White House Attack On Fox News


Für Meno :)
I get to see Canada news on Obama, and BBC, and German TV, and ofcourse US.

I take the middle.

Fox, doesn't.


Well-Known Member
I love your sentiments and I challenge you to hold onto them when a future republican president does the same thing to MSNBC.

Fox goes beyond their opininated programming. Even their straight news is slanted. For example, Fox dedicating an entire day, focusing on the 9/12 tea party with Fox producers mingling with the crowds and firing them up before the camera's started rolling for asthetic purposes, and reporting grossly over exaggerated crowd numbers....I stand by my previous statement and accept your challenge.....tu shay

I think the problem is that liberals don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion. .

So you're giving us your opinion, as fact, on something you can't prove. That's real credible :rofl:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I think the problem is that liberals don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion. CNBC, and Bloomerg programming is based mostly on opinion.
They will take something like a 3.5% GDP growth rate and make opinions on it. Anything contrary to this administration is evil. I see more anti-Obama on CNBC than anywhere else.


I am going to assume that you dont understand the significance of the 3.5 GDP growth rate??

Considering during the last 24 months of BUSH's tyranny, the economy only grew at a .6 tenth of 1% rate, putting this country into the toilet for a couple of years to come.

In November 2007, the BUSH economic program took the GDP into NEGATIVE territory and brought this country to a screeching halt.

A 3.5 growth rate is STUPENDOUS compared to the BUSH economy and thats something to make a positive "OPINION" about.
By the way, I dont think you'd understand the use of the word STUPENDOUS, so I am including the definition:
1 : causing astonishment or wonder : awesome, marvelous
2 : of amazing size or greatness : tremendous

Except if your FAUX news. They make it sound like the economy is still tanking, as if BUSH's performance was any better...

It appears in part, like the "TOP" is doing better, and using a republicans thinking, it will "trickle" down to the middle class shortly thereafter.

Recovery never starts from the bottom up, it always starts from the TOP down.

President OBAMA's 3.5 GDP performance in his first 10 months is a GALAXY away from the BUSH performance.

BUSH made his "hayday" with phoney "inflated balloon" economics and OBAMA is making his with hard decisions. Change is coming, positive change that will help all americans of both parties.

The "teabaggers" can run around the country claiming the sky is falling all they want, but "real number" comparisions make BUSH and the Republican controlled congress look like idiots.

The current unemployment numbers are "still" a direct reflection of the BUSH legacy, these numbers were predicted in November 2008.

Yes, BUSH is gone, this you right wingers have correct, but his legacy lives on and "WE" the american people are paying the price for his failures and the failures of the republican controlled congress from 2000 thru 2007.
(and TIEGUY: before you make your usual claim that the democrats took control of congress in 2006, remember, the democrats didnt take office until January 2007)

The right wing wants to make "hay" out of the money OBAMA has had to spend to keep this country OUT OF a full collapse, yet they forget that BUSH had to raise the DEBT CEILING 9 times to cover his DEFICIT spending during his ENTIRE term of office.

Where were you "fiscal" conservatives for 8 years??

Where were you when the republicans passed a prescription drug bill that is wiping out seniors and costs close to 3/4 of a trillion dollars and is UNFUNDED?

Where were you "teabagging" knowitall's when BUSH left a trillion dollar bill for 2 wars on the desk of president OBAMA?

Where were you "teabagging" fiscal warriors when Bush and the Republican controlled congress were spending this country into enormous debt?

Where were you "fiscal" watchdogs when BUSH and the republican controlled congress spent taxpayer dollars to build a snowmobile track?
(The transportation bill includes funding for such 'highway' projects as a snowmobile trail in Vermont ($5.9 million) and a National Packard Museum in Ohio ($2.75 million).

Why dont you FAUX news robots take a look at what happened during the 8 years of G.W. BUSH and ask yourselves if you look foolish claiming to be "fiscal" conservatives trying to get your country back?

Who do you think buys that?

All of a sudden, the FAUX viewers are the real "watchdogs" of taxpayer money, yet, they didnt exist when the republicans who lead them were spending money on complete CCrap for 8 years.

The link I posted is Called:
The Republican Pork Barrel
"The party of fiscal conservativism should find a new slogan."

The "teabagging" individuals demonstrate that they can deep throat anything the right wing asks them to swallow.

Its an amusing concept to watch and I take great pleasure watching all of them make fools of themselves on television.

