what do part timers want in 2013


Family Leave Fridays!!!
The company or so I have heard .Stay tuned I will verify ( my info is pretty good not wisper down the lane BS) has also on the table a health care package for Pt'ers that is even worse than the one you are hearing about on the other labor threads .

It's been confirmed that UPS has proposed heavily diluting the benefits (adding deductibles, increasing co-pays/co-insurances) for all hourly employees in company-controlled plans -- although I haven't heard any specific details. It's becoming increasingly clear that the "brown out" is a derivative of stalled negotiations; the company is adamant that hourly employees pay a share of diluted benefits whereas the union is holding firm that this won't happen. Why is everybody scared? We get to vote on the contract, and can strike if we're unhappy with what's negotiated.


Well-Known Member
Don't do it! They are abusing Supervisors right now to the max. They have to oversee more then one building. They pay quite a bit for health insurance, and I also heard from a sup that they've eliminated the pension for all new sups. Think long and hard before you go there.


Well-Known Member
Cuz sups have no negotiating power. Thank god we have the union! We are NOT paying for healthcare! Just like bagels said we can always vote NO and strike if we have too. Its going to hurt UPS more than us once they see they cant get the work done :) in the sweltering August heat lol


golden ticket member
I like what Reagan did with the air traffic controllers who thought they were irreplaceable!!! Surprise!!! Lots of people out there looking for work...... IMO!


Package Handler
The only things I'd really like to see is a guaranteed 4 hour day, .65 cent raises per year and I don't have to pay for my insurance. If I got that at a part time job I would not complain.


Well-Known Member
Cuz sups have no negotiating power. Thank god we have the union! We are NOT paying for healthcare! Just like bagels said we can always vote NO and strike if we have too. Its going to hurt UPS more than us once they see they cant get the work done :) in the sweltering August heat lol

Trying to solve all the issues at the last moment isn't going to help anything. We need to make sure that when we get to vote on the contract, it is a contract worth voting for.

We should also be sending a clear message to them now. That we are ready to strike if these conditions aren't met. Let them know that it is a GUARANTEED strike if healthcare and wage issues are not resolved.

That way... we put the ball in their court. If UPS wants a strike, they can choose that by sticking to their ridiculously low offer. If UPS doesn't want a strike, they can give us our fair share. It is their choice!

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Look for the Stew man with the petition for a fair contract at the gate on leaving work all week . Stickers on Thursday and a message get your 3 1/2 ,no sups working,and say no to the stupid offer !!!! I starts with you !


Well-Known Member
Look for the Stew man with the petition for a fair contract at the gate on leaving work all week . Stickers on Thursday and a message get your 3 1/2 ,no sups working,and say no to the stupid offer !!!! I starts with you !
Hey stewie! Please keep me informed of the rally. Hope to see you there,


Well-Known Member
Part timers need good raises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Part-timers deserve a bit of catch up on their wages. I don't believe we should have union workers here at UPS who lose at every contract negotiation. Not only do they lose, but we keep lowering their wages (based on inflation) every contract. My father worked as a part-timer in the early 1980s. He tells me that his UPS wages covered a car payment, rent, and tuition. That would be an impossibility these days with part-time wages where they are at.

And while I don't support them making as much as us Full-timers do, I don't believe they should have to lower their standards of living every contract. At the very least we should negotiate for them to keep up their standards of living with maybe a bit of improvement. Over the past 20 years, part-time compensation has devolved from being able to pay rent and own a car, to present day, where they can't even afford rent without a few roomates to share it with. We have in effect negotiated them pay-cuts and moved them into poverty. Just compare what a part-timer with 5yrs seniority could afford in 1985 -vs- what a part-timer with 5yrs seniority can afford now. How can we as a union justify such paycuts?

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Check this out on the TDU website not on the talking points for stewards that the IBT sent us "No sort raise" wtf
next they will try taking the $1.00 per hr back:

Part-Time Wages
The Company has proposed eliminating the $1 per hour premium for preloaders. That’s not the kind of change in pay that part-timers have in mind.
hall has promised to negotiate an increase in starting wages for part-timers. What’s less clear is what the IBT has in mind for existing part-timers.
In 1997, starting pay for part-timers was increased by 50¢ an hour and every part-timer got an extra $1 “catch-up” increase, on top of the other contractual raises, to narrow the pay gap between part-time and full-time pay.
Sixteen years later, part-time starting wages are at an all-time low and the wage gap is bigger than ever. Members need and expect significant increases in starting pay and catch-up increases
and paying for benefits too . Maybe we should pay UPS for the privelige of working there

Instead of going home early we all need to work our guarantee it is our right and we need to tell the company to stick their offer and not be the sheep that they believe us to be We to vote on the contract when the ballot is sent to us, the company counts on us throwing it away.
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Well-Known Member
I got caught up on this thread. These topics are heated for me, as I'm a very angry and bitter vocal PTer who the union and the company don't care about, much like all the rest of the PTers. I have decided this thread has no place on this forum. Clearly the FTers here, just like in our workplaces, would sooner run us down with their package cars than let us crave better working conditions.
I'll reiterate my desires, though, since the thread will exist and the arguing will continue. Our pay should have increased as inflation increased. 8.50 in 1987 is 17 or whatever now, so we should get 17. Leave all my benefits where they are and create those full-time positions. In a few years I'll be in the top percents of pt seniority in my sort so I'll be able to make 4-5 hour days most of the year but I'll still have another ten years probably until I can even have a chance at a ft bid.
I work saturdays because I can't work ft at UPS in the foreseeable future. My local meets one saturday a month. When I can make it, my local tells me to sit down and shut up because pters aren't worth their time. At the proposals meeting they literally told us they would not accept proposals for things for pters.

