No offense, sir and I say this with respect and I know life isn’t easy, but this attitude is exactly why young generations are in this predicament.
Blowing off the problems you’ll never face and not understanding why they can’t do it just because you did it.
It’s just not the same anymore. The gilded age is over.
I blame the parents for lots of this.
You got to teach the kids responsibility.
Living in the basement until you're 40 years old because you don't want to work 15 or 20 hours a week doesn't cut it.
Unfortunately too many parents don't do there job.
That's why sending my kids to college and paying for a good portion of it was a major priority for me
I want them to have the tools to get a good job but not be buried in debt.
I left them with enough yet not to bury them but enough to be responsible
Now they have a halfway decent job and they are home owners.