BTW Annon, I got no problem with you being here. IMO, we are all annon ourselves as wkmac ain't the name on my birth certificate as I'm sure the other "regisitered" alias' we see here aren't either. We all hide behind self created fictions. The email address we have to use for registration? Mine's a yahoo account so how absolute is that in pointing out who I am? It's the IP that pinpoints you anyway so unless your out with a laptop at a local wi/fi hotspot or hijacking your neighbor's or other unsuspecting wireless signal, you really aren't completely annon IMO. If Cheryl's cool with you being here then welcome to the fray!
I'm surprised someone as astute as yourself has completely missed the point. Of course Cheryl is cool with it. She is a sweetheart.
The point I'm making here is that she puts a lot of her time and effort providing us with this website. The least we can do is join the site to show support for her hard work.
You do believe in supporting her hard work, don't you?