What are things that irritate you at work?


Binge Poster
Unanswered questions from @quad decade guy:

Please forgive me if I missed your answers somehow.

How many failure to provide hand cart grievances did you file and not receive satisfaction from before you ad libbed in such a IMO peculiar way?

Do you believe in enforcing the contract?

What year did you buy your hand truck?

None. I guess you find solving problems peculiar? Shrug....but then I find you quite peculiar.....
Why no grievances?
Yes. But without union guaranteed support......and the possible consequences(up to and including permanent discharge)....I can't lose my job over it.
What do you mean guaranteed Union support?

I never had a problem getting Union support.

Year? Why?

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Why no grievances?

What do you mean guaranteed Union support?

I never had a problem getting Union support.

Grievances? Proven NOT to work. Many, many times over.

Guaranteed support.....well, being the way you are.......I could see a sort of naivete or obtuseness...I believe(through observation) certain Union members are "represented" in certain ways with Union politics, Company collusion and even hatred.....

No? I believe a person would be naive to not believe these things happen.


Binge Poster
Grievances? Proven NOT to work. Many, many times over.
Grievances work in my Local.

Sorry not in yours.

I have been told by our Local Officials that their greatest asset is a strong rank and file.

Grievances definitely don’t work as well in Locals with a weak rank and file, so I’m told.
Guaranteed support.....well, being the way you are.......I could see a sort of naivete or obtuseness...I believe(through observation) certain Union members are "represented" in certain ways with Union politics, Company collusion and even hatred.....
I feel it is important to make the best of unionism and to see the best in my Local Officials.
No? I believe a person would be naive to not believe these things happen.
It is the exception not the rule. This attitude I believe is often just an excuse not to participate in the proper process.

No1 Special

Long time listener, first time caller.
Thanks to a wise man who used to post on BC, I would never purchase a cart, in his vast wisdom, he would advise leasing a cart. Although I am not sure if Nissan manufactures carts.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Grievances work in my Local.

Sorry not in yours.

I have been told by our Local Officials that their greatest asset is a strong rank and file.

Grievances definitely don’t work as well in Locals with a weak rank and file, so I’m told.

I feel it is important to make the best of unionism and to see the best in my Local Officials.

It is the exception not the rule. This attitude I believe is often just an excuse not to participate in the proper process.
Some grievances work.....some don't.

I have observed Local officials hire their relatives and use race as a devisive tool.

Definition of insanity: Trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result....

So, people file grievances......over and over again. Nothing has changed in the 30 years of operations around here. UPS runs the way it runs. Despite pompous declarations by "Union Officials". Hell, they fight amongst themselves.

It is about right that the local officials passed the buck to the rank and file.....sounds just like Big Union Guy....just like.


Legio patria nostra
Guaranteed support.....well, being the way you are.......I could see a sort of naivete or obtuseness...I believe(through observation) certain Union members are "represented" in certain ways with Union politics, Company collusion and even hatred.....
There's someone's favorite word....I have been waiting.
Are you the Obtusee here?
Definition of insanity: Trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result....
Air pressure, sun/moon angularity, wind......unless you're in a vacuum, everything changes; (well maybe not in Mom's basement)...


Full Service
I'm annoyed by those special people that place the spa label on the package directly over either the barcode or name and address, because not like the driver needs this info.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
There's someone's favorite word....I have been waiting.
Are you the Obtusee here?

Air pressure, sun/moon angularity, wind......unless you're in a vacuum, everything changes; (well maybe not in Mom's basement)...
Not my favorite word....but if the shoe fits....and it sure does....

See, you guys(I'd use other language but it would get censored) are CONSISTENT.

I'll stand behind my statements.

Another consistent fact: You'll chip in your usual attack. Hate and abuse. Every time. Nothing useful to add. Just abuse. There's half a dozen of ya....

Pretty awful that a person "waits" around looking to attack someone......what a miserable friend they must be. Wow.

I guess the Mom's basement thing is your thing....kind of a glimpse into your hateful reality....sorry man....

Now being an instrument rated pilot.....I'm well aware of changing conditions.......but being obtuse as you are....you missed the analogy...sucks for you.....maybe you should stick with the pictures....

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I do think theres a fine line between putting yourself in the hands of a panel and sticking up for yourself.
Ok. Define that(fine line) please.

I have known many folks at UPS throughout my career.

Most of the folks that have been fired/quit(and it stuck) were serial filers/trouble makers/scamming the system/drug/alcohol addicts/accident prone/hotheads....a lot like many on BC. They just couldn't fit in......and met early demises(however that went).

