OK. WE? What is the connection/issue with me? What are these serious issues? Insane people? Both sides of what? I am no island...true. My view is that an insane person mass murdered children(and adults). Killed his Mother with her own guns, which she allowed him access to, knowing he was insane. Not sure where I fit in here....or you. I guess I could try to pick out and somehow render all these insane folks harmless.....I guess. Or make you do it. Or...what? See? Now, YOU TELL ME THE SOLUTION! Short of locking this guy up(and who makes that decision?) he was free to mass murder........with a rifle, fertilizer bomb, underwear bomb etc. Since I'm daft(sad and pathetic too).........TELL ME THE SOLUTION. So far, the liberals want to take away all the guns and video games. And to that logical end......anything that could ever harm anyone. Anything harmful. Oh, and give everyone free healthcare, $40 an hour jobs, housing, food and transportation. Those are our societal problems, right? Do all of this(a liberals paradise) and we're all set...right?
want to retire,
You have to realize we are all in this together. You are making this a liberal vs conservative issue and its just not that simple. This insane kid was a PRODUCT OF OUR SOCIETY and SO IS THE BATMAN SHOOTER IN COLORADO. There are family,culture,economic issues involved that mold these individuals who are acting out and killing people.
Obama is not a liberal. You do realize that I hope? Where did you hear exactly that anyone WANTS TO TAKE AWAY ALL GUNS AND VIDEO GAMES? There are some Republicans and Democrats that are now considering gun control of rapid fire type assault weapons.
arent some stores pulling theses weapons from shelves?
You have great passion and I respect that but you are trying to put millions of people into this LIBERAL MOLD THAT JUST ISNT TRUE.