What the MSM won't report


Für Meno :)
Well, next time the crime rates go up, we'll need to check how many gun owners turned in their guns for that to happen !


Für Meno :)
So, ovah, you're against stricter background checks, too ?
Well, if you have it your way, they would be selling guns at Toys R US !
You already live that way, 12 hrs every day out and about with the public.
What makes you so scared once you get home, you need a gun to protect yourself ?

I would say the likelyhood, someone tries to rob you or shoot you on the streets is much higher then at home.
I do understand your point.. if people didn't have guns at their homes, home break-ins may rise.
But, why doesn't street crime rise, in those states that don't allow "carry" ?
Everyone is unarmed in public (almost everyone), but yet, people feel safe enough to walk the streets, do window shopping, etc, even use ATM's.

You're lack of knowledge is astounding. Klein, you can't get all the facts from stat charts. I would hope you understand that when they come up with the "most dangerous" places to live, etc. stats part of the equation is simply how many people have firearms, not how often they are used. They totally ignore the number of people that own firearms and never use them or the people who own multiple firearms that only use them for hunting, target shooting and other recreational use.

No, I DO NOT live that way. In Texas, USA if someone breaks into my home and I shoot them, I will most likely NOT be charged with anything. If I am licensed to carry and have to shoot someone to protect my life, I will not be charged. Sure there will be an investigation, as should be. to get facts surrounding the incident.

Scared? No, I'm not scared because I live in a place where I am allowed to protect myself, my family and my property without fear of prosecution.
There may be a higher chance to be shot by someone on the street than at home partly because here most criminals never no who will have the means, know how and the will to blow them away behind that closed door. They also do not know who has the same in a public setting as well.

Bottom line, I would not want to live where I could not defend myself, family and property from criminals without fear of being prosecuted.


Staff member
To reduce crime, I would encourage gun ownership. Perhaps a tax break for a purchase of an American made gun. It would (according to the FBI report) reduce crime AND help American companies.
Why won't our President help American companies? Doesn't he want to reduce crime?

If there was a gun in every household, criminals would flee to non-free counties like Canada, where they would be safe.


Für Meno :)
Most break-ins occur when the homeowners aren't home.
You're just arming those criminals with more weapons.
At my house they sure wouldn't get one.
Most break-ins occur when the homeowners aren't home.
You're just arming those criminals with more weapons.
At my house they sure wouldn't get one.

They wouldn't get one at mine either, with the RIGHT of gun ownership comes the responsibility to maintain them in secure manner but accessible to the owner.

Where do you get the claim that MOST break ins happen when the owners are not at home? Or are you going back to your old ways of making crap up again.
At your house, if the criminal is big mean and powerful, you could end up dead, simply because you were there.


Für Meno :)
Yup, enjoy your freedom, the next mass shooting should happen soon. Maybe a school,again, perhaps a post office, or any other work place, another Ft Hood, possibly ?
We'll find out within the next month or 2.

Like you said, it's the price to pay for freedom.


Für Meno :)
over 22000 members on BC, according to US statitics, 2 of them have already died from a gun shot(s) !
(opps, that's actually 2 per year) !!!!

And sooner or later it will effect, (in 1 way or another), one of the regular members on here (it already has with Upstate).
Yup, enjoy your freedom, the next mass shooting should happen soon. Maybe a school,again, perhaps a post office, or any other work place, another Ft Hood, possibly ?
We'll find out within the next month or 2.

Like you said, it's the price to pay for freedom.
Mass murders are done by very unstable people, if they can't get a gun they can go online and 15 minutes have a bomb using commonly accessible products that could kill hundreds of people in one blast. Crazy people that wnat to kill people will find a way to do it.


golden ticket member
over 22000 members on BC, according to US statitics, 2 of them have already died from a gun shot(s) !
(opps, that's actually 2 per year) !!!!

And sooner or later it will effect, (in 1 way or another), one of the regular members on here (it already has with Upstate).

All of your posts sound as if you are just waiting, with fingers crossed, for something horrible to befall the U.S.A. It's like you're wishing it. Karma can really suck, so be careful what you wish for.


Für Meno :)
Yes Klein, why do you want Americans to die?

I have just given you some statistics, that's all !
You say guns are safe, but , yet, dismiss that 1 in 10.000 people (give or take) dies from gun shots in the USA.
Blame it on crazy people, yet, disagree with more background checks, to stop crazy people from legally buying weapons !


Strength through joy
While reading the local area's newspaper's police report many seem to be arrested for illegally having a firearm, in this state one must have a state issued and approval from the local police chief friend.I.D. card to own any weapon including pepper spray. These persons being arrest are commonly charged with a range of other offenses; invalid inspection sticker ( car ), attaching plates (car), Stop sign violation (car), no driver's license (car), giving a police officer false information , drug charges, violation of the John Act , home invasion , etc.


Für Meno :)
No, never been robbed, never been burglarized, never threaten with a gun.
I actually leave my house door open when going out no longer then an hour.
Sometimes longer, if I expect guests or family to come over, then the door could be unlocked for a whole day , without anyone being home.