what do part timers want in 2013


Well-Known Member
I don't know what it's like for other PT's in the country, but I always end up getting at least 30 hours in my hub every week. I feel bad for you guys that barely get 20 hours a week, jeez. I always stay late and am usually the last person on my PD to leave every night.
I get about 25 on preload it's all about willing to stay. People seem to think its only about an extra 5 minutes here and there, but I rack up a couple extra hours on clerk.


Active Member
I get about 2 hours extra a week just waiting for the irreg drivers to finally get the irregs out to our PD and I put up all the load retainers in the trailers. All that little extra work adds up every week!


Well-Known Member
I got caught up on this thread. These topics are heated for me, as I'm a very angry and bitter vocal PTer who the union and the company don't care about, much like all the rest of the PTers. I have decided this thread has no place on this forum. Clearly the FTers here, just like in our workplaces, would sooner run us down with their package cars than let us crave better working conditions.
I'll reiterate my desires, though, since the thread will exist and the arguing will continue. Our pay should have increased as inflation increased. 8.50 in 1987 is 17 or whatever now, so we should get 17. Leave all my benefits where they are and create those full-time positions. In a few years I'll be in the top percents of pt seniority in my sort so I'll be able to make 4-5 hour days most of the year but I'll still have another ten years probably until I can even have a chance at a ft bid.
I work saturdays because I can't work ft at UPS in the foreseeable future. My local meets one saturday a month. When I can make it, my local tells me to sit down and shut up because pters aren't worth their time. At the proposals meeting they literally told us they would not accept proposals for things for pters.

So, really, this thread is all useless anyway. But props to favre and you other pters who are in there with me, having drivers take our supervisors aside to complain about how their loads are imperfect when it wasn't even us that loaded it but the supervisor, having fters tell us that we should be happy to get their crumbs or we should go work at fedex.
Hang in there brother. There are plenty of drivers who do care about us part-timers. We all have to stay together on this. There are always a few rotten apples in every bunch. It looks like the union is trying to make some strides for us in the proposals. You can find them on another thread in here. Keep your head up, do your best, don't give up.


New Member
What would I like? I would like to have my pay increase accordingly to the hike in minimum wage that NY state is going to have going from $7.25 an hour to $9. I would like to see the minimum hours a part time employee gets is 4 hours (NY state minimum is 4 hrs). I would like to keep the benefit package the same as now since my last take home paycheck cleared $154 after taxes (helpful for benefits but not for feeding a family of 4). I would like to see a revised seniority for p/t cover drivers since I have been bumped down the list and less experienced p/t employees decided to drive after I have been driving for 3 years. How about equal respect from Union representation in bargaining for part-timers as well as full timers and not using us as cannon fodder for full-time employee negotiations.


Well-Known Member
How about equal respect from Union representation in bargaining for part-timers as well as full timers and not using us as cannon fodder for full-time employee negotiations.
This isn't going to be in our contract, of course, but if the union made some changes in how some of these situations are conducted, I would be happier.
I'll give a good example, one I like to rant about from time to time (I'm full of ranty examples): a couple years ago, I was transferred to a department that I'm not really suited for, away from a department where I really made a difference. It was just after I filed a grievance on my manager allowing my pt sup to do my work, to an extent that he was telling me to get out of his way so he could do it (I had been trying to stop him, in front of the mgr). So my manager shouted in my face for about ten minutes, in front of many witnesses, and said explicitly that I will be punished for filing the grievance and because she knew I disliked this other department, this other department is where I would be staying, because no grievance-filing employee will be allowed to do work they like.
So the union was all over that. I mean I quoted her on my immediate grievance down to every damning word. However nothing came of it. When I had some heated words with my BA, he said all he did was to have her sign a document at the hearing saying she will not harass people for filing grievances. She had denied doing it, and despite all my witnesses, the hearing would not make any sort of decision and the letter of understanding was the best that could be done.
"Don't worry, we'll use this to help the people that come after you."
I'm still in the second department, and I've won the bid to go back to my old department but management has told me to my face that they will not let me go. The union still won't do anything about me, but... thank goodness that people coming after me might have a slightly less horrendous experience with management.

I'm not sure there's anything that will be done in this new contract for us. I'm happy that some of you have faith but I do not. I lost my faith in the union long before the union started regularly screwing me.
If we come out of this with a little raise, we'll be lucky.


New Member
Hey, how about they stop messing with our heads?? pt can only work 4hrs/day, unless we need you then we want you to be available asap. Only pt can do air runs, unless of course we need a ft driver to do it. pt can only do air runs no delivering, unless we need you to deliver bulk stops!! Seriously, its annoying!! :P


New Member
Oh yeah and the thing that pisses me off the most! pt can only work 4hrs/day unless of course you are an eam driver. Then you can start at 7am and after you deliver the eam's you can do an air run!! Yes, that means you start at 7am and get back to ctr at 1730!! How is that fair to all the other pt drivers??


Active Member
The day UPS stops paying for all of my heath insurance is the day I walk out the door and never look back. 5 years in my body is starting to feel it in my knees and shoulders. It will only get worse from here. I use the methods but methods don't stop the rapid deterioration of body parts being worked so harshly day in and day out.

I know the response by a select few of you, so save it. UPS not paying for health insurance to take care of the bodies they quite literally break over the course of decades would be a bigger tragedy than anything else they could take.

