When to file on harassment?

They can ride with you as often as they please, as long as they are not harassing you. But anything after a 3 day is harassment to me. They are harassing some drivers over a sporh WHICH AINT IN THE CONTRACT.


Active Member
Have you tried to have a sit down, to put this matter to rest? I've had to do this twice in 25 years to get a harassing sup to back off. They lightened up a little, and I was less if an ass towards them. Win/win.
This is actually a great suggestion. Normally "the Internet" doesn't suggest things that are reasonable and mutually beneficial!


Well-Known Member
It's like mgmt. presents you with the situation that you have a choice. "Go to war" with them or be their whipping pole. Either way it's a rough ride, which is what they want I suppose. But why for an employee that all he/she is doing is their best? Why pick on that one? To provide stress in the workplace? (which is of course part of the philosophy aka mgmt. by stress) To lower pension costs and increase the amount of drivers that are in progression? Which leads me full circle... how do you protect yourself if the game they play can't directly be proven, there by which, grieved?

How long you been driving? Their numbers mean nothing. Just ignore everything they say to you about production. Literally its gibberish and they can't touch you. The only way to survive this job is to become apathetic to all the problems UPS causes it self. They don't want any input from workers so just let their problems fester.