Who are Locals 705


Tie im not sure whos feeding you your info but they are wrong. Conversations were had today with very high people within the ibt. Also hall and other heads of other ups locals are meeting us in chicago on thursday to cover all of our bases. By the way local 174 out of seattle just signed on with support to extend picket lines today. now we have norcal, 396 and 63 out of southern california, 25 out of boston and 804 out of new york announcing support. If hoffa was against us going on strike why would these others locals offer to extend picket lines?

Thats too easy to answer. I'm surprised you even asked it. Its common knowledge that you have your traditional teamster locals also called the old guard by tdu/carey/leedham supporters.

and then you have the tdu/carey/leedham crowd. You're getting support from the latter. some of the most militant locals in the country.

those rebels looking for a cause due not equate to support by the international.

One of the heads your recently mentioned is an al sharpton / jesse jackson type looking for any cause he can join to get his face in the paper.

705 has the reputation of being union nazi's. Radicals in every sense.

I even had a conversation with a BA who described your local as being run by a bunch of TDU nuts.

My friends tell me your BA's and steward get thrown off property for being disruptive more then any others. I guess that something to be proud of.

Your union does not have any credibility when they try to sing the we're bargaining in good faith song. There's no doubt your guys are probably doing everything they can to piss off the other side.

So the consensus from quite a few sources both management and union give me the impressoin your guys probably self manipulate theirselves fantasizing about leading a strike.

The good news is your local has passed 804 as being viewed the most radical in the country. congrats on your accomplishment.


705 has the reputation of being union nazi's. Radicals in every sense.
Reputation with who? First you speak of the KKK now of Nazis,quiet a underlying fantisization you have going.

I even had a conversation with a BA who described your local as being run by a bunch of TDU nuts.
Better to be a TDU nut than a UPS lapdog.

My friends tell me your BA's and steward get thrown off property for being disruptive more then any others.
And you have anything to support this other than hearsay from your friend? That statement would get tossed in a second in court. My friend says that you secretly supply privileged company info to FedEx in exchange for a sweet job over there when you retire. See,two can play that game.

The good news is your local has passed 804 as being viewed the most radical in the country. congrats on your accomplishment.
If "radical" means having the balls to stand up to the company then I`m glad to be in that club with them


Browncafe Steward
Thats too easy to answer. I'm surprised you even asked it. Its common knowledge that you have your traditional teamster locals also called the old guard by tdu/carey/leedham supporters.

and then you have the tdu/carey/leedham crowd. You're getting support from the latter. some of the most militant locals in the country.

those rebels looking for a cause due not equate to support by the international.

One of the heads your recently mentioned is an al sharpton / jesse jackson type looking for any cause he can join to get his face in the paper.

705 has the reputation of being union nazi's. Radicals in every sense.

I even had a conversation with a BA who described your local as being run by a bunch of TDU nuts.

My friends tell me your BA's and steward get thrown off property for being disruptive more then any others. I guess that something to be proud of.

Your union does not have any credibility when they try to sing the we're bargaining in good faith song. There's no doubt your guys are probably doing everything they can to piss off the other side.

So the consensus from quite a few sources both management and union give me the impressoin your guys probably self manipulate theirselves fantasizing about leading a strike.

The good news is your local has passed 804 as being viewed the most radical in the country. congrats on your accomplishment.
705 has a reputation for standing up for the members. You can put your management propoganda spin to it if you like. Im sure any union teamster here reading this from you will say that those in 705 wont be bullied by ups management and tie is attempting to discredit them.

If ups did things according to thecontract there would be no problems, but when they dont we will call them on it! Thats a promise!


Well-Known Member
If we voted down our supplement if we were tied to the nma sure it would have. We would have held up the national until our supplement was accepted. Which might have been a good thing, you might have been able to get a cola this year.

Absolutely i posted july 4th as the date we would start talks. At that time we had over 200 arbitrations outstanding and ups had no urgency to get these cases before the arbitrator. Why would we show them a sense of urgency to start the talks? Even starting june 9th we have meet 12 times with nothing being settled. the company will drag their feet to the last minute here like they do on everything. Since we have started later we should have been able to get more done by this point.

