I know what your thinking, see the union protects a bad employee, but your wrong. UPS keep writing me up during my FMLA, and trying to stack terminations.
The DOL enjoys hearing of harassment while under FMLA.
I know what your thinking, see the union protects a bad employee, but your wrong. UPS keep writing me up during my FMLA, and trying to stack terminations.
Do 10 warning letters equal 1 termination?
It was definitely a wake up call. One of many. But I never held any animosity toward UPS or anybody I worked with there. They really were and are standup people. Drinking and drugs just seemed more important back then.His firing, which was his "wake up call", may have been the best thing that ever happened to him.
It was definitely a wake up call. One of many. But I never held any animosity toward UPS or anybody I worked with there. They really were and are standup people. Drinking and drugs just seemed more important back then.
But there was alot of self hatred at the time. I really thought my career and life were over. Suicide really looked good. Imagine that. 26 years old and convinced that getting fired was a death sentence. That's some messed up thinking.
Best thing that ever happened to me? I don't know. But I certainly am not disappointed in my life today. It's a good life, a full life and a life never devoid of wonder.
Well, if you are talking walked off the property, it's 4 times. "Notice of termination" has been has been additional 4. Most of them were for invoking wiengarten rights that management didn't know the full rules and reacted too swiftly or the good ol' target on my back. 2 were hostile work environment, one against management 2 years ago and the other in 97 returning from the picket line after the strike. It's been better the last few years though.I'll go for Stink for active employees.
Maybe Xerox for non-active but alive.
Maybe Ron Carey for those that are dead ... he got his revenge though.
Are you shocked that it is possible for an adult to go to work, punch in, do their jobs, keep their mouths shut, punch out and go home?
And even if the company does have it in for you, why come back? Personally, I wouldn't want to work for someone who fired me. Call it pride, self respect, whatever, you fire me - I'm gone.
Ive seen people fired for that , so no.
That sarcastic shocker was just meant for you.
I know.
I will say that if I were ever justifiably terminated that I would walk away and move on with my life.
In another thread, a member was bragging about someone who has been fired "too many times to count", and seemed to envy and look up to that person.
It's UPS, I can honestly understand being fired once maybe even twice. But more than that, there is a problem. Time to rethink your work ethic, maybe.
And even if the company does have it in for you, why come back? Personally, I wouldn't want to work for someone who fired me. Call it pride, self respect, whatever, you fire me - I'm gone.