What is it with you two? Non stop sexual innuendo. More? For shame!
If that`s a condom I think someone would be a bit disappointed.
The condom is just the circle above the splash.
OK, now I have to tell you my condom story. At Easter time, there was a grocery store display in my store and it was for Oreo cookies. There was a large cut out figure, maybe 5' tall, of a cute bear and with a hand above his head he was holding a brown circle. I know it was suppose to be an Oreo cookie, but there was no depth to the picture and no print on the cookie..
The table for the kids to decorate Easter eggs was right next to our bear friend and his 'cookie'. I swear, at quick glance that bear was holding a condom. If it looked like that to me, I figured I probably wasn't the only one. I got the manager.....he's a friend I see every day.....and when I told him to look at the bear and asked him what the bear was holding, he put a hand over his mouth and said, "Oh my god!" The ass't mgr. saw it too. We all laughed so hard. They ended up moving the display away from the kiddie's table.
It was definitely a "location joke"....you had to be there.