White House Attack On Fox News


Well-Known Member
All this talk of swine flu and I'm hungry. BLT sounds outstanding right now. Who else wants one? Bread toasted or plain?



Well-Known Member
:wink2:Some liberals -not all- have very short memories. During the democratic primaries when the race card was used against Hillary and Bill there was an uproar by many Libs that ABC,CBS,NBC, CNN AND especially the warm feelings flowing down the legs of that professional NEWS organization Msnbc- that they were all in the tank for Obama. Terry McCauliffe went out of his way to state the only FAIR and Balanced NEWS ORGANIZATION was Fox.
I believe that this will backfire on Obama --many of the fair minded libs remember what I described above.
There are also many liberals and independents that watch and listen to Fox that have been described by the wacky democratic congressman in Florida as enimies of the people ????:sad-little:


Strength through joy
Less than 1% of deaths have occurred from Swine Flu in US thus far, as opposed to nation's seasonal national flu numbers

by DefendUSx October 24, 2009 17:41 So far, it has been reported that 1000 deaths in the US have resulted from H1N1 (and even that number is likely inflated).
The average number of deaths from regular/seasonal flu is 36,000.
36000/1000 gives you .027%
In other words, less than half a percent have died so far than the national average for the seasonal flu.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
This is the White House idea of "fair and balanced", Anita Dunn takes a break from worshipping mass muderer Mao Tse-tung to brag about feeding stories to the mainstream media. http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=113347

Its about time the rest of the networks finally showed some integrety for once with the Steinburg interview. There may be some hope for them still.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Here's a great OP ED piece that sums up the Republican Followers need for Buffoons..

Published: October 2, 2009
Let us take a trip back into history. Not ancient history. Recent history. It is the winter of 2007. The presidential primaries are approaching. The talk jocks like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and the rest are over the moon about Fred Thompson. They’re weak at the knees at the thought of Mitt Romney. Meanwhile, they are hurling torrents of abuse at the unreliable deviationists: John McCain and Mike Huckabee.

David Brooks

The Conversation Yet somehow, despite the fervor of the great microphone giants, the Thompson campaign flops like a fish. Despite the schoolgirl delight from the radio studios, the Romney campaign underperforms.

Meanwhile, Huckabee surges. Limbaugh attacks him, but social conservatives flock.
Along comes New Hampshire and McCain wins! Republican voters have not heeded their masters in the media. Before long, South Carolina looms as the crucial point of the race. The contest is effectively between Romney and McCain. The talk jocks are now in spittle-flecked furor. Day after day, whole programs are dedicated to hurling abuse at McCain and everybody ever associated with him. The jocks are threatening to unleash their angry millions.
Yet the imaginary armies do not materialize. McCain wins the South Carolina primary and goes on to win the nomination. The talk jocks can’t even deliver the conservative voters who show up at Republican primaries. They can’t even deliver South Carolina!
So what is the theme of our history lesson? It is a story of remarkable volume and utter weakness. It is the story of media mavens who claim to represent a hidden majority but who in fact represent a mere niche — even in the Republican Party. It is a story as old as “The Wizard of Oz,” of grand illusions and small men behind the curtain.
But, of course, we shouldn’t be surprised by this story. Over the past few years the talk jocks have demonstrated their real-world weakness time and again. Back in 2006, they threatened to build a new majority on anti-immigration fervor. Republicans like J.D. Hayworth and Randy Graf, both of Arizona, built their House election campaigns under that banner. But these two didn’t march to glory. Both lost their campaigns.
In 2008, after McCain had won his nomination, Limbaugh turned his attention to the Democratic race. He commanded his followers to vote in the Democratic primaries for Hillary Clinton because “we need Barack Obama bloodied up politically.” Todd Donovan of Western Washington University has looked at data from 38 states and could find no strong evidence that significant numbers of people actually did what Limbaugh commanded. Rush blared the trumpets, but few of his Dittoheads advanced.
Over the years, I have asked many politicians what happens when Limbaugh and his colleagues attack. The story is always the same. Hundreds of calls come in. The receptionists are miserable. But the numbers back home do not move. There is no effect on the favorability rating or the re-election prospects. In the media world, he is a giant. In the real world, he’s not.
But this is not merely a story of weakness. It is a story of resilience. For no matter how often their hollowness is exposed, the jocks still reweave the myth of their own power. They still ride the airwaves claiming to speak for millions. They still confuse listeners with voters. And they are aided in this endeavor by their enablers. They are enabled by cynical Democrats, who love to claim that Rush Limbaugh controls the G.O.P. They are enabled by lazy pundits who find it easier to argue with showmen than with people whose opinions are based on knowledge. They are enabled by the slightly educated snobs who believe that Glenn Beck really is the voice of Middle America.
So the myth returns. Just months after the election and the humiliation, everyone is again convinced that Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and the rest possess real power. And the saddest thing is that even Republican politicians come to believe it. They mistake media for reality. They pre-emptively surrender to armies that don’t exist.
They pay more attention to Rush’s imaginary millions than to the real voters down the street. The Republican Party is unpopular because it’s more interested in pleasing Rush’s ghosts than actual people. The party is leaderless right now because nobody has the guts to step outside the rigid parameters enforced by the radio jocks and create a new party identity. The party is losing because it has adopted a radio entertainer’s niche-building strategy, while abandoning the politician’s coalition-building strategy.
The rise of Beck, Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and the rest has correlated almost perfectly with the decline of the G.O.P. But it’s not because the talk jocks have real power. It’s because they have illusory power, because Republicans hear the media mythology and fall for it every time.