I say, keep it up, youre making it a lot easier for OBAMA's re-election in 2012!!

FAUX news is making fools out of anyone who follows the marching orders of the Teabag or 9/12 project.

Republicans and fiscal spending just dont go hand in hand.

I respect this president for having the courage to make tough decisons on domestic issues that affect all americans.

Yes, we have a deficit, but we also had a surplus until BUSH ran it into RED INK, and then kept spending without checks and balances until January 2007 when the democrats cut his purse strings off.

He walked out of office in disgrace, his republican controlled congress walked out in disgrace the year before, problem is, they left a mess in the trillions for our new president to clean up.

Like OBAMA said before he took office, "there are a lot of problems, there are many things to do, but it will get a lot worse before it will get better"

So far, he is right on the money. No one knew the extent of the damage cause by the BUSH administration, but one thing is for sure, we do now.

The country is in trouble, but its turning a corner and things will get better.

In the meantime, its a bitter pill for us in the middle class to swallow, but we should blame ourselves, in 2000 we as americans put an IDIOT in the White House, and also let him have the majority he needed to completely ruin a nation. On top of that, We as americans put him back in office in 2004 to insure he screwed us ALL for years to come.

Fortunately, the handwriting began to appear on the wall in 2006 and the republican controlled congress was OUSTED from power.

The country had enough. Now, those "patriots" who's party screwed them over and put them where they are today, want us to believe "they" have our best interests in mind and are asking those dumb enough to believe it to place them back in power in 2010...



Well-Known Member
Fox goes beyond their opininated programming. Even their straight news is slanted. For example, Fox dedicating an entire day, focusing on the 9/12 tea party with Fox producers mingling with the crowds and firing them up before the camera's started rolling for asthetic purposes, and reporting grossly over exaggerated crowd numbers....I stand by my previous statement and accept your challenge.....tu shay

So you're giving us your opinion, as fact, on something you can't prove. That's real credible :rofl:
MSNBC more balanced than fox news?

Not according to this Pew research poll.

The Pew (PEJ) report for the 2008 election cycle is out.

Among the findings?

FOXNEWS provided the most balanced cable coverage of the 2008 presidential election among major news outlets (CNN, MSNBC, FOXNEWS) and likely the most balanced of all six outlets (NBC, CBS, ABC included), although they oddly didnt release the latter three network's numbers. Keep in mind, while Pew bills itself as Independent, it certainly leans to the left, which is probably why they didnt release all the numbers. God forbid they stated FoxNews was the most fair of any television network, as it's doubtful any network bested the Fox numbers below since the Fox positive/negative are almost a perfect match. Interestingly, while they released the numbers for MSNBC and FOX, they didnt release individual CNN numbers, choosing to say it closely reflected the "Total Coverage" numbers below, putting it somewhere between MSNBC and FOX.

The Best (least biased) and the Worst (most biased) news coverage?

Positive Obama Stories 25%
Positive McCain Stories 22%
Negative Obama Stories 40%
Negative McCain Stories 40%

Positive Obama Stories 73%
Positive McCain Stories 10%
Negative Obama Stories 14%
Negative McCain Stories 43%

TOTAL COVERAGE (all media added together - 2,412 stories from 48 outlets)
Positive Obama Stories 36%
Positive McCain Stories 14%
Negative Obama Stories 29%
Negative McCain Stories 57%


Well-Known Member
Lol, even democrats prefer fox news over the NY times.

Poll: Democrats Prefer Fox News to New York Times

Thursday, September 17, 2009 9:04 AM
By: John R. Lott, Jr.
Whom do Democrats trust more for news: Fox News or the New York Times? With all the vitriol directed against Fox News, one would think that it is a no brainer. But a new Pew Research Center for the People & the Press poll shows that it is Fox News. While 43 percent of Democrats have a positive view of Fox News, 39 percent of Democrats feel the same way about the New York Times.

Of course among Republicans or Independents it isn't even a close contest. 72 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of Fox News compared to only 16 percent who have a favorable view of the New York Times. Almost twice as many independents have a favorable view of Fox than the New York Times.

The survey was done from July 22-26 so it doesn't reflect how the New York Times ignored the Van Jones story or the recent controversy over ACORN.


Well-Known Member
I think the problem is that liberals don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion. CNBC, and Bloomerg programming is based mostly on opinion.
They will take something like a 3.5% GDP growth rate and make opinions on it. Anything contrary to this administration is evil. I see more anti-Obama on CNBC than anywhere else.