You need to start working out and eating healthier. You work part time (at least you did when this was written) stop overreacting. You are most definitely not using the methods if your body is in such terrible condition after five years from working 3.5 hours a day. I get drivers complaining of this because I work closely with them and see how many packages they deliver and how many hours they work (even if its for 48 an hour) but you are doing something wrong if your body is in such poor condition from a part time job. I worked 5 years as a loader on one the heaviest PD's in both hubs I've worked in. My body is in the same condition as it was when I was hired if not better. I had bad knees prior to getting hired. Now to solve the problem of not getting good talent in UPS is an easy fix. The union needs to stop defending lazy people. Plain and simple. The unloaders in my hub are some of the laziest people I've ever seen with zero work ethic. The loaders hate the unloaders because of all the bitching they do. The unloaders feel like they can just not show up whenever they want until they get the warning letter then show up for a week and then not show up for another week. Rinse repeat. The reason unions are getting less popular in this country is because of people like that. The teamsters are not better then any corporation. All they care about is money, if that lazy person pays dues then who cares what their work ethic is like. I'm shocked that IBT is okay with people representing them like that. UPS will be union busting very soon, and its because IBT is slowly killing itself. EDIT: Want more involvement from PT's? How about you don't defend people that don't pay dues in RTW states. Why in gods name should they pay dues? They get the same raises, same benefits, and file grievances. I know no one will listen to me because I actually did go sup, because FT was nowhere in sight for me. But I am still pro union. My grandparents were in unions, my uncles are in unions. But jeez unions weren't created to protect the lazy they were created to help the hard working. UPS needs to change how they treat all employees not just union, but the union needs to be revamped as well.
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balland chain

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I have a question. I am not much into TV but was taking care of a friend who blew out his back last week. His wife likes to watch Under Cover Boss. What are the chances of getting Scott Davis on that show so he can see exactly what it is like in the building or in a package car in August say in Alabama or even Georgia? He could even get his CDL and get out on the roads, and make several TDP pickup's and see the customer delays we have to deal with. Then the delay we have when we have to clean out a trailer to take to our next pick up. The congestion on the yard during peak hours, and there is no where to park the trailer ???

Hey maybe we should all contact the show and nominate him to be on the show. That way he can prove to the public that UPS is actually a good company to work for and all those rumors are just not true ! (just a little sarcasm ) I will look into how to get him on, and maybe we can start a campaign to get him on. Hell even if the show contacted the company that alone would be funny as hell. He would most likely tell them he had tee times for the days required to tape the show.

Read more: http://www.browncafe.com/forum/f6/u...e-3-7-2013-a-348939/index7.html#ixzz2NADSQ4hK


Well-Known Member
Hey, how about they stop messing with our heads??
can only work 4hrs/day, unless we need you then we want you to be available asap. Only
can do air runs, unless of course we need a
driver to do it.
can only do air runs no delivering, unless we need you to deliver bulk stops!! Seriously, its annoying!! :P

Read more: http://www.browncafe.com/forum/f39/what-do-part-timers-want-2013-a-343663/index41.html#ixzz2NALP8fCJ

and are you filing grievances on those "violations"???????


For many PT'ers esp college students, they are already covered by their parents insurance. The money going to thier HW is not used by these PT'ers. This goes strictly to line the pocket of the teamsters. Similarly, the vast majority of PT'ers don't stay and make a career. If they leave before 5 years they are not vested and get nothing. (Note: my knowledge is from the New England Plans for Insurance and Pension).
I know I'm responding to an old post, but it really pisses me off seeing the above post.
We have the quality of health care that we have because of the employees that don't use their share of the pie. Nothing from the health care dollars sent to TeamsterCare goes to lining the pockets of your union officials. X amomunt of dollars is sent into the system and based on that amount TeamsterCare provides you with the top notch coverage we enjoy today. The more employees that don't use the system the better for those that do. The same can be said of the penion. If they don't stay and get their time versted then that money stays in the system and gives those that use it a better pension. Nepotism is something I wont touch. But I know for a fact your statement of lining pockets from the health fund is flat out false. You me and anyone else that uses the health care system provided and eventually collects a pension, needs to thank those that don't use it.


Well-Known Member
For many PT'ers esp college students, they are already covered by their parents insurance. The money going to thier HW is not used by these PT'ers. This goes strictly to line the pocket of the teamsters. Similarly, the vast majority of PT'ers don't stay and make a career. If they leave before 5 years they are not vested and get nothing. (Note: my knowledge is from the New England Plans for Insurance and Pension).
that's the way ups wants it.


I agree that part timers deserve a small bump in wage but nothing like what some of you on here are talking.
Face it. It's a part time job, not meant to to pay all your bills. Not to sound like a company man but not many part time jobs offer bennies and paid vaca.


Well-Known Member
You're kind of right. The company holds the part-time pension not the teamsters. So that fact is true about the revolving door of part-timers but UPS is making money on them.


Well-Known Member
Just assuming Mancini that you are a full timer. Why do Full-timers have such a problem with Part-timers asking for a high wage? I agree that $32 an hour is a bit much to ask for...but if you've been here for over 30 years you're making close to that. Let me ask you, if you were making your wage now as a part-timer would you not have gone full time? We still work as hard as you do, in fact with no stop in constant sorting, or loading except for ten minutes. Constant, constant, constant movement. Now you are jumping in and out of your truck and running off deliveries (which by the way you shouldn't be running and jumping) and the only diffference between our jobs are the amount of hours we are guaranteed. So what is up with Ft vs Pt. We would have no problem with Fters getting a ten dollar an hour raise. So what do Fters have against Pters anyway?


Well-Known Member
I feel ya Farvefan!!!!!! And I agree. We finally got combo jobs and the Union doesn't enforce them keeping them or haven't added any more in the last contract. There are soooooo many ways I can see the company combining jobs and my only theory on why the Union isn't going for this more is because they get the same dues from two employees that they would only get from one if he went full time. They would then hold the pension...not the company. Think about it for a minute. If the company went completely full time (which would never happen) The Union would receive half of the dues they now get. Hmmmmmm, makes ya think doesn't it?