Well-Known Member
Speaking of corporations:
Good one! Paul Roberts is a former Reagan official and his views are often found with equal appeal from the paleo-conservative Taki's to the left/progressive Counterpunch and Truthdig not to mention the anarcho-captialist/libertarian-anarchist Lew Rockwell website and even an occassional posting at Antiwar.com. He's very greatly respected across the spectrum.
One point he made that I've found equally true even in my own doctor's office.
As one result, my doctor had to close both the x-ray unit and the state and federally licensed medical laboratory on his premises. Now patients are inconvenienced by having to go to other locations for services that formerly were provided by the doctor at lower cost. A one day medical check-up is now a multiple day event and more expensive.
Now these processes have been taken over by a large healthcare corporation and the actual cost to patients have gone up. Anytime you add another mouth to feed between the doctor and the patient, the actual costs will go up. Corp. Med and Pharma have injected themselves via gov't sanction into the patient/doctor chain and thus instead of feeding one mouth, the doctor if you will, we now feed insurance companies, healthcare companies, drug companies, etc. whereas in an earlier more free market time, we could actually afford to pay for a simple doctor visit out of pocket rather than tapping into our home equity for a loan, if we still have any these days. It was just us and the doctor and the insurance company wasn't involved unless the problem was major, thus the term "major medical coverage". We forgot that demanding our insurance cover all this stuff, that our insurance company was there to profit so any transaction on our behalf between us and the doctor, they get a cut too. Now we have others trying to use the power of the State to horn in on the process and thus we are where we are. We have found the enemy and the enemy is US, not the gov't but the dumb masses! They saw a profit angle and only filled the void in which we were glad to just throw away our money.
My doctor even downsized in office space just to try and maintain some cost controls after he got rid of the X-Ray and on site lab. He's even boned up on vitamins and natural preventative approaches to even help his patients save by just staying healthy to begin with. He tells me once a problem gets to a certain point, he's bound to refer patients to medical specialist and there's nothing in that process for him so a healthy patient is more benefical to his bottomline than an unhealthy one because they are referred out anyway. I'm wondering how long before Big Pharma via Obamacare will stop doctors from giving out that kind of natural preventative advice anyway? It's not far now and this more than most is why I oppose centralized/monopolized/cartelized healthcare. Lost of freedom!