Hey whats wrong ...All i hear is let the free markets work..Maybe you want the U.S.A.to have a national oil company..gasp socialism......
Free markets, free markets, free markets... what a crock.. Since REAGAN, all we have heard from the GOP is how the FREE MARKETS are wonderful things, yet, all the free markets have done in screw americans everyday.
Reagan lifted the caps on the price of a barrel of oil from $5 dollars because he said the free market would keep prices down, well, how did that work out for us??
The GOP said, creating nafta would empower the free markets and bring cheaper goods to the USA, and LEVI STRAUSS left the USA and opened in mexico, yet the prices of their products have gone up 25% despite using third world labor, how did that free market work out for us??
Washers and dryers, refrigerators and dish washers were made in toledo Ohio, and then they left for mexico, and presto, the free market has priced them 40% higher than when they were built here in the USA. How did that work out for us?
NIKE was making shoes here in the states and selling them for anywhere between 15 bucks and 30 bucks, then they left the states for the pacific rim, and guess what, the free market now has them selling shoes for over 100 dollars a pair despite only costing about 2 bucks to make. How did that work out for us??
The list goes on and on, and yet you drones still call for more free market enterprise... havent you learned anything yet about the free market?
It isnt FREE.