So you're giving us your opinion, as fact, on something you can't prove. That's real credible :rofl:

See, there you go, The only only fact in my statement was the 3.5% GDP growth. When someone says I THINK, or I SEE, that is an opinion.

Here is another opinion of mine. Santelli, Haines, Kudlow, Gasparino, are all big anti-obaba. Even Ratigan was.


Well-Known Member

I am going to assume that you dont understand the significance of the 3.5 GDP growth rate??

Considering during the last 24 months of BUSH's tyranny, the economy only grew at a .6 tenth of 1% rate, putting this country into the toilet for a couple of years to come.

In November 2007, the BUSH economic program took the GDP into NEGATIVE territory and brought this country to a screeching halt.

A 3.5 growth rate is STUPENDOUS compared to the BUSH economy and thats something to make a positive "OPINION" about.
By the way, I dont think you'd understand the use of the word STUPENDOUS, so I am including the definition:
1 : causing astonishment or wonder : awesome, marvelous
2 : of amazing size or greatness : tremendous

Except if your FAUX news. They make it sound like the economy is still tanking, as if BUSH's performance was any better...

It appears in part, like the "TOP" is doing better, and using a republicans thinking, it will "trickle" down to the middle class shortly thereafter.

Recovery never starts from the bottom up, it always starts from the TOP down.

President OBAMA's 3.5 GDP performance in his first 10 months is a GALAXY away from the BUSH performance.

BUSH made his "hayday" with phoney "inflated balloon" economics and OBAMA is making his with hard decisions. Change is coming, positive change that will help all americans of both parties.

The "teabaggers" can run around the country claiming the sky is falling all they want, but "real number" comparisions make BUSH and the Republican controlled congress look like idiots.

The current unemployment numbers are "still" a direct reflection of the BUSH legacy, these numbers were predicted in November 2008.

Yes, BUSH is gone, this you right wingers have correct, but his legacy lives on and "WE" the american people are paying the price for his failures and the failures of the republican controlled congress from 2000 thru 2007.
(and TIEGUY: before you make your usual claim that the democrats took control of congress in 2006, remember, the democrats didnt take office until January 2007)

The right wing wants to make "hay" out of the money OBAMA has had to spend to keep this country OUT OF a full collapse, yet they forget that BUSH had to raise the DEBT CEILING 9 times to cover his DEFICIT spending during his ENTIRE term of office.

Where were you "fiscal" conservatives for 8 years??

Where were you when the republicans passed a prescription drug bill that is wiping out seniors and costs close to 3/4 of a trillion dollars and is UNFUNDED?

Where were you "teabagging" knowitall's when BUSH left a trillion dollar bill for 2 wars on the desk of president OBAMA?

Where were you "teabagging" fiscal warriors when Bush and the Republican controlled congress were spending this country into enormous debt?

Where were you "fiscal" watchdogs when BUSH and the republican controlled congress spent taxpayer dollars to build a snowmobile track?
(The transportation bill includes funding for such 'highway' projects as a snowmobile trail in Vermont ($5.9 million) and a National Packard Museum in Ohio ($2.75 million).

Why dont you FAUX news robots take a look at what happened during the 8 years of G.W. BUSH and ask yourselves if you look foolish claiming to be "fiscal" conservatives trying to get your country back?

Who do you think buys that?

All of a sudden, the FAUX viewers are the real "watchdogs" of taxpayer money, yet, they didnt exist when the republicans who lead them were spending money on complete CCrap for 8 years.

The link I posted is Called:
The Republican Pork Barrel
"The party of fiscal conservativism should find a new slogan."

The "teabagging" individuals demonstrate that they can deep throat anything the right wing asks them to swallow.

Its an amusing concept to watch and I take great pleasure watching all of them make fools of themselves on television.

I say, keep it up, youre making it a lot easier for OBAMA's re-election in 2012!!

FAUX news is making fools out of anyone who follows the marching orders of the Teabag or 9/12 project.

Republicans and fiscal spending just dont go hand in hand.

I respect this president for having the courage to make tough decisons on domestic issues that affect all americans.

Yes, we have a deficit, but we also had a surplus until BUSH ran it into RED INK, and then kept spending without checks and balances until January 2007 when the democrats cut his purse strings off.

He walked out of office in disgrace, his republican controlled congress walked out in disgrace the year before, problem is, they left a mess in the trillions for our new president to clean up.

