What can I do???

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Show up and stick around until the start of the shift even if the sups say you aren't working. Ask them if they'll go down the seniority list top to bottom to see if anyone will go home so you can work.


APWA Hater
Yeah, seek employment elsewhere if you're already pissed off. Just when you think you have to take a bite of the crap sandwich everyday like everyone else, they make that sandwich thicker and the crap stinkier and still expect you to fit it in your mouth and swallow it just as fast as you did when there was less crap in the sandwich.

Crappy analogy, but they pile more on everyone's plate as time goes on and expect everyone to get it done just as fast as when there was less work.


Well-Known Member
trickpony...I guess you didn't read the part of his post where he said he's been with UPS for a week. I know some things have changed since I retired, but unless it's different where you work, a NEW HIGHER does not have seniority rights. So, the advice you gave him is completely useless.

Committed Lurker

Always lurking.....
As a newhire with no union protection or seniority rights, depending on the type of supervisor you have, I would recommend showing up for the shift about half an hour prior and see whether or not he/she'll keep you around for the shift and provide work. When I was loading in the hub, my sups hardly ever went by seniority when we had one of those days where volume was going to be light enough to necessitate one (or two) less people.....instead it went by whoever showed up first. The last person (or two) to show up was sent home. I know stuff of the sort is to go by seniority, but keep in mind my shift lacks a steward.

Of course none of that has been happening now given that my belt is short-staffed as it is. If the above doesn't work, you might want to take the advice of some of the other upstream posters.


I am a new load hire in the afternoon. I have been working her about a week. From my expirence it is the ****tist company I have ever worked at. I go into day like I was told. Get there after driving 15 minutes and told they don't need me tonight. They have all seven people and me being the eight man I am let to go home. Why the heck would ypu hire some one and not need them? Isn't there a law?? I was told 3 1/2 hours I haven't work that many since I have been there. I am so freakin mad! Why not call me and tell me they don't need me? I guess since I am new they can through :censored2: in my face and I can't do anything about it. How can you do this to people after they expect a certain amount paycheck because they were promised it before being hired????? Is this normal when you are a new hire?? Wasting my time.

Ah yes life as a non-senior new hire. Your part time sup waits to make sure everyone shows up in his area. He then cuts you loose because he is only allowed to work 7 and you are the least skilled in the area.

Talk to the HR rep who hired you and let him know what you have going on. As a non-senior you are supposed to be working everyday. If that does not help talk to the sort manager. Let him know your eager but you can't work sporadically and you don't like driving to work every day just to be sent home. Believe it or not we have a specific guidelines on how our new hires are to be trained and retained and unfortunately you have not recieved our best effort here.


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not we have a specific guidelines on how our new hires are to be trained and retained and unfortunately you have not recieved our best effort here.

I don't believe it. Not enough training unfortunately. Sorry Tie, I see it happening where I work. Throw the kid in front of 3 or 4 trucks, show him how to load for a few minutes, read labels, take stop counts, circle the icons, then the sup disappears leaving the kid in shambles as to what to do. And also, i before e except after c.. lol. :lol:


I don't believe it. Not enough training unfortunately. Sorry Tie, I see it happening where I work. Throw the kid in front of 3 or 4 trucks, show him how to load for a few minutes, read labels, take stop counts, circle the icons, then the sup disappears leaving the kid in shambles as to what to do. And also, i before e except after c.. lol. :lol:

thats what my training consisted of....the help I received came from my drivers and the preloader next to me. My supe was being directed all over the building so it really wasnt her fault, but I received little to no training nonetheless. Now they want newbies to load 4 or 5 trucks @ 210 pph with no misloads pretty much from day one (maybe their second day). Add it to the long list of UPS' unrealistic expectations.


Active Member
They did it to me again. I get there and the sup is standing there but waits untill time to start that he dosen't need me. He told me to come in the day before and I drive all the way there and he sends me home. No wonder the turn over rate is high. I asked for a number to call for future times and he said he will use me tommorrow. BS Why lie to me twice?? I thought ups was going to be great to work for unlike the other places I have worked but it is worse. Don't hire me if you are not going to use me. The funny thing is, I see people walking around for a tour. Where the heck are they going to put them??? I am going to look for another job depending on what happens in the near future I am out!! I am not goning to farked with like this


Well-Known Member
Did I miss something in the new contract? The guy is supposed to have a 3.5 or 4 hour guarantee... He's covered by the contract even if he's not in the union, and if he's in a closed shop aren't they taking out agency fees from day one?

Contract aside, I can't believe the replys from some of the trolls here. The guy was promised work, shows up, and the company screws him. And the first four or five replys jump down his throat for being upset? Who are these jerks?


Active Member
Worked a whole hour today. Wow the day before I was promised the entire time. I am loosing money driving there. Sup said something like until we get that extra load I can't work ya. Well, gosh darn mr. sup. Think I am going to through in the towel and try to find a job asap. I simply cant afford to work here until my insurance kicks in or I am in the union.


Well-Known Member
Worked a whole hour today. Wow the day before I was promised the entire time. I am loosing money driving there. Sup said something like until we get that extra load I can't work ya. Well, gosh darn mr. sup. Think I am going to through in the towel and try to find a job asap. I simply cant afford to work here until my insurance kicks in or I am in the union.
I told you it's not worth your time. Just wait until you get hit with union dues.