When Will You Retire?


Well-Known Member
Stick a fork in me, I'm done. Would be interesting to hear your estimate on when you'll retire or leave FedEx for greener pastures. Yes, I'm bored, LOL.


Well-Known Member
As soon as humanly possible to be able to walk out on my own two feet, and enjoy every day to its fullest!

Oops! Wrong forum but answer is still the same!


Well-Known Member
Not soon enough but the goal is on my 60th birthday, which happens to fall during peak. I thoroughly look forward to laughing at the manager who asks if I'll stay on through peak.


Well-Known Member
Not soon enough but the goal is on my 60th birthday, which happens to fall during peak. I thoroughly look forward to laughing at the manager who asks if I'll stay on through peak.
My 55th was Jan.2nd so had to slog through that one last peak. I came close to quitting after the raise in October, but glad I didn't now.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
daytime TV sucks? - Geez van, at least it doesn't suck as bad as it did in the '70s - Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, or The Match Game - take your pick or toss another 45 on the turntable. :bored:

When will I retire? I'll just say "soon, but not soon enough!"

I wish you a long, interesting and happy retirement - and don't be a stranger.:thumbup1:

(oh, and shut off that damn TV for awhile and go out and enjoy the world):wink-very:


Retired 23 years
daytime TV sucks? - Geez van, at least it doesn't suck as bad as it did in the '70s - Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, or The Match Game - take your pick or toss another 45 on the turntable. :bored:

When will I retire? I'll just say "soon, but not soon enough!"

I wish you a long, interesting and happy retirement - and don't be a stranger.:thumbup1:

(oh, and shut off that damn TV for awhile and go out and enjoy the world):wink-very:

When I started UPS (1971) I worked nights-- 9:00p.m. to about 7:00 am driving a shuttle route. You hit it on the head when you say day time tv consisted of soap operas and a few game shows. There was no satellite tv and I lived where there was no cable tv so I was stuck with 3 channels.


Well-Known Member
daytime TV sucks? - Geez van, at least it doesn't suck as bad as it did in the '70s - Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, or The Match Game - take your pick or toss another 45 on the turntable. :bored:

When will I retire? I'll just say "soon, but not soon enough!"

I wish you a long, interesting and happy retirement - and don't be a stranger.:thumbup1:

(oh, and shut off that damn TV for awhile and go out and enjoy the world):wink-very:
Too friggin cold!


Well-Known Member
I will retire at 67. This will give me 100% of my Social Security Benefit. I'm in good health now and plan to keep it that way. I have 2 kids under 13. 2033 is my target. God willing I make it. I do this for my kids, while teaching them the time value of money. Hopefully they won't have to work as long as I have to have a comfortable retirement.


Well-Known Member
Never really plan on fully retiring. Game plan is to invest in a few businesses with as little to no employees as possible and take little time to manage. They are not the easiest to find outside of real estate but they do exist. Long term goal is to own multiple vacation rentals in areas with great weather and a beach to manage. Still have a good 20 years to get to that point but will try like hell to make it happen as soon as possible.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Retiring this year, and it can't come soon enough! BTW, had a friend who just retired who worked up until Christmas in order to leave on good terms. As his way of saying Thank You, the SM docked him his last sick day because he had given his 30 day notice, and then required him to come in to work the 27th in order to get his holiday pay! A real class act, huh!


Well-Known Member
Retiring this year, and it can't come soon enough! BTW, had a friend who just retired who worked up until Christmas in order to leave on good terms. As his way of saying Thank You, the SM docked him his last sick day because he had given his 30 day notice, and then required him to come in to work the 27th in order to get his holiday pay! A real class act, huh!
I wanted the few benefits we get as retirees so I hung in there. Luckily very little bad weather hit us other than cold and with Ag prices way down we weren't nearly as busy as last year. So what could've been the Peak from hell kicking me out the door turned into let's just get through it. Biggest concern was my rehire status. That determines if you get the shipping discount as a retiree so made my mgr happy staying and got that. And the airline travel discount which is huge for me.


Well-Known Member
Retiring this year, and it can't come soon enough! BTW, had a friend who just retired who worked up until Christmas in order to leave on good terms. As his way of saying Thank You, the SM docked him his last sick day because he had given his 30 day notice, and then required him to come in to work the 27th in order to get his holiday pay! A real class act, huh!
Should have used the sick day on the 27th and said frig your holiday pay !!!!