When Will You Retire?


Well-Known Member
So I guess you are just too ignorant to get another job if you hate the one you have so much. Either that or hating your job gives you more to complain about, and that is your reason for waking up everyday.
I am amazed that people feel it is SO easy just to "get another job if you don't like it". Like throwing 20-30 years you have invested in this company is so easily thrown out the window. Starting over, likely at the bottom of the food chain somewhere else, is simply not a option to most of us with families. We have committed to this company to provide us with a descent living and find ourselves struggling more every year to maintain it. The cutbacks, take aways and insurance increases this company throws at us each year makes the struggle harder and harder. If you have been with this company for 20 plus years and been witness to the downward spiral how can you NOT at the very least feel disenchanted. Obviously some of us have stronger feelings. So I ask ...Why can't we hate our job? If your a long time employee and you are completely happy, loving to come to work each and everyday I say you are truly the exception. But if you remember what this company once was and how well it treated its people and more importantly HOW it still has the means to treat us much better today then the anger and resentment are unavoidable.


Well-Known Member
I am amazed that people feel it is SO easy just to "get another job if you don't like it". Like throwing 20-30 years you have invested in this company is so easily thrown out the window. Starting over, likely at the bottom of the food chain somewhere else, is simply not a option to most of us with families. We have committed to this company to provide us with a descent living and find ourselves struggling more every year to maintain it. The cutbacks, take aways and insurance increases this company throws at us each year makes the struggle harder and harder. If you have been with this company for 20 plus years and been witness to the downward spiral how can you NOT at the very least feel disenchanted. Obviously some of us have stronger feelings. So I ask ...Why can't we hate our job? If your a long time employee and you are completely happy, loving to come to work each and everyday I say you are truly the exception. But if you remember what this company once was and how well it treated its people and more importantly HOW it still has the means to treat us much better today then the anger and resentment are unavoidable.
People on here constantly bring up UPS and how great it pays and great benefits. Go apply at UPS and see what happens. They just might hire you. Why can't you hate your job? And they say there are no stupid questions. LOL. People complain that the pay sucks and they have crappy benefits. Why would you work somewhere that you hate, underpays you and has crappy benefits? That must mean other companies pay more and have better benefits because you must have something to compare our benefits to. If other companies have more to offer and you have over 20 years experience at FDX, those other companies should be glad to hire you. It is a win win. You leave a company you hate and you now work for a company that pays you more and has better benefits. Instead, people like MFE brag about how great of a RTD he is and how he trains new drivers, yet he whines and bitches about everything in life and how he hates the company. Why not take those driving skills somewhere that will make MFE happy. Oh well, MFE has never been happy and never will be. On top of that, he was a Hillary supporter and now that Trump is president, MFE is more miserable than ever.

Has the company changed? Bigtime. For the better, no. What else is new. What company is the same today as it was 20, 30 40 years ago. Sears? J C Penny? GM? Ford? Harvester? All have cut benefits and have made moves that have affected the lower level employees.
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Well-Known Member
You need new talking points. Same lines over and over and over.

People on here constantly bring up UPS and how great it pays and great benefits. Go apply at UPS and see what happens. They just might hire you. Why can't you hate your job? And they say there are no stupid questions. LOL. People complain that the pay sucks and they have crappy benefits. Why would you work somewhere that you hate, underpays you and has crappy benefits? That must mean other companies pay more and have better benefits because you must have something to compare our benefits to. If other companies have more to offer and you have over 20 years experience at FDX, those other companies should be glad to hire you. It is a win win. You leave a company you hate and you now work for a company that pays you more and has better benefits. Instead, people like MFE brag about how great of a RTD he is and how he trains new drivers, yet he whines and bitches about everything in life and how he hates the company. Why not take those driving skills somewhere that will make MFE happy. Oh well, MFE has never been happy and never will be. On top of that, he was a Hillary supporter and now that Trump is president, MFE is more miserable than ever.


Engorged Member
The truth hurts. Would you stay married to your wife if you hated her? Just because you have been married 20 years is no reason to stay married. Why work a job you hate?

You're ignorant. That truth must hurt. You get on here and blast people who complain (correctly) that FedEx has crappy retirement and benefit plans, and because you have a different set-up because you've been here from the Falcon days, it's all OK.

Sorry, but no. Your retirement is crap compared to UPS...simple FACT. The average UPS career driver will get an approximate $5k per month pension. Your Traditional is less than half of that (I know, because I'm not far behind you), and your claimed second "pension" is an outright lie. The PPA is an annuity, dummy.

Everyone who hired in after 2004 doesn't have a Traditional pension, which means they don't have a pension at all. The PPA is simply a small cash annuity that is portable in the sense that you take it with you when you quit.

Our 401k match is a joke because few people can save enough to max their 401k, so that is a moot issue for most employees. Our high-cost, low-value benefits also cut real pay.

Oh, and you and I topped-out in 2 years. They top-out in 10 ill-defined steps that could still take 20 years. I know many 20+ year employees who still have not reached top wage.

It's a scam, and you should acknowledge it, but you won't, because you're full of :censored2:.


Well-Known Member
You're ignorant. That truth must hurt. You get on here and blast people who complain (correctly) that FedEx has crappy retirement and benefit plans, and because you have a different set-up because you've been here from the Falcon days, it's all OK.

Sorry, but no. Your retirement is crap compared to UPS...simple FACT. The average UPS career driver will get an approximate $5k per month pension. Your Traditional is less than half of that (I know, because I'm not far behind you), and your claimed second "pension" is an outright lie. The PPA is an annuity, dummy.

Everyone who hired in after 2004 doesn't have a Traditional pension, which means they don't have a pension at all. The PPA is simply a small cash annuity that is portable in the sense that you take it with you when you quit.

Our 401k match is a joke because few people can save enough to max their 401k, so that is a moot issue for most employees. Our high-cost, low-value benefits also cut real pay.

Oh, and you and I topped-out in 2 years. They top-out in 10 ill-defined steps that could still take 20 years. I know many 20+ year employees who still have not reached top wage.

It's a scam, and you should acknowledge it, but you won't, because you're full of :censored2:.

You are the company's best RTD. Your skills should be in high demand. Why not take your skills to UPS. Instead you bitch and whine about how much you hate your job. Kinda makes you a dumb azs.


Well-Known Member
I never said I hate anything. but it appears to be your favorite word. I'm pushing 60 and have 7 years in. It is far from easy at my age to just pick up and leave..... But you will never ack. that as a fact of life. I did leave on job I had for nearly 20 years to start a business that did not pan out. finding a job in my mid 50's was not easy. so why don't you just STFU.

The truth hurts. Would you stay married to your wife if you hated her? Just because you have been married 20 years is no reason to stay married. Why work a job you hate?