We are standing up for ourselves and just want a fair contract. We have never said we wanted more. I have said that i would have voted no on the national. Ups is hurting the cutomers by dragging their feet and offering outrageous proposals. The fact is now either ups settles this or shows great improvement by 430pm on thursday the 31st or pickets go up at 1201am. Nothing more to debate! Get er done or shut em down!
You had over 200 arbitrations at the time? I believe you, 705 deadlocks so many cases its a joke. You rarely, if ever will admit that an employee is wrong or if a grievance has no merit so you deadlock it and drag it out for months or years. You see Red I grew up in Chicago and worked there for years. I will be collecting part of my pension from local 705. I have friends that are feeder and package car drivers as well as management. Your local operates like no other that I have ever seen. I know where I'm working currently we settle things in the local level hearings and at state panel hearings. We rarely deadlock to the JAC. You guys rarely settle and don't use the JAC, Why? It goes to arbitration and the loser pays, correct? Do you realize how much money is wasted by arbitration? UPS is hurting the customers or is your local? I know of 2 win backs from fedex worth over 10 million dollars that have decided not to make the switch due to the publicity. I am sure there are many others. I also know that my District is working 50 to 75 package drivers less than a year ago and 25 less feeder drivers. These are teamster jobs!! The economy is in the toilet yet you think you deserve more and don't realize that there will be thousands of jobs lost if this strike happens and the customers are sick of it. If you think the company will not make direct loads and bypass Chicago, your wrong. I am certain that if local 705 were to accept what the rest of the country got in the contract the company would settle today, but thats not good enough, so lets see more teamsters lose there job because of local 705. You talk about part timers making 8.50 and hour, how long does a part-timer have to wait to become a driver in Chicago? I know of 4 people that were part time for less than a year and are now package car drivers and are so greatful for the opportunity. There are many part timers that are going to college that are taking advantage of tuition reimbersment as well, not to mention the medical benefits that so many company's don't offer to part-timers! If you think the employees in Chicago work harder and desreve more your wrong. There are many good hard working people in This company all over the world as well as Chicago.


Browncafe Steward
You had over 200 arbitrations at the time? I believe you, 705 deadlocks so many cases its a joke. We deadlock when we are right and we uphold the terminations when the company is right! We have a winning record in arbitrations, its ups that cant admit they are wrong. Just imagine how much money ups could have saved at roughly $10,000 for evry lost arbitration? We spend a mere $60,000 in arbitrations last year.

You rarely, if ever will admit that an employee is wrong or if a grievance has no merit so you deadlock it and drag it out for months or years. You see Red I grew up in Chicago and worked there for years. I will be collecting part of my pension from local 705. I have friends that are feeder and package car drivers as well as management. Your local operates like no other that I have ever seen. Because we represent the members?

I know where I'm working currently we settle things in the local level hearings and at state panel hearings. We rarely deadlock to the JAC. You guys rarely settle and don't use the JAC, Why? It goes to arbitration and the loser pays, correct? Do you realize how much money is wasted by arbitration? UPS is hurting the customers or is your local? I know of 2 win backs from fedex worth over 10 million dollars that have decided not to make the switch due to the publicity. I am sure there are many others. I also know that my District is working 50 to 75 package drivers less than a year ago and 25 less feeder drivers. These are teamster jobs!! I am sorry that you have lay offs and i mean that. We are proecting what we have, we will not trade away 22.3 jobs, the previous union goons traded away 300 fulltime inside jobs in order to create 300 22.3 lower paying jobs, now thats selling out the members.

The economy is in the toilet yet you think you deserve more and don't realize that there will be thousands of jobs lost if this strike happens and the customers are sick of it. If you think the company will not make direct loads and bypass Chicago, your wrong. I am certain that if local 705 were to accept what the rest of the country got in the contract the company would settle today, but thats not good enough, so lets see more teamsters lose there job because of local 705. If you look at ups's proposals they are not even close to the national offers, and we are down to 2 days to settle. Yet you would like to blame the union for not accepting these crap offers that are now on the table. We have not spent more than 30 minutes per day meeting with the company over 12 dates. Even this last tuesday the company said they would meet with us before lunch, well it was finally 3pm when they meet. Everything they proposed was printed out at 815 am, why did they not come up before 3pm if they were ready? The union wasnt tellling them not to.

