What exactly is the hold up on the contract and why?



When a BA tells the members "if you don't vote for this contract you're nothing but a bunch of over paid cry babies" there's a problem.

That was before the FIRST vote.

Is there animosity in Ohio locals because of the way some of our local and Intl leaders handled this TA? You bet. Not all locals were treated like that but the American part time workers are being treated like plastic dinner wear at McDonald's again and it has got to stop. Our families need full time jobs to raise children to believe that corporate greed isn't bigger than the American dream and that unions work for us, not Mr. Davis, et al.


Well-Known Member
Wow. I had no idea on the issue regarding using cover drivers as full time drivers instead of horror ing new ft positions. I am currently a pt preloader, air and seasonal driver and cover driver(very bottom of the list. Probly won't see any on road time till Christmas). But I am looking to advance to FT driver.

I must have not read this part of the contract when I read over it


Well-Known Member
Wow. I had no idea on the issue regarding using cover drivers as full time drivers instead of horror ing new ft positions. I am currently a pt preloader, air and seasonal driver and cover driver(very bottom of the list. Probly won't see any on road time till Christmas). But I am looking to advance to FT driver.

I must have not read this part of the contract when I read over it
It is in the Central Region and it is not the intent of the language as people wan't to portray it.


Rollin in the white truck
If part time employees cared this wouldn't be an issue. The union and full time members have never nor will ever care about part timers. However, part time vastly outnumbers full time so they could have a giant voice in the process if they wanted. They clearly don't want that voice. That is not a popular statement, but it is the truth.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
If part time employees cared this wouldn't be an issue. The union and full time members have never nor will ever care about part timers. However, part time vastly outnumbers full time so they could have a giant voice in the process if they wanted. They clearly don't want that voice. That is not a popular statement, but it is the truth.

Here's a statement that might not be popular with full timers: When not busting their butts for meager wages at UPS (which don't buy nearly as much as they used to), part timers typically use the rest of their day trying to earn enough money to eat and put a roof over their heads. They've got no choice but to limit UPS to a 3.5 to 5 hour segment of their 24 hour daily survival plan which might include a few hours of sleep. It's not fair to compare a part-timer's involvement with that of a full-time driver with 1 well-paid 5 day a week job to go to and attribute it to laziness or not caring.


Inordinately Right
Here's a statement that might not be popular with full timers: When not busting their butts for meager wages at UPS (which don't buy nearly as much as they used to), part timers typically use the rest of their day trying to earn enough money to eat and put a roof over their heads. They've got no choice but to limit UPS to a 3.5 to 5 hour segment of their 24 hour daily survival plan which might include a few hours of sleep. It's not fair to compare a part-timer's involvement with that of a full-time driver with 1 well-paid 5 day a week job to go to and attribute it to laziness or not caring.
You've almost got it. Full-timers vote to keep 1980's poverty level wages for part-timers, and UPS keeps hiring bottom of the barrel part-time workers who aren't smart enough to to care about voting or being involved in their locals. Then the full-timers can say to themselves, well part-timers don't vote so it's not my fault. Self-fulfilling prophecy....

I'm not complaining BTW, I've learned to accept it. At this point I only show up for the bennies.


Nine Lives
This is my career thus I will do all that I can to make sure my needs are met.
One voice of honesty from the wasteland of the desert.
30 years of your fellow Teamsters screwing the part-time employee so the friend/T can have the largess.
P/T waiting around so they can get their piece of the pie.


Squeaky Wheel
One voice of honesty from the wasteland of the desert.
30 years of your fellow Teamsters screwing the part-time employee so the friend/T can have the largess.
P/T waiting around so they can get their piece of the pie.

Eight years ft, four pt and never voted for a contract. The company has never held up their end of the bargain anyway. The contract is a joke around here. Mention it to management & they say "Don't talk to me about the contract. That doesn't mean sh to me." Two months later the same butt kisser says "You have to work a holiday/Saturday per the contract."

It's not about full timers screwing part timers and the company's so-called faulty projections this past peak is proof. The bozos making executive decisions try to squeeze every bloody cent out of everything and everyone below them to the entire company's detriment.

I didn't ask to work til 8 pm last night. Where were you when I was taking the last 15 minutes of my lunch at the building? Where are all the employees that were supposed to be hired over the last 3+ contracts? Where are the missing bid routes on our bid list this year? AND WHERE THE HELL ARE THE PART-TIMERS WHEN THE VOTE COMES AROUND?

ps I thought we were all on the same ship. Labor must take care of itself and you'd best do the same.
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Nine Lives
Eight years ft, four pt and never voted for a contract. The company has never held up their end of the bargain anyway. The contract is a joke around here. Mention it to management & they say "Don't talk to me about the contract. That doesn't mean sh to me." Two months later the same butt kisser says "You have to work a holiday/Saturday per the contract."

