How about equal respect from Union representation in bargaining for part-timers as well as full timers and not using us as cannon fodder for full-time employee negotiations.
This isn't going to be in our contract, of course, but if the union made some changes in how some of these situations are conducted, I would be happier.
I'll give a good example, one I like to rant about from time to time (I'm full of ranty examples): a couple years ago, I was transferred to a department that I'm not really suited for, away from a department where I really made a difference. It was just after I filed a grievance on my manager allowing my pt sup to do my work, to an extent that he was telling me to get out of his way so he could do it (I had been trying to stop him, in front of the mgr). So my manager shouted in my face for about ten minutes, in front of many witnesses, and said explicitly that I will be punished for filing the grievance and because she knew I disliked this other department, this other department is where I would be staying, because no grievance-filing employee will be allowed to do work they like.
So the union was all over that. I mean I quoted her on my immediate grievance down to every damning word. However nothing came of it. When I had some heated words with my BA, he said all he did was to have her sign a document at the hearing saying she will not harass people for filing grievances. She had denied doing it, and despite all my witnesses, the hearing would not make any sort of decision and the letter of understanding was the best that could be done.
"Don't worry, we'll use this to help the people that come after you."
I'm still in the second department, and I've won the bid to go back to my old department but management has told me to my face that they will not let me go. The union still won't do anything about me, but... thank
goodness that people coming after me might have a slightly less horrendous experience with management.
I'm not sure there's anything that will be done in this new contract for us. I'm happy that some of you have faith but I do not. I lost my faith in the union long before the union started regularly screwing me.
If we come out of this with a little raise, we'll be lucky.