nope, been letting them do it for 28 years. Yes, stupidity, but more lack of necessity. I have filed maybe 6 grievances in 28 years. Asked the union rep at the local on this situation, and it was a not really discussed. All that was stated is, if you did that you would be fired guaranteed, those guys are A-holes and that was about it. No advice on direction.
In 28 years I have been all over the company. At one time I worked on location at Hewlett Packard loading air cans bound to the airport. I never really had any issues that necessitate a grievance, except for a very few horrendous issues. One situation, the union was of no benefit and I had to contact the EEOC. The EEOC handed upper management some rather bad news and I profited 70k for violation of federal laws. Later on my rep at the union hall called me and wanted to know what I did because there was a similar situation and he had no familiarity with the EEOC. Those situations seemed like Upper management and people I do not see or deal with, most of the management I have had seemed good (but sometimes I see what I wish to see and I am really ignorant about it). That was all prior to the stock going public in days of old. Several Fridays a month, some managers and some hourly-s would go out to the back parking lot and knock a few back and talk crap. I work in a very small center. It has grown, but it is still a small center. This kind of atrocious behavior from the grass roots management has been extremely minimal, but the few things I have filed grievances on were actually worse than this situation, thus the EEOC and a weekly payroll check with 6 figures to the left of the decimal point.
It is less about the jacket and more about the environment changing at the center I work. It is not changing for the better. I just had to vent a bit, the gas lighting of late is creating so much smoke and mirrors I some times wonder if I am a delivery driver or perhaps a carny trapped in the fun house that has caught on fire.