Part timer, your pay should be red circled if you take a fulltime job, at least in this area, so sorry if your language is different.
Sleeve, in 1982 all employees made the same wage part time and full time but a $500 signing bonus to employees at the time of the contract broght in the different pay rates.
In 97 we went from $8 and hour to start to $8.50, not much but it was a starting point for further contracts, plus 97 is when the 22.3 jobs came in to help part timers that wanted a more stable future.
Bug I can now see why you are no longer in Union office with your outlook on the part timers that work very hard every day at this company and for peanuts compared to fulltimers. Your right Carey is gone and he did what he could for all the members at UPS and included the part timers. This contract anything that doesnt help the part timers should be voted down by any and all UPS Teamsters!!
I was part time for 5 years, working 2 nad 3 jobs to make ends meat until I went fulltime. I have not forgotten how hard that was and I will never again vote for a contract that doesnt raise starting pay for part timers, that doesnt address their retirement future.
Our future of this company depends on who we hire today, if we dont hire people worth hiring the quality of workmanship will go down and we will lose our edge. Its a benefit for UPS and the Teamsters to address these concerns.