what do part timers want in 2013


Well-Known Member
I would like to see part-timers, actually participate in union activities

I would like to go to the meetings at my local, but they are scheduled during a weekday at the same time as my shift. Even if I took the night off it's a 5 hour drive, and being below the poverty level that is just not an option for me. I'm not making excuses, only stating facts.

I'm assuming that the voting is done at the local meetings. I hope I'm wrong, because I will get with every part timer I work with and try to persuade them into voting.


Well-Known Member
Because if a PT worked 20 years and a new 22.3 worked 10 yrs part-time and just started FT, why should that over-ride the 20 years? It's b.s. Someone is FT for a day and all of a sudden they have seniority on someone who's been there for 20-30 years? That's rediculous.
Y should your 4 hours of clerk work be equal to my 10 hours on the road. Sorry that's your choice to to stay part time


Well-Known Member
Great post
Part timer, your pay should be red circled if you take a fulltime job, at least in this area, so sorry if your language is different.

Sleeve, in 1982 all employees made the same wage part time and full time but a $500 signing bonus to employees at the time of the contract broght in the different pay rates.

In 97 we went from $8 and hour to start to $8.50, not much but it was a starting point for further contracts, plus 97 is when the 22.3 jobs came in to help part timers that wanted a more stable future.

Bug I can now see why you are no longer in Union office with your outlook on the part timers that work very hard every day at this company and for peanuts compared to fulltimers. Your right Carey is gone and he did what he could for all the members at UPS and included the part timers. This contract anything that doesnt help the part timers should be voted down by any and all UPS Teamsters!!

I was part time for 5 years, working 2 nad 3 jobs to make ends meat until I went fulltime. I have not forgotten how hard that was and I will never again vote for a contract that doesnt raise starting pay for part timers, that doesnt address their retirement future.

Our future of this company depends on who we hire today, if we dont hire people worth hiring the quality of workmanship will go down and we will lose our edge. Its a benefit for UPS and the Teamsters to address these concerns.


bella amicizia
It's hard for PT'ers to go to the meetings when they are working 2-3 jobs. I would like to see the BA's ​actually show up to the barn to see them.


Well-Known Member
Y should your 4 hours of clerk work be equal to my 10 hours on the road. Sorry that's your choice to to stay part time

by that logic, seniority should not be determined by your date of hire or promotion, but by total accumulated hours.

Its actually an interesting idea. Probably not very practical to keep track of everyone's hours on a continuous basis, but it would make an arguably fair system of seniority.


Well-Known Member
Last time I checked, Part-timers made up close to 60% of this company.You might want to rethink your statement

Part-timers do make up the majority of UPSers, no one is arguing that. But it is commonly accepted that the minority of UPS workers (Full-timers) have seen the most contractual improvements by far, at the expense of keeping part-time wages low.


bella amicizia
Care to elaborate?
I would imagine the new hires will be hard pressed to have benefits at all. I realize we live in a capitalistic society, but I do believe this company has a duty to its current and future employees that have helped make this the billion-dollar company it is today/will help to keep it that way.

If you aren't willing to pay for the kind of employee you want, you will get the kind of employee you don't.


Well-Known Member
Raising the starting wage and having bigger raises for part timers. Reward those who stay. Maybe having a freeze on raises for full timers for a year would help with that. Or smaller raises for FT employees, and bigger raises for PT'ers. 22.3 language needs to be put back in contract, create more FT jobs.


bella amicizia
'what do part timers want in 2013'

Ummmm, how about a full time job?
There are, also, some who would't go FT if you paid them. Hence, why working conditions for most have to improve.
The way they treat employee must change. All employees, not just union.


Active Member
I would like part timers to have a top pay rate jump after a curtain amount of years. I mean if they dont want to provide us with FT jobs at least pay us more for our years of hard work. Even if its only 4 hours, we break our backs in there and most ( not all drivers ) know how hard their PT loader works for them and because of them, they are able to locate the work in the trucks throughout the day. I dont enjoy drivers downgrading us in union meetings and then come monday morning beg us to hook them up and fix up there trucks . Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
22.3 jobs are a joke! At my center they a bunch of over paid lazy, don't do **** jobs. They count as one of our ft runs for the day! With stops per car at 145/150, we have to factor in someone doing 25 ltr bxs and shuttling miss loads. Then goes back to bldg and parks the line up! Besides somehow we ended up with 2 of the jobs being filled by drivers that couldn't qualify on the pkg car!

And pt seniority does have some benefits.... If someone is hitting street on a layoff the one with the most company seniority stays.


Well-Known Member
The Teamsters is losing more and more UPSers in RTW states every year because of low wages, not to mention that there is no hope of a decent PT wage with the raises we are getting now. If we want ACTIVE part-time union members, and if we want UPSers in RTW states to actually choose to be union, we need to share some of the wealth at UPS and not just give it all to full-timers at the expense of keeping part-time wages at poverty levels.

Like it or not... this country is slowly converting to RTW, one state at a time. If we want to remain strong as a union, we are going to need to give part-timers a bigger slice of the pie than they are getting now. Or else one day in the future, UPS may find its full time workers on strike without the support of their part-time brothers