So, really, this thread is all useless anyway. But props to favre and you other pters who are in there with me, having drivers take our supervisors aside to complain about how their loads are imperfect when it wasn't even us that loaded it but the supervisor, having fters tell us that we should be happy to get their crumbs or we should go work at fedex.

UPS Preloader

Well-Known Member
I got caught up on this thread. These topics are heated for me, as I'm a very angry and bitter vocal PTer who the union and the company don't care about, much like all the rest of the PTers. I have decided this thread has no place on this forum. Clearly the FTers here, just like in our workplaces, would sooner run us down with their package cars than let us crave better working conditions.
I'll reiterate my desires, though, since the thread will exist and the arguing will continue. Our pay should have increased as inflation increased. 8.50 in 1987 is 17 or whatever now, so we should get 17. Leave all my benefits where they are and create those full-time positions. In a few years I'll be in the top percents of pt seniority in my sort so I'll be able to make 4-5 hour days most of the year but I'll still have another ten years probably until I can even have a chance at a ft bid.
I work saturdays because I can't work ft at UPS in the foreseeable future. My local meets one saturday a month. When I can make it, my local tells me to sit down and shut up because pters aren't worth their time. At the proposals meeting they literally told us they would not accept proposals for things for pters.

So, really, this thread is all useless anyway. But props to favre and you other pters who are in there with me, having drivers take our supervisors aside to complain about how their loads are imperfect when it wasn't even us that loaded it but the supervisor, having fters tell us that we should be happy to get their crumbs or we should go work at fedex.

As a fellow pt preloader, I agree that we are over worked and underpaid, but there is no reason to take it out on the Ft's. It's not there fault. It's the PT's fault. We out number the FT's, but unfortunately most uf the PT's just want to do there jub and go home. They just don't care. Like you, I am an exception to that, but I don't take it out on the FT's. I can't speak for your monthly meetings or you proposal meeting, but I don't have that problem out here. Instead of bashing the FT's, I'd recommend trying to motivate more of the PT's to get involved. If every part timer got involved, things would be different. Just my thoughts.


Package Handler
I don't think the starting pay for PT's should be 17.00 but I think 12.00 would be reasonable. It's not really the pay that makes this job suck it's really the fact that we only get a 3.5 gurantee. I can't think of another part time job besides fedex that you work monday through friday and only get 20 hours on a good week. But yes, I did sign up for this job so I don't expect anyone to feel sorry for me. Hopefully it'll all work out in the end.


Well-Known Member
Its the nature of the times. The little folks in America are getting stomped on by big corp greed. UPS is no different. They would pay minimum wage and no benefits if there was no union here. The folks at top don't care about pters at all. Most have never worked hard labor in their life.


Inordinately Right
There are probably better articles out there about the trend of shifting to all part time workers, but this one: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/28/b...for-american-workers.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
has some interesting quotes.

Since most won't read it:

Mr. Flickinger, the retail consultant, said companies benefited from using many part-timers. “It’s almost like sharecropping — if you have a lot of farmers with small plots of land, they work very hard to produce in that limited amount of land,” he said. “Many part-time workers feel a real competition to work hard during their limited hours because they want to impress managers to give them more hours.”

Ms. Rosser, the Jamba Juice district manager, amplified on the advantages.
“You don’t want to work your team members for eight-hour shifts,” she said. “By the time they get to the second half of their shift, they don’t have the same energy and enthusiasm. We like to schedule people around four- to five-hour shifts so you can get the best out of them during that time.”

Yes, that guy actually referenced share-cropping. I won't even get into that, but I will say the divide between full timers and part timers only benefits UPS, not the workers and the union that represents them.

As a part timer I want my wage to better reflect the kind of work I do. However, I also can't afford to work two part time jobs my entire life. It will never add up to the income of one full time job, and not even close to the income full time upsers make.

Higher PT wages AND more opportunities to go FT. Many, many, more opportunities to go FT, and actually follow through this time.
It's pretty selfish, for a long term part-time employee, to think they deserve equal seniority rights compared to a full-time

employee who puts in way more time, effort, and work.

Anyone who is a long term part-timer.... is because of choice. If you turn down full-time opportunities.... you live with your choice.

You said it brother!!


Active Member
I don't know what it's like for other PT's in the country, but I always end up getting at least 30 hours in my hub every week. I feel bad for you guys that barely get 20 hours a week, jeez. I always stay late and am usually the last person on my PD to leave every night.