I believe that is a question you should be worried about. Not sure were you are going yet? Maybe i will come down by you to extend the picket lines. Can i stay at your house?
Absolutely. I think I have some ups pajamas your size.

I believe that is a question you should be worried about. Not sure were you are going yet? Maybe i will come down by you to extend the picket lines. Can i stay at your house?
When did the Me's and I's , take over the teamsters? they honored the strike in 97', shouldn't that be good enough? i for 1 am glade to see 705 take such a stand. what will be next? PTer's won't get bennie's next contract? 5 years to top out? do away with all 22.3 jobs? a Tieguy in every package car. You know how far 10.50 goes in Chicago? a pack of smokes and a bus ticket maybe. We are the American working people, take pride in your self and expect more, not less.
Something of value? the american working people don't have value? Tie talk down to me all you want. Call me stpuid or lazy or uncareing, but make sure you call me a teamster. Tie let me know if ya need my browns. i have still have mine, and you can use them if ya want.
Some questions to ask as we listen to threats of a strike. I've excluded 710 at this point since they have been quiet and therefore seem to be doing better at the table then 705.
Who is 705. What is their makeup. Are they a TDU/ Ron Carey local like 804?
Who is the leadership of this local and whats their history.
What kind of relationship does 705 have with the national union. Is it a poor relationship as rumored? Will the national support a possible strike or squash any attempts to walk.
If there is a poor relationship between 705 and the national as rumored then could these talks lead to the national stepping in and taking over 705 as they have done at other locals.
Why is it that negotiations seem to be progressing so much better for 710 then 705. Is there a personality conflict present at the 705 table that is not present at 710's?
It appears our friends are reluctant to answer my questions here.
Question 1 - Yes 705 is known for being a TDU , Ronnie I want to have your baby Carey loving union.
Anyone want to disagree?
705 is also so radical that they are rumored to be at odds with the international union. So the question remains should 705 attempt to walk what the intl will do.
Another quiet day of negotiations for 710. Meanwhile the personality conflicts continue at 705.
Cach I feel sorry for you. I remember when you actually provided some intelligent posts to this board and thus was nomitated for a position as a moderator here. Now you're stuck with making the same weak arguments here so red does not blister your but for non support. I know you;re smarter then this so I just kind of laugh off your half wit responses and move on.
I look forward to the day when this soap opera ends so you can provide us with the wit and charm you were known for before you sold your sould to the anti ups tdu devil.
Thanks for the compliment Tie but in actuality I have no problems thinking for myself. I do back Red as well as my union but I would also have no problem speaking out against taking strike action if I felt it was for unreasonable demands.
Now,wheres my spanking paddle?![]()
705 being under the national would not change much, except for the fact they would be holding up the national now instead of just their contract.
705 being under the national would not change much, except for the fact they would be holding up the national now instead of just their contract. They would still be fighting for the same things they are fighting for now, but when the rest of the Teamsters saw what they got in their supplement they would jump on the boat and it would probably end up in the national.
Well no, if you go look at previous posts, you will see that 705 would not start negotions until 7/1. Just ask 705 red. He said what's the hurry!. Right 705 red? You see local 705 staged this entire event. Local 705 is going to hurt our employee's, Our customer's our company ! but they don't care!Perhaps UPS should have started negotiating with 705 as soon as the NMA was ratified, why did UPS wait Tie? Isn't this anxiety just as much their fault?
Tie im not sure whos feeding you your info but they are wrong. Conversations were had today with very high people within the ibt. Also hall and other heads of other ups locals are meeting us in chicago on thursday to cover all of our bases. By the way local 174 out of seattle just signed on with support to extend picket lines today. now we have norcal, 396 and 63 out of southern california, 25 out of boston and 804 out of new york announcing support. If hoffa was against us going on strike why would these others locals offer to extend picket lines?heck no . you have no gratitude for the people that feed your family and provide you with the means to pay your bills.
Everyone of our ups agents and sec/treas came from ups as hourlies. Why would you call 804 a tdu local? Because they actually believe that their leadership should be held accountable?
You dodged that question. Are you afraid to say that your local is run by Carey devotees?
I know everyone in my local and some were carey supporters and some are hoffa supporters. But they support the mthe embers unamiously together.
not sure why you are squirming with these questions. Honesty is good at such times. Just proudly admit that you guys are carey groupies and move on. Don't be peter denying jesus three times.
What rumors? I have yet to see any bad blood rumors. Steve and jimmy (hoffa) are friends. Why would hoffa step in?
Are they?
You wouldnt be spreading mis information now would you? All you do is talk, its time for you to back up the crap that you spew out of that hole in your face.
I don't need to back up the crap. it will prove itself in a week. yOu guys are a bunch of hard head tdu nazi's who deny but will prove me right. I hope the National teamsters come in and makes you peform unnatural acts on your knees.
Now this is great propaganda, the ibt cannot step in and remove our leadership because they wont bend over and take it from ups!
You sure the national will support you guys?
Still waiting for this answer you seem to be struggling with speaking to the support you will recieve from the national.
Would 2900 no votes really have changed the outcome of the national?
Well no, if you go look at previous posts, you will see that 705 would not start negotions until 7/1. Just ask 705 red. He said what's the hurry!. Right 705 red? You see local 705 staged this entire event. Local 705 is going to hurt our employee's, Our customer's our company ! but they don't care!
If we voted down our supplement if we were tied to the nma sure it would have. We would have held up the national until our supplement was accepted. Which might have been a good thing, you might have been able to get a cola this year.
Absolutely i posted july 4th as the date we would start talks. At that time we had over 200 arbitrations outstanding and ups had no urgency to get these cases before the arbitrator. Why would we show them a sense of urgency to start the talks? Even starting june 9th we have meet 12 times with nothing being settled. the company will drag their feet to the last minute here like they do on everything. Since we have started later we should have been able to get more done by this point.
We are standing up for ourselves and just want a fair contract. We have never said we wanted more. I have said that i would have voted no on the national. Ups is hurting the cutomers by dragging their feet and offering outrageous proposals. The fact is now either ups settles this or shows great improvement by 430pm on thursday the 31st or pickets go up at 1201am. Nothing more to debate! Get er done or shut em down!
Perhaps UPS should have started negotiating with 705 as soon as the NMA was ratified, why did UPS wait Tie? Isn't this anxiety just as much their fault?