Again, you don't know me. Pick your battles carefully. You can't count on Union representation(witness here on BC), Mgt. or your fellow employees being truthful(lying to save themselves).

It's easy to be cavalier on the internet. Tough sounding even.....bluster and hate.....very easy.

I know that when I commute to work, certain things are going to happen. It'll vary somewhat....an accident, train etc....now and then.

When I get to work, it'll vary sometimes.......tractors not there, trailers aren't there, dispatch is in disarray, mgt. is in disarray, pandemic....whatever. Tractor is filthy, not fueled, bathroom is filthy on and on.

It's been this way for 40 years(Cali. to NY)......despite pompous declarations by others. You work around and carry on. I'm a pilot and certified aircraft mechanic.....if I have an issue...I fix it/deal with it.....just as in life and UPS. I just cut out the dead weight......see above^.


quad decade guy

Well-Known Member

Who would by their own hand cart and provide cleaning supplies ?

Who WOULDN'T clean their own equipment with whatever was needed....especially in a touch pandemic? This statement is idiotic....at best. UPS certainly isn't going to sanitize anything.....never have. Never will.

Your idiotic and pompous/declarative statements aren't connected with anything that is actually happening.....matter of fact: you sound like mgt. Declaring one thing and something completely opposite happens. Kinda like filing grievances and nothing ever changes....well it has for the worse I guess.

BTW, where are all these "cleaning supplies"? I work in a very big and populated district....nasty equipment, buildings etc. Very uniform and consistent. There aren't swarms of part timers cleaning anything. Nor are there cleaning supplies.....never have been. If I didn't buy my own cleaning supplies for my assigned tractor or wash it, it would NEVER get done. If I filed on my tractor not being cleaned on the inside or out.....I would be laughed out of the office and by the steward/BA/President....automotive....carwash......and standing around stamping my feet.....waiting for it to happen...would eventually get me walked out the gate....of which the outcome would be uncertain....

We've had grievances for bathroom sanitation before......and....the bathroom if anything........became more disgusting.....spare me the platitudes(everyone). And this was with over flowing raw sewage on a daily basis. Yes, the city was contacted......


Ok. Define that(fine line) please.

I have known many folks at UPS throughout my career.

Most of the folks that have been fired/quit(and it stuck) were serial filers/trouble makers/scamming the system/drug/alcohol addicts/accident prone/hotheads....a lot like many on BC. They just couldn't fit in......and met early demises(however that went).

Again, you don't know me. Pick your battles carefully. You can't count on Union representation(witness here on BC), Mgt. or your fellow employees being truthful(lying to save themselves).

It's easy to be cavalier on the internet. Tough sounding even.....bluster and hate.....very easy.

I know that when I commute to work, certain things are going to happen. It'll vary somewhat....an accident, train etc....now and then.

When I get to work, it'll vary sometimes.......tractors not there, trailers aren't there, dispatch is in disarray, mgt. is in disarray, pandemic....whatever. Tractor is filthy, not fueled, bathroom is filthy on and on.

It's been this way for 40 years(Cali. to NY)......despite pompous declarations by others. You work around and carry on. I'm a pilot and certified aircraft mechanic.....if I have an issue...I fix it/deal with it.....just as in life and UPS. I just cut out the dead weight......see above^.


why do you throw in I’am a pilot and mechanic in nearly every post?

News Flash Nobody cares
It's been this way for 40 years(Cali. to NY)......despite pompous declarations by others. You work around and carry on. I'm a pilot and certified aircraft mechanic.....if I have an issue...I fix it/deal with it.....just as in life and UPS. I just cut out the dead weight......see above^.

You've worked here 40 years? And you've been from coast to coast? AAANNND you're a pilot??? AAANNND A MECHANIC????? WHO KNEW???

Man, the only thing cooler than that would be if you had something like 4 degrees and a fast car to go with it!!!


Got the T-Shirt

Who WOULDN'T clean their own equipment with whatever was needed....especially in a touch pandemic?

The onus.. is on your employer...UPS.

It's provided for in the contract.

Plus, various state and federal regulations.

UPS certainly isn't going to sanitize anything.....never have. Never will.


Some people complain and do nothing.

Others, do something.

If I filed on my tractor not being cleaned on the inside or out.....I would be laughed out of the office and by the steward/BA/President

They might be laughing at you.... but, not for the reasons you think.
