You bet your ass I am.
22.4 drivers should make as much as a regular driver (they should start at 18.75, in progression) while delivering all service levels, PERIOD. End of discussion.
According to the agreement, management may increase the percentage of 22.4 jobs based on the needs of the operation. I think this just gives them too much of an incentive to wipe out, over time, RPCD's completely.
My suggestion is to classify 22.4 as a "stepping stone" job only. For a period of time part timers who want to drive can go thru the qualification process and get approved for 22.4. They will continue to do a mix of inside work and driving, with a goal of becoming the next RPCD "awarded" in seniority order. Basically they should get promoted and reclassified as RPCD if the center has a route or split area vacancy.
As far as scheduling, (Mon-Fri, Tues-Sat, Wed-Sun), seniority should get first pick at which schedule they want to work. Simple.
In this scenario, management gets some flexibility on their daily operations, and at the same time the RPCD position is protected by the most important benefit that the teamsters own...Senority....
I would say yes to this IF they also bump the top rate to 47/hour. We need to keep up with inflation.