What are things that irritate you at work?


Never bought my own handtruck
More name calling and condescending disposition......why? Hand truck fund bankrupt? Do you put your hand truck on your plane when you fly?

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
You've worked here 40 years? And you've been from coast to coast? AAANNND you're a pilot??? AAANNND A MECHANIC????? WHO KNEW???

Man, the only thing cooler than that would be if you had something like 4 degrees and a fast car to go with it!!!
Jealousy......it can be debilitating. Can really hold one back.....from succeeding.

Want some tips(how to succeed)? Have a long and profitable career? How to have those things of mine(you so covet)?

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
The onus.. is on your employer...UPS.

It's provided for in the contract.

Plus, various state and federal regulations.


Some people complain and do nothing.

Others, do something.

They might be laughing at you.... but, not for the reasons you think.

We've filed.....couldn't be more the same....

Called health dept.....nothing....

Been like this for 40 years.....

Despite your pompous declarations.

Every UPS facility....looks old and run down....potholes in the yard, trash blowing everywhere, dirty bathrooms...even the new ones. Yes, the same ones that new Union Presidents are elected out of....

The same ones BA's and new stewards or decades old ones still work in.....

I stand by my statements......I know better.
Jealousy......it can be debilitating. Can really hold one back.....from succeeding.

Want some tips(how to succeed)? Have a long and profitable career? How to have those things of mine(you so covet)?
Ok. Define that (success) please.

Jealous? You couldn't be more wrong, I can easily afford the things you have.

Anecdotal story: There's this one guy (random person) (no one to me) I go back and forth with (on the internet) who is such a big deal (on the internet) that he has to tell everyone (on the internet) about all of his accomplishments (things he thinks makes him a man) at every opportunity, even if he has to crowbar it in. Turns out, he (the guy) is not really important, just an old man who feels considerably inadequate (in real life) and has to project that to everyone else (strangers on the internet) to feel accomplished.

Words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words.


Well-Known Member
Some grievances work.....some don't.

I have observed Local officials hire their relatives and use race as a devisive tool.

Definition of insanity: Trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result....

So, people file grievances......over and over again. Nothing has changed in the 30 years of operations around here. UPS runs the way it runs. Despite pompous declarations by "Union Officials". Hell, they fight amongst themselves.

It is about right that the local officials passed the buck to the rank and file.....sounds just like Big Union Guy....just like.
I can almost guarantee that you've been to less general membership meetings that years you've been with the company.

You have no backbone and it's obvious in 90% of your posts.


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
Heroes don't wear beards.