You talk about part timers making 8.50 and hour, how long does a part-timer have to wait to become a driver in Chicago? Just under a year right now, but if we take ups's offer there will be no more package opening because no1 will go feeder to sit at home on call. Now we have a 2 tier pay scale and anyone not through progression will take 4 years to do so and will top out at $24 an hour. We will not take this, would you?

I know of 4 people that were part time for less than a year and are now package car drivers and are so greatful for the opportunity. There are many part timers that are going to college that are taking advantage of tuition reimbersment as well, not to mention the medical benefits that so many company's don't offer to part-timers! If you think the employees in Chicago work harder and desreve more your wrong. There are many good hard working people in This company all over the world as well as Chicago.
All current ptimers will have their medical switched to a different plan (no were near as good) and all new ptimers will not have medical for 1 year and family for 3 years. They will now have a 3 hour guarantee while minimum wage will surpass $8.50 well before the contract expires in 2013. When you started you probably started at $8 an hour from the middle 80s through 97 when they received a raise of .50. $8 was good money back then not now, have you forgotten were you came from?


Well-Known Member
Red, Local 174 may implode if they support your strike...There is more tension between the two sides trying to gain power than there has ever been towards the company.


Well-Known Member
Red, you did not answer all my questions, I'm going to p/u a keg of beer, food and spirits for a party I'm going to. I will repsond tonight or in the morning. Have a great day ! !


Browncafe Steward
IF UPS were to offer 705 a near replica of the national contract, and it' not good enough for you all, I sure as hell ( as a "supporting" Local 25 Boston Teamster as was mentioned) am not going to strike with you.
I appreciate your support and at this point ups's offer is nowere near the national. As you know you have to start out high, but i feel asking for a dollar was not high to begin. Its compariable with what we received over the last contract. We are not asking for gold bars and the world, right now my main concern is alot of the language and working conditions. Would you support it to raise starting wages for ptimers? If we are able to raise them it only benefits everyone.
Red, Local 174 may implode if they support your strike...There is more tension between the two sides trying to gain power than there has ever been towards the company.
Both sides would benefit? Hicks/Ricks (i do apoligize for forgetting his name) is in power and has pledged support and if scott went against it wouldnt that hurt him? Didnt he want to negotiate the national if he would have won?

Red, you did not answer all my questions, I'm going to p/u a keg of beer, food and spirits for a party I'm going to. I will repsond tonight or in the morning. Have a great day ! !

Please no drunken posts tonight, sleep it off and i will see you tomorrow.


Absolutely i posted july 4th as the date we would start talks. At that time we had over 200 arbitrations outstanding and ups had no urgency to get these cases before the arbitrator. Why would we show them a sense of urgency to start the talks?

There you have it. an admission from a 705 official that they deliberately held up the talks. Anyone doubt the union nazi's at 705 have staged all this now?


705 has a reputation for standing up for the members. You can put your management propoganda spin to it if you like.
I'm sorry its your reputation. As I previously said I even had a union BA call your union a bunch of TDU nuts.

So call it what you want but what you think your union is doing and what it is actually is percieved to be doing by both management and some union folks is a radical union out of control.

Whats the matter aren't you proud that you are now viewed as having the most radical union in the country? Isn't that what your guys have been working for.
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You had over 200 arbitrations at the time? I believe you, 705 deadlocks so many cases its a joke. We deadlock when we are right and we uphold the terminations when the company is right! We have a winning record in arbitrations, its ups that cant admit they are wrong. Just imagine how much money ups could have saved at roughly $10,000 for evry lost arbitration? We spend a mere $60,000 in arbitrations last year.

You rarely, if ever will admit that an employee is wrong or if a grievance has no merit so you deadlock it and drag it out for months or years. You see Red I grew up in Chicago and worked there for years. I will be collecting part of my pension from local 705. I have friends that are feeder and package car drivers as well as management. Your local operates like no other that I have ever seen. Because we represent the members?

Red this is getting interesting.

You previously admitted that your local stalled negotiations due to the large number of unsettled arbitrations. Your inference was the company was locking them up.

