What steps need to be done NOW


The truth never changes.
Other than wash your hands and don't touch your face, this is pretty much all it says:

View attachment 289705

..... then in typical UPS fashion it goes on to give you a 10 point process for :censored2:ing wiping down a surface. SMH.
The instructions are not followed in our buildings. Someone showed the mandated cleaning procedures to the center manager and ors. They asked where the hourly got that info and were told that it came from upsers.com and they just looked at each other. The center manager said they werent going to do that.

Car wash hours are unlimited in our area buildings as well. It says that package car and feeder drivers are responsible for cleaning their own interiors so I guess drivers can code into Carwash upon rtb to clean out and sanitize their vehicles every day according to the corp guidelines.


Inordinately Right
The instructions are not followed in our buildings. Someone showed the mandated cleaning procedures to the center manager and ors. They asked where the hourly got that info and were told that it came from upsers.com and they just looked at each other. The center manager said they werent going to do that.

Car wash hours are unlimited in our area buildings as well. It says that package car and feeder drivers are responsible for cleaning their own interiors so I guess drivers can code into Carwash upon rtb to clean out and sanitize their vehicles every day according to the corp guidelines.
View attachment 289717
I'm not scared of germs bro.
Plus, cleaning is women's work.


Staff member
Good suggestions on many threads. Here are a few I have seen but have not been implemented everywhere...

Anyone have ideas to add?

This would have been great if started 3 weeks ago. Now, I think, most of us are probably carriers anyhow or soon will be.

Social distance, and clean your equipment!
Oh yeah, wash your hands...


Well-Known Member
Notify workplace when someone is positive or gets sick. No need to have domino effect on our homes and families.

How would this change anything?
They gave us this speech on Friday.
"If someone gets it here, we'll notify you. If someone gets it one building over though, we aren't gonna notify you."

Even if someone in your building gets it you're still gonna have to show up to work.