Well-Known Member
What the heck is this all about? Is this the most petty squabble you've ever heard of? Shouldn't this be below the White House?

And most importantly, Isn't this an attack on "Freedom Of The Press"? Thank God the rest of the White House Press Corp backed Fox News by refusing to interview Feinberg if Fox News was excluded. Obama got a bloody nose on that one!

Of course, the petty Obama Administration retaliated by limiting Feinbergs interviews to 2 minutes instead of the promised 5.

I think I heard Leno even say, "The President has decided to send 40,000 new troops to fight the war on.......Fox news!"

So I have to ask, Is the Administration crumbling? He can't make a decision about sending more troops to Afghanistan, but he wants to fight a war with a news station. He can't even decide when he's going to decide. Someone said he's indecisive in his indecisiveness!

Did this really happen to RUSH LIMBAUGH?

The Buzz Log What’s hot on Yahoo! Buzz (and why)...

Our crack team of editors takes a closer look at the hottest trends on Yahoo! Buzz.

  • Obama's Fake Thesis Buzz

    Rush Was Punked: “Obama Thesis” Hoax

    by Claudine Zap 32 hours ago
    2,791 Votes
    It must have seemed so perfect. An obscure blogger unearths some pages of President Obama's college thesis. The report supposedly comes from big-time journalist Joe Klein of Time magazine. And the thesis has some real gems: like Obama's disdain for the Constitution.
    The whole thing was nothing more than a satirical post on a humor blog. But Rush Limbaugh, who quoted from the supposed thesis on his radio show, sure wasn't laughing. Here's how it went down.
    An unknown blogger picked up on a made-up post meant as a joke, which claimed that Joe Klein had gotten his hands on 10 pages of student Obama's college thesis. Rush Limbaugh jumped on it, which immediately sparked Web searches on "obama thesis."
    Supposedly titled "Aristocracy Revisited," the excerpt revealed the president had "doubts" about the "so-called founders." Juicy. Except not true. Limbaugh discovered halfway through his show that he'd been had, but defended himself by saying basically the thesis felt true. Listen in to Rush's mea sorta culpa.
    Joe Klein finally jumped in, and called the report "nonsense" on his Swampland blog, and the blogger who thought the hoax was real also apologized.
    Let's hope someone kept their sense of humor in all this. Still, for a humble post to go from humor blog to major media outlet sure seems impressive. Someone ought to write their thesis on it. For real.



Well-Known Member
Wow...it looks like "The Other Side" watches Fox news 24/7. It just proves that left wingers are watching Fox too.:wink2:



Well-Known Member
Man what is the deal with you guys just putting people on the left or the right? MOST PEOPLE WHO VOTE ARE IN THE MIDDLE.

My theory why Fox's ratings are so high, it appeals to a very general polarizing audience who find satisfaction and reassurances in half truths, sound bites, labels, and mis-information . While the rest of the country absorbs their news, info, data thru multiple portals, gaining multiple points of views....


golden ticket member
Yeah, the alternative to Fox features some guy who gets a quiver up his leg when he thinks of Obama....remember that ?? That was a real professional news job!! :peaceful:


Well-Known Member

thats the point. FAUX news is merely a channel of OPINION, not news.

The term "NEWS" Brett, is an acronym for NORTH EAST WEST SOUTH. There is no reporting of NEWS from the north, east, west and south on FAUX news.

Collectively, there programming is purely political, and being political, they "frame" the arguement from the perspective of the right wing.

Lets look at the days programming:

6 to 8 am, Bill Hemmer and a Megyn Kelly, 2 hours of health care , afghanistan, Gitmo and Iran everyday, 5 days a week. They use 30 sec "fillers" to separate the issues, then repeat the same stories over and over. Use republican sen and congressmen to highlight each issue with "lead in" questions and allow them to ramble without a single challenge to their points.

8 to 10 am, John Scott and Jane Skinner. 2 hours of health care, afghanistan, Gitmo and Iran 5 days a week. Again, 30 sec "fillers' to separate issues. Then Repeat same. Use republican sen and congressmen to highlight each issue with "lead in" questions and allow them to ramble without a single challenge to their points.