Here you admit that your union is the cause of those 200 unsettled arbitrations.

So at this point you have admitted to creating a backlog of unsettled arbitrations and then using that as an excuse to delay the start of contract negotiations.

Red it appears the nuts running your union have staged this whole contract crisis? For what purpose? Do they seek fame, glory, infamy?



"We deadlock when we are right and we uphold the terminations when the company is right! We have a winning record in arbitrations, its ups that cant admit they are wrong. Just imagine how much money ups could have saved at roughly $10,000 for evry lost arbitration? We spend a mere $60,000 in arbitrations last year"

since you have now thrown this into the pot as your reason for stalling the start of negotiations. Why not have the local keep the members informed as you like to state and have them post their arbitration record on the same internet site they post those tedious contract documents few are reading.

Lets see what you call a winning arbitration. Is it a guy who gets his job back with time served. Is that a win or do you only call someone getting their job with back pay a win.

post your record so everyone can see why you felt it was necessary to use this as an excuse to delay the contract talks and throw everyone in the countrys lives into turmoil with all these strike threats.


Well-Known Member
Ive been reading the post for the last few days. Ive been off the site for awhile but I cant believe whats going on. A few things I just wanted to throw out there and see what kind of reactions you guys have.

1. I think the biggest issue is that 705 is special with their own contract. As were a union we need to stick together, we ought to have the same contract. Which leads me to say, 705 should have the national contract and if UPS can't at least give them that then 705 should strike. Its hard to ask for other teamster help when you guys are asking for more then everyone else.

2. The company lately has been doing everything to trim the budget. I agree if they can't make any more full time jobs for the time being because of the slow economy then fine but don't eliminate existing ones. Issues of making drivers paying for bad checks is crazy, and then the need to delay seniority when an employee is fmla or on the job injury. Excessive 9.5 is definitely one issue that needs to be cleaned up. There are many more but because this job pays up to 30 dollars an hour and free insurance some of the issues come with the job.

3. This insurance problem could easily be fixed by making us pay a premium. 5-10 dollars a week from every employee nationwide or just partimers would be enough to provide injury at the time of hiring or 30 days. Part Timers only making 8.50 is a joke and needs to be upped seriously. Maybe a higher starting point but a slower progression would work better.

4. I keep hearing about the economy is bad and the strike is at the wrong time. The USA economy is bad, not the world though. UPS is an international business. It does a very good job of making money. Im not sure how UPS treats its international employees but im sure they pay them less then here. Teamsters throughout the years built UPS on their backs into a billions of dollars a year business. Theyre not a company that can just up and leave the country. UPS makes enough money throughout the world just because the US operations are hurting shouldn't deny these locals of at least a contract equalling the national.


Well-Known Member
Anyone doubt the union nazi's at 705 have staged all this now?

Tie union nazi is the wrong term. They dont go together.Although Nazism has some liberal ideals in it; its viewed as a right wing philosophy. Thus making it a reactionary, not a radical view. Also itt's downright unacceptable calling the union nazis. As a proud union supporter I'm offended because I do not want to be associated with a party that killed millions of innocent lives.


Well-Known Member
Tie union nazi is the wrong term. They dont go together.Although Nazism has some liberal ideals in it; its viewed as a right wing philosophy. Thus making it a reactionary, not a radical view. Also itt's downright unacceptable calling the union nazis. As a proud union supporter I'm offended because I do not want to be associated with a party that killed millions of innocent lives.
Hmmm, You could be right, the word communists seems to fit better !


Browncafe Steward
Absolutely i posted july 4th as the date we would start talks. At that time we had over 200 arbitrations outstanding and ups had no urgency to get these cases before the arbitrator. Why would we show them a sense of urgency to start the talks?

There you have it. an admission from a 705 official that they deliberately held up the talks. Anyone doubt the union nazi's at 705 have staged all this now?

That was quote thrown out at a general membership meeting . Can you tell us who initiated the contract talks? I can it was the union back in may, well before the july 4th quote. Nice try tie.
You had over 200 arbitrations at the time? I believe you, 705 deadlocks so many cases its a joke. We deadlock when we are right and we uphold the terminations when the company is right! We have a winning record in arbitrations, its ups that cant admit they are wrong. Just imagine how much money ups could have saved at roughly $10,000 for evry lost arbitration? We spend a mere $60,000 in arbitrations last year.

