complain all the time.
We never complain or whine. When there’s a grievance we file every SINGLE time. Other than that, they leave us alone. They like that they don’t have to babysit us. We don’t get talked to about safety cause we follow the rules. Meanwhile guys are getting popped for 10+ seatbelt and bulkhead violations.
I hear stories and have experienced ridiculous drama on other loops. Dispatchers aren’t gonna hook up the guys that whine to them all the time. Whoop, here’s an extra 40 stops, where’s it going? To the guys that follow the rules and don’t bother me? I don’t think so. 9.5 is 9.5 is 9.5. Not on the list? You’re getting the work. Stop crying

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
You sound like a female.

What sort of male feeder driver, would use that sort of terminology ?

You mean the the racist rant.... from the the pkg guy caught on camera ?

No need too.

Let the Panel make the decision.

I didn't tell the member to do what they did.

Every case is based on its own merits.

No 2 cases are the same.

What do you have in the bank ?

A male feeder driver and lot's of other folks(that are laughing at you for your ironic and laughable response)(who know better).

Racist rant....whatever....just insert any scenario.....

So, what is your job? You act like you don't do anything....wait....that be the most accurate thing ever said on BC.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Unanswered questions from @quad decade guy:

Please forgive me if I missed your answers somehow.

How many failure to provide hand cart grievances did you file and not receive satisfaction from before you ad libbed in such a IMO peculiar way?

Do you believe in enforcing the contract?

What year did you buy your hand truck?
None. I guess you find solving problems peculiar? Shrug....but then I find you quite peculiar.....

Yes. But without union guaranteed support......and the possible consequences(up to and including permanent discharge)....I can't lose my job over it.

Year? Why?