10 to 12, Martha MacCallum and Trace Gallegher, 2 hours of health care, afghanistan, Gitmo and Iran 5 days a week. Again, 30 sec "fillers' to separate issues. Then Repeat same. Use republican sen and congressmen to highlight each issue with "lead in" questions and allow them to ramble without a single challenge to their points.

12 to 1, Sheppard Smith, a lower keyed look at the days politics, again republican guests come on and speak to softball questions and ramble endlessly on how bad Obama is as a president 5 days a week.

1 to 2, Neil Cavuto, arguably the worst of the days lineup, he bashes OBAMA for a solid hour, suppose to be talking about business yet spends the hour on health care, afghanistan and nancy pelosi or Harry Reid.

2 to 3, Glen Beck, a solid hour of Obama Bashing , name calling, exageration, hyperbole and rediculous dramatics.

3 to 4 , Brett Baier. Actually the most calm of all the programming on Fox. He does a good job pf presenting his facts and refrains from looking like a clown even though he supports the right wing agenda. At least he can do it without completely sounding as if hes been brainwashed.

4 to 5, Sheppard Smith again with the days recap on politics. He does the stories in a professional manner, refrains from hyperbole and antics. One of the better opinion shows on FOx.

5 to 6, Bill Orielly, was the biggest coward on Fox until the arrival of Beck, he uses "guests" to slam Obama and the democrats while trying to straddle the fence so none of the slander sticks to him. His use of surrogates to bash Obama nightly demonstrates his lack of "sacK' when it comes to being tough. His bully style of telling people to "shut up" or never letting a guest complete a sentence as he is getting "owned" on a subject is laughable. He spends his hour trying to highlight prominent democrats in compromising situations. He was the biggest buffoon on Fox, but has been replaced by Beck.

7 to 8, Sean Hannity, the extremist dream rests on Hannity, his drapping of himself in the flag, his pandering to those who are easily manipulated by patriotism and loyalty (as the nazis used) using the extreme neo conservatives as guests to push the right wing agenda. His routine is old, he has nothing on his own, and needs to bring in Coulter, Rove, Cheney,Moore and the other right wing extremist to say what he ISNT qualified to say.

One on one, he would get his ASH handed to him in a political debate.

9 to 10, Greta van Susteren, once a well recieved legal reporter now turned political activist for Fox. No longer using her time as a legal reporter, she spends most of her time bashing Obama and his policies.

11 to midnight is an assorted crew of bashers who cover a wide range of topics and try to be funny.

So my question is? WHERE IS THE NEWS??

Brett you said "something akin to an editorial page in a newspaper"

Well, your exactly right. Its an opinion channel and NOT a NEWS channel as proclaimed.

For once, you have it correctly. I would like to know where the balance is?? Where is the Liberal representation show on FAUX? A complete day of RIGHT WING bashing and they call themselves Balanced?

Better yet, those that follow FAUX call them balanced, but where exactly is the balance?

FAUX has shown that it does not deserve to be considered reporting news channel and should be called out for it.

If i want statistics and facts, ill watch CNN. No goofy shows, NO outlandish personalities, No props, NO surrogates. Just news. When they have a debate, they have all sides presented.

FOX will bring on the "Weakest" liberal they can find, Like Alan Colmes who couldnt fight his way out of a wet paper bag to provide "balance".

Get serious Brett, you cannot defend FOX NEWS.


I stand by my original statement. Your entire post only supports my belief that you do not have the mental capacity to discern between the opinion shows like Glenn Beck versus news shows that are played the rest of the day. If fox is so right wing why is almost 50% of their viewership liberal? Its because as Pew research has shown they are the most balanced news channel on cable. The white house is simply annoyed that fox is not their lapdog like ABC, CBS, NBC, etc. is. Obama cannot handle criticism from anyone, he has to be praised all the time.


Staff member
Even the most liberal Obama butt kissers should be concerned about the White House attempt to dismantle the free press. You guys aren't a little bit concerned? Not at all?

He already owns the banking system, Wall St, and the auto industry. Can't you see that the attack on Fox News was a move to own the press as well?



Strength through joy
Baba, you math is just a bit off. You forgot to multiply your answer by 100 to give you the %, so it is actually 2.7%
Thank you. Either way it's still such a small number to produce a nation wide panic. I think more people die daily in auto wrecks than this flu, yet no one has called for the banning of all autos.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. Either way it's still such a small number to produce a nation wide panic. I think more people die daily in auto wrecks than this flu, yet no one has called for the banning of all autos.

I find it to be more of a ploy to help health care reform along than it is to alert the nation to a disease that has proven to be less lethal than originally thought. It is just too convenient that congress is about to vote on health care reform and we get this national emergency regarding the swine flu.