Like OBAMA said before he took office, "there are a lot of problems, there are many things to do, but it will get a lot worse before it will get better"

So far, he is right on the money. No one knew the extent of the damage cause by the BUSH administration, but one thing is for sure, we do now.

The country is in trouble, but its turning a corner and things will get better.

In the meantime, its a bitter pill for us in the middle class to swallow, but we should blame ourselves, in 2000 we as americans put an IDIOT in the White House, and also let him have the majority he needed to completely ruin a nation. On top of that, We as americans put him back in office in 2004 to insure he screwed us ALL for years to come.

Fortunately, the handwriting began to appear on the wall in 2006 and the republican controlled congress was OUSTED from power.

The country had enough. Now, those "patriots" who's party screwed them over and put them where they are today, want us to believe "they" have our best interests in mind and are asking those dumb enough to believe it to place them back in power in 2010...


Just to put the facts out, the GDP did not go negative until the 4th quarter of 2008 and has been negative for all of Obama's term. Also, the government under Bush spent too much money but the government under Obama is vastly exceeding Bush's deficit.



Well-Known Member

I am going to assume that you dont understand the significance of the 3.5 GDP growth rate??

Considering during the last 24 months of BUSH's tyranny, the economy only grew at a .6 tenth of 1% rate, putting this country into the toilet for a couple of years to come.

In November 2007, the BUSH economic program took the GDP into NEGATIVE territory and brought this country to a screeching halt.

A 3.5 growth rate is STUPENDOUS compared to the BUSH economy and thats something to make a positive "OPINION" about.
By the way, I dont think you'd understand the use of the word STUPENDOUS, so I am including the definition:
1 : causing astonishment or wonder : awesome, marvelous
2 : of amazing size or greatness : tremendous

Except if your FAUX news. They make it sound like the economy is still tanking, as if BUSH's performance was any better...

It appears in part, like the "TOP" is doing better, and using a republicans thinking, it will "trickle" down to the middle class shortly thereafter.

Recovery never starts from the bottom up, it always starts from the TOP down.

President OBAMA's 3.5 GDP performance in his first 10 months is a GALAXY away from the BUSH performance.

BUSH made his "hayday" with phoney "inflated balloon" economics and OBAMA is making his with hard decisions. Change is coming, positive change that will help all americans of both parties.

The "teabaggers" can run around the country claiming the sky is falling all they want, but "real number" comparisions make BUSH and the Republican controlled congress look like idiots.

The current unemployment numbers are "still" a direct reflection of the BUSH legacy, these numbers were predicted in November 2008.

Yes, BUSH is gone, this you right wingers have correct, but his legacy lives on and "WE" the american people are paying the price for his failures and the failures of the republican controlled congress from 2000 thru 2007.
(and TIEGUY: before you make your usual claim that the democrats took control of congress in 2006, remember, the democrats didnt take office until January 2007)

The right wing wants to make "hay" out of the money OBAMA has had to spend to keep this country OUT OF a full collapse, yet they forget that BUSH had to raise the DEBT CEILING 9 times to cover his DEFICIT spending during his ENTIRE term of office.

Where were you "fiscal" conservatives for 8 years??

Where were you when the republicans passed a prescription drug bill that is wiping out seniors and costs close to 3/4 of a trillion dollars and is UNFUNDED?

Where were you "teabagging" knowitall's when BUSH left a trillion dollar bill for 2 wars on the desk of president OBAMA?

Where were you "teabagging" fiscal warriors when Bush and the Republican controlled congress were spending this country into enormous debt?

Where were you "fiscal" watchdogs when BUSH and the republican controlled congress spent taxpayer dollars to build a snowmobile track?
(The transportation bill includes funding for such 'highway' projects as a snowmobile trail in Vermont ($5.9 million) and a National Packard Museum in Ohio ($2.75 million).

Why dont you FAUX news robots take a look at what happened during the 8 years of G.W. BUSH and ask yourselves if you look foolish claiming to be "fiscal" conservatives trying to get your country back?

Who do you think buys that?

All of a sudden, the FAUX viewers are the real "watchdogs" of taxpayer money, yet, they didnt exist when the republicans who lead them were spending money on complete CCrap for 8 years.

The link I posted is Called:
The Republican Pork Barrel
"The party of fiscal conservativism should find a new slogan."

The "teabagging" individuals demonstrate that they can deep throat anything the right wing asks them to swallow.

