When Being A Thug About It Goes Wrong


Bad Moon Risen'
Yeah really. I mean, what kind of idiot would vote for a drug-addicted pedoph................. nevermind. Pls continue
Same kind of idiot who would vote for a narcissistic, lying POS :censored2:.

I've never belonged to any political party or donated to any candidate. Don't trust either side.

I voted for the other Jo.

Lesser of three evils.
Same kind of idiot who would vote for a narcissistic, lying POS :censored2:.

I've never belonged to any political party or donated to any candidate. Don't trust either side.

I voted for the other Jo.
View attachment 313862
Lesser of three evils.
Anyone, don’t care about party. That would send another man money, randomly, is mentally ill. These people who donate make the recipients rich. Donating money to a politician is a mental illness.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. All three times I have voted so far, I have not seen Hunter's name on the ballot.
So basically you're ok with a former senator and vice-president using his office to set up extremely lucrative deals that enrich him and his family. Just like Hillary and Bill coming out of the presidency "broke" with millions in legal bills and yet end up worth over $100 million almost entirely from speeches at $500k to $750k a speech plus hundreds of millions going into their "foundation" that they use as a personal piggy bank to fund luxury travel. And yet after she loses all those "legitimate" speech opportunities dry up as well as the donations to the foundation. Same with the Bidens. Joe takes Hunter to China and Hunter magically ends up with $1.5 billion for his three man private equity firm that has no experience in private equity. This after sitting on the board of an Ukrainian oil and gas firm collecting $83k a month in a field he has absolutely no experience in. This is all documented fact. And yet guys like you say "It's the Russians I tell ya!" You're too far gone to worry about but independents will see through the B.S. and either stay home or vote for Trump. Or as a Michigan Democratic Congressman I saw yesterday say about the 2016 election that Trump won in Michigan by a small margin, a lot of Democrats marked their ballots for all other races but left the president choice blank. They wouldn't vote for Trump but couldn't bring themselves to vote for Hillary.
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So basically you're ok with a former senator and vice-president using his office to set up extremely lucrative deals that enrich him and his family. Just like Hillary and Bill coming out of the presidency "broke" with millions in legal bills and yet end up worth over $100 million almost entirely from speeches at $500k to $750k a speech plus hundreds of millions going into their "foundation" that they use as a personal piggy bank to fund luxury travel. And yet after she loses all those "legitimate" speech opportunities dry up as well as the donations to the foundation. Same with the Bidens. Joe takes Hunter to China and Hunter magically ends up with $1.5 billion for his three man private equity firm that has no experience in private equity. This after sitting on the board of an Ukrainian oil and gas firm collecting $83k a month in a field he has absolutely no experience in. This is all documented fact. And yet guys like you say "It's the Russians I tell ya!" You're too far gone to worry about but independents will see through the B.S. and either stay home or vote for Trump. Or as a Michigan Congressman I saw yesterday say about the 2016 election that Trump won in Michigan by a small margin, a lot of Democrats marked their ballots for all other races but left the president choice blank. They wouldn't vote for Trump but couldn't bring themselves to vote for Hillary.
No different than Trumps family. You can write a book it doesn’t change the fact the Trumps are corrupt.


Bad Moon Risen'
So basically you're ok with a former senator and vice-president using his office to set up extremely lucrative deals that enrich him and his family. Just like Hillary and Bill coming out of the presidency "broke" with millions in legal bills and yet end up worth over $100 million almost entirely from speeches at $500k to $750k a speech plus hundreds of millions going into their "foundation" that they use as a personal piggy bank to fund luxury travel. And yet after she loses all those "legitimate" speech opportunities dry up as well as the donations to the foundation. Same with the Bidens. Joe takes Hunter to China and Hunter magically ends up with $1.5 billion for his three man private equity firm that has no experience in private equity. This after sitting on the board of an Ukrainian oil and gas firm collecting $83k a month in a field he has absolutely no experience in. This is all documented fact. And yet guys like you say "It's the Russians I tell ya!" You're too far gone to worry about but independents will see through the B.S. and either stay home or vote for Trump. Or as a Michigan Congressman I saw yesterday say about the 2016 election that Trump won in Michigan by a small margin, a lot of Democrats marked their ballots for all other races but left the president choice blank. They wouldn't vote for Trump but couldn't bring themselves to vote for Hillary.
Actually, NO! Our system is broken.
Yet you seem to be ok with the current POTUS using his office to enrich himself and his family. Hypocrisy.

Poop Head

Judge me.
Yuup. Chose to vote in Colorado this cycle. And I voted by mail!

Don't believe he carries Wisconsin this time around either.
Christ, after what evers has been doing, and kenosha, id be very surprised if wi went blue.

How blue is Colorado? Lots of 2nd amendment activists there?


Well-Known Member
Actually, NO! Our system is broken.
Yet you seem to be ok with the current POTUS using his office to enrich himself and his family. Hypocrisy.
Keep telling yourself that. Mueller's team scrutinized everything about Trump and found no wrongdoing. You can't point to anything that isn't legitimate. But plenty of Republicans have used their office also to make money. But we're not deciding on them for president. Biden's money grab is exceptional even by Washington standards. And here's the problem. If Biden wins, how long will it be before China invades Taiwan? How likely will it be that Biden will keep our commitment to protect Taiwan after his family, including him, received millions from the Chinese who almost certainly have video and audio proving he did? That compromises him and our foreign policy. You I'm sure are going to counter with Trump and Putin but Obama allowed Russia to grab parts of Ukraine and refused to give them weapons. Trump gave the Ukrainians serious defensive weaponry and their war has gone much better since. Did Putin release evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians to get even? No, and Mueller's very partisan team couldn't find any evidence of collusion. You will probably never admit it but you've been lied to about Trump from the beginning while Democrats have been lining their pockets. And yet you won't believe me, secure in the knowledge that you and the Democrats are of superior intellect and no idiot rube is going to tell you your own side got one over on you. Good luck November 3rd!


Well-Known Member
If anything has become clear this election, its the need for a total voting reform. This mess where they "just so happen" to keep finding hundreds and hundreds of ballots for Trump in ditches and trashcans is a red flag that the general public cant be entrusted with this level of integrity. I do hope though that the mail carriers who did that have their routes identified and are charged with election fraud and see some federal prison time though


Well-Known Member
If anything has become clear this election, its the need for a total voting reform. This mess where they "just so happen" to keep finding hundreds and hundreds of ballots for Trump in ditches and trashcans is a red flag that the general public cant be entrusted with this level of integrity. I do hope though that the mail carriers who did that have their routes identified and are charged with election fraud and see some federal prison time though
I think I saw in one of those cases the mail carrier did get arrested and charged.


Bad Moon Risen'
Christ, after what evers has been doing, and kenosha, id be very surprised if wi went blue.

How blue is Colorado? Lots of 2nd amendment activists there?
Large influx of younger, college educated to Colorado has tipped the scales to blue.

Retirement friendly tax policy doesn't hurt with us older generation either as it appears we are flooding into the state. As population explodes, rural CO has lost any advantage it once had.