Bulk stop of apple products, one of the boxes were mixed in which was for another address but I delivered it anyways. Made contact with the customer, got her name down and C.I.R, etc.
Are you on a diad 5 or 6?
A lot of drivers have been taking advantage of the new features of the 6 by simply dropping off all the bulk without scanning it, and tapping the tracking numbers in the diad.
You'll never know what is there or isn't if you bypass scanning the pkgs.
Only packages in your EDD/Manifest will do that. Any mis load needs to be identified by actual label.
I have pkgs hitching rides in my bulk all the time from other routes.
Letterboxes, and bc they all look the same, get loaded on my truck.
Sometimes i don't catch the label and the diad will alert me it's different.