You rarely, if ever will admit that an employee is wrong or if a grievance has no merit so you deadlock it and drag it out for months or years. You see Red I grew up in Chicago and worked there for years. I will be collecting part of my pension from local 705. I have friends that are feeder and package car drivers as well as management. Your local operates like no other that I have ever seen. Because we represent the members?

Red this is getting interesting.

You previously admitted that your local stalled negotiations due to the large number of unsettled arbitrations. Your inference was the company was locking them up.

Here you admit that your union is the cause of those 200 unsettled arbitrations.

So at this point you have admitted to creating a backlog of unsettled arbitrations and then using that as an excuse to delay the start of contract negotiations.

Red it appears the nuts running your union have staged this whole contract crisis? For what purpose? Do they seek fame, glory, infamy?
Your talking in circles tie. The union will back up any valid grievance is my point. Your management is delaying the talks, remember they cancelled last weeks meeting that the union asked for and that they agreed to. The union is at every meeting waiting to get this resolved. Just this last thursday the company waited until roughly 3pm to make us a counter but everything was printed out at 815am. Why wait 7 hours after printing out the proposal to exchange it? Whos delaying the process?

"We deadlock when we are right and we uphold the terminations when the company is right! We have a winning record in arbitrations, its ups that cant admit they are wrong. Just imagine how much money ups could have saved at roughly $10,000 for evry lost arbitration? We spend a mere $60,000 in arbitrations last year"

since you have now thrown this into the pot as your reason for stalling the start of negotiations. Why not have the local keep the members informed as you like to state and have them post their arbitration record on the same internet site they post those tedious contract documents few are reading.

Lets see what you call a winning arbitration. Is it a guy who gets his job back with time served. Is that a win or do you only call someone getting their job with back pay a win.

post your record so everyone can see why you felt it was necessary to use this as an excuse to delay the contract talks and throw everyone in the countrys lives into turmoil with all these strike threats.

The arbitration rulings are read out at the general membership meetings for all in attendance to hear. No one wants a strike and i am one of those that dont want to strike. Its in ups's hands to start bargaining quickly or we will walk.


1. I think the biggest issue is that 705 is special with their own contract. As were a union we need to stick together, we ought to have the same contract. Which leads me to say, 705 should have the national contract and if UPS can't at least give them that then 705 should strike. Its hard to ask for other teamster help when you guys are asking for more then everyone else.

Alt referencing the national as a model I think the elimination of full time jobs is more of the misinformation that 705 is deliberately posting to unnecessarily worry their members. UPS does not want to create any more combo jobs but would not look to eliminate them. However this union likes to take the initial low balls the company throws out there and then use that to get everyone unnecessarily worried.

Meanwhile all is quiet at 710 which appears to be negotiating without the personality conflicts at 705.


That was quote thrown out at a general membership meeting . Can you tell us who initiated the contract talks? I can it was the union back in may, well before the july 4th quote. Nice try tie.

No nice try to it Red you clearly said that your unon felt no obligation to start the talks with 200 arbitrations pending. You have been giving us the inside insight to what your union says and thinks. It was a clear admission by you that your union had the intent to stall the contract talks due to 200 arbitrations.

You then admitted your folks are the ones locking up all the arbitrations. So at the very least it appears that your guys stalled the negotiations hoping for a "bastille day" result on the 200 cases your union had locked up. Bastille day being a day when many prisoners were released in france. Your unions tactic was to squeeze us on the contract to get us to capitulate on the arbitrations

And to top it all off one of your members who is tired of the games your union is playing as come and exposed your tactics.

Meanwhile crickets are chirping over at 710 as the union and company quietly get it done.


The arbitration rulings are read out at the general membership meetings for all in attendance to hear. No one wants a strike and i am one of those that dont want to strike. Its in ups's hands to start bargaining quickly or we will walk.

You did not answer the question Red or I missed the answer.

When you guys get a guy his job back with time served do you call that a win?