It's not about full timers screwing part timers and the company's so-called faulty projections this past peak is proof. The bozos making executive decisions try to squeeze every bloody cent out of everything and everyone below them to the entire company's detriment.

I didn't ask to work til 8 pm last night. Where were you when I was taking the last 15 minutes of my lunch at the building? Where are all the employees that were supposed to be hired over the last 3+ contracts? Where are the missing bid routes on our bid list this year? AND WHERE THE HELL ARE THE PART-TIMERS WHEN THE VOTE COMES AROUND?

ps I thought we were all on the same ship. Labor must take care of itself and you'd best do the same.
You got yours and screw the Part-timer ... got it loud and clear.


Well-Known Member
You've almost got it. Full-timers vote to keep 1980's poverty level wages for part-timers, and UPS keeps hiring bottom of the barrel part-time workers who aren't smart enough to to care about voting or being involved in their locals. Then the full-timers can say to themselves, well part-timers don't vote so it's not my fault. Self-fulfilling prophecy....

I'm not complaining BTW, I've learned to accept it. At this point I only show up for the bennies.
Yep, and after the first Vote NO, the IBT figured out a way to get even more FT people to vote Yes. Give them $5 scripts. You know like Wal-Mart offers.
Now these FT people want it to pass so they can get their $.70 raise added to the check, because they are getting it, just held back. They also want to take advantage of the increased benefits for THEM from the first vote No.


FT DR Specialist
I will admit with no problem that I do not know why the riders in each individual areas have not passed as well as I should. I'm guessing for the most part it's TeamCare. I'm sure the locals that are having issues with the riders have a good reason to vote against it and I support them for standing up. Being in the Southern region, we've had TeamCare for awhile so no surprises that we passed everything with no problems here. Right To Work state pretty much leaves the union pretty weak around here. One thing that has deeply troubled me in these negotiations is the higher-ups in the union that are complaining about the membership voting against their recommendations. They do need to realize that they are representing us....we do not represent them. If the membership is not voting for riders even as they recommend they do so, then they as our representatives need to look at why we as members are unhappy and need to act on our behalf. That is what they were hired to do. To hear ANY union representative come out and speak against it's members is grounds in my eyes for immediate dismissal. They instead need to look into the problems and work to find a solution with the company that it's members will agree upon instead of blaming the members. Yes, I have not been happy at all with what's been coming out of the mouths of our representatives. There is truth in the saying "United we stand, divided we fall". Even if we are divided, we must not show that as it is a sign of weakness. UPS is licking it's chops at this (can't blame them) and will push and prod at the union for cracks in the armor and will jump at the chance to break it and we are falling right in their trap.


I leef deengs up n boot dem down
So why are many people against the contract exactly? I have no idea what TeamCare is, why it's a bad thing (If it is), etc. If YOU can create the contract, what would you add/take away from it? With it being reasonable of course. I admit, I want to be paid $10/hr asap and get my retro check, but I also admit that I'm clueless as to why other members are still saying no. Anyone care to elaborate and educate me on all of this?


Well-Known Member
One voice of honesty from the wasteland of the desert.
30 years of your fellow Teamsters screwing the part-time employee so the friend/T can have the largess.
P/T waiting around so they can get their piece of the pie.

I hear you had a long and prosperous career at UPS, where I'm sure you had ample contact with part time employees, union and non-union. So I'm sure you have a long list of everything you gave the part-timers. Care to share it?


Eight years ft, four pt and never voted for a contract. The company has never held up their end of the bargain anyway. The contract is a joke around here. Mention it to management & they say "Don't talk to me about the contract. That doesn't mean sh to me." Two months later the same butt kisser says "You have to work a holiday/Saturday per the contract."

It's not about full timers screwing part timers and the company's so-called faulty projections this past peak is proof. The bozos making executive decisions try to squeeze every bloody cent out of everything and everyone below them to the entire company's detriment.

I didn't ask to work til 8 pm last night. Where were you when I was taking the last 15 minutes of my lunch at the building? Where are all the employees that were supposed to be hired over the last 3+ contracts? Where are the missing bid routes on our bid list this year? AND WHERE THE HELL ARE THE PART-TIMERS WHEN THE VOTE COMES AROUND?

ps I thought we were all on the same ship. Labor must take care of itself and you'd best do the same.
All of our part timers Voted No.
All we did was educate the part timers and not allow apathy to set in and they voted.