Its an amusing concept to watch and I take great pleasure watching all of them make fools of themselves on television.

I say, keep it up, youre making it a lot easier for OBAMA's re-election in 2012!!

FAUX news is making fools out of anyone who follows the marching orders of the Teabag or 9/12 project.

Republicans and fiscal spending just dont go hand in hand.

I respect this president for having the courage to make tough decisons on domestic issues that affect all americans.

Yes, we have a deficit, but we also had a surplus until BUSH ran it into RED INK, and then kept spending without checks and balances until January 2007 when the democrats cut his purse strings off.

He walked out of office in disgrace, his republican controlled congress walked out in disgrace the year before, problem is, they left a mess in the trillions for our new president to clean up.

Like OBAMA said before he took office, "there are a lot of problems, there are many things to do, but it will get a lot worse before it will get better"

So far, he is right on the money. No one knew the extent of the damage cause by the BUSH administration, but one thing is for sure, we do now.

The country is in trouble, but its turning a corner and things will get better.

In the meantime, its a bitter pill for us in the middle class to swallow, but we should blame ourselves, in 2000 we as americans put an IDIOT in the White House, and also let him have the majority he needed to completely ruin a nation. On top of that, We as americans put him back in office in 2004 to insure he screwed us ALL for years to come.

Fortunately, the handwriting began to appear on the wall in 2006 and the republican controlled congress was OUSTED from power.

The country had enough. Now, those "patriots" who's party screwed them over and put them where they are today, want us to believe "they" have our best interests in mind and are asking those dumb enough to believe it to place them back in power in 2010...


Is the growth sustainable?
A rebound in auto sales, which were helped by the government's Cash for Clunkers program, also provided a boost to GDP. The economic stimulus package, with public works projects and aid to state and federal governments, boosted growth as well.
Christina Romer, chair of the White House's Council of Economic Advisors, said in a statement that stimulus added between 3 and 4 percentage points to growth this quarter, suggesting that the economy would have shown little or no growth without the bump from government spending.
Romer also noted that the swing from a 6.4% rate of decline in GDP during the first quarter to the third quarter's 3.5% rise is the biggest six-month turnaround in the economy since 1980.

Look behind the numbers. 1st, you don't think the govt. cooks the books? We will see what it gets revised to. 2nd, government intervention doesn't make real sustainable growth or a free market. Just how can the government ever make an exit strategy?

It is bad enough that the Fed has been manipulating markets so long... Now we continue the Fed manipulation plus further political manipulation. By the way the Fed is run by a conservative.


Fox goes beyond their opininated programming. Even their straight news is slanted. For example, Fox dedicating an entire day, focusing on the 9/12 tea party with Fox producers mingling with the crowds and firing them up before the camera's started rolling for asthetic purposes, and reporting grossly over exaggerated crowd numbers....I stand by my previous statement and accept your challenge.....tu shay

So you're giving us your opinion, as fact, on something you can't prove. That's real credible :rofl:

and msnbc does what? You can't make this argument. Fox is a hell of a lot more subtle then the liberal fanatics you have on msnbc.

Again will you support a future republican president who takes the same action against msnbc?


Staff member
and msnbc does what? You can't make this argument. Fox is a hell of a lot more subtle then the liberal fanatics you have on msnbc.

Again will you support a future republican president who takes the same action against msnbc?
Then you admit Fox's bias? Subtle though it may attempt to be? And we have no choice but to support a republican's action against msnbc. The last republican president did it...or did you not see Jon Stewart's piece. That helps an argument when you ignore the other side's points completely.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Just because I can, election night ratings results

Fox News Channel 4,043,000 viewers
MSNBC 974,000 viewers
Headline News 842,000 viewers
CNN 826,000 viewers


Then you admit Fox's bias?

Are you kidding me? I think all news is biased. I think most is biased liberal. I'm grateful that there is one network out there that will allow conservative minded reporters and opinion makers on it. But thank god we got one.



Just because I can, election night ratings results

Fox News Channel 4,043,000 viewers
MSNBC 974,000 viewers
Headline News 842,000 viewers
CNN 826,000 viewers

bbsam the question you may want to ask is why are so many watching fox. Der's a storm a brewin out der laddie.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
bbsam the question you may want to ask is why are so many watching fox. Der's a storm a brewin out der laddie.

Its not just a storm...it looks like a cat 5 huricane. The country is waking up from the Obama dream and seeing the light that he is not the person they voted for. Three more years...