All current ptimers will have their medical switched to a different plan (no were near as good) and all new ptimers will not have medical for 1 year and family for 3 years. They will now have a 3 hour guarantee while minimum wage will surpass $8.50 well before the contract expires in 2013. When you started you probably started at $8 an hour from the middle 80s through 97 when they received a raise of .50. $8 was good money back then not now, have you forgotten were you came from?
LOL, no druken posts here, great party, I feel like a million bucksI appreciate your support and at this point ups's offer is nowere near the national. As you know you have to start out high, but i feel asking for a dollar was not high to begin. Its compariable with what we received over the last contract. We are not asking for gold bars and the world, right now my main concern is alot of the language and working conditions. Would you support it to raise starting wages for ptimers? If we are able to raise them it only benefits everyone.
Both sides would benefit? Hicks/Ricks (i do apoligize for forgetting his name) is in power and has pledged support and if scott went against it wouldnt that hurt him? Didnt he want to negotiate the national if he would have won?
Please no drunken posts tonight, sleep it off and i will see you tomorrow.
All current ptimers will have their medical switched to a different plan (no were near as good) and all new ptimers will not have medical for 1 year and family for 3 years. They will now have a 3 hour guarantee while minimum wage will surpass $8.50 well before the contract expires in 2013. When you started you probably started at $8 an hour from the middle 80s through 97 when they received a raise of .50. $8 was good money back then not now, have you forgotten were you came from?
Only if your goal is to invoke the USA's favorite bogeyman.
Socialist is actually the term that best describes any labor union that's doing a good job for it's membership.
Well I don't think local 705 fits the bill !!
Actually Bastille day was an uprising by the oppressed, including the storming of the Bastille prison releasing many who were falsely accused,against the tyrannic French monarchy.
Look on the bright side Tie,local 705 doesn`t own a guillotine.
I appreciate your support and at this point ups's offer is nowere near the national. As you know you have to start out high, but i feel asking for a dollar was not high to begin. Its compariable with what we received over the last contract. We are not asking for gold bars and the world, right now my main concern is alot of the language and working conditions. Would you support it to raise starting wages for ptimers? If we are able to raise them it only benefits everyone.
Both sides would benefit? Hicks/Ricks (i do apoligize for forgetting his name) is in power and has pledged support and if scott went against it wouldnt that hurt him? Didnt he want to negotiate the national if he would have won?
Why would I support something in which 99% of UPS teamster did not see? How can I strike with 705 if they want (for example) 11/hr starting wage? our P/T see $8.50 still. I personally started at $9.50 in Jan 2002 as a preloader.
Again, if UPS offers a contract similar to the one ratified in December 2007 to 705 and it's voted/stricken down, I have no incentive to support you guys and gals. Your fight is not my fight at that point. I'd say "our" fight but not everyone would agree with my opinion. Try to milk UPS for every penny, sure. Did I vote no on the last contract, sure did. But I'm not going to support a fight that is above and beyond the 99%
Well no, if you go look at previous posts, you will see that 705 would not start negotions until 7/1. Just ask 705 red. He said what's the hurry!. Right 705 red? You see local 705 staged this entire event. Local 705 is going to hurt our employee's, Our customer's our company ! but they don't care!
I appreciate your support and at this point ups's offer is nowere near the national. As you know you have to start out high, but i feel asking for a dollar was not high to begin. Its compariable with what we received over the last contract. We are not asking for gold bars and the world, right now my main concern is alot of the language and working conditions. Would you support it to raise starting wages for ptimers? If we are able to raise them it only benefits everyone.
Both sides would benefit? Hicks/Ricks (i do apoligize for forgetting his name) is in power and has pledged support and if scott went against it wouldnt that hurt him? Didnt he want to negotiate the national if he would have won?
Why would I support something in which 99% of UPS teamster did not see? How can I strike with 705 if they want (for example) 11/hr starting wage? our P/T see $8.50 still. I personally started at $9.50 in Jan 2002 as a preloader.
Again, if UPS offers a contract similar to the one ratified in December 2007 to 705 and it's voted/stricken down, I have no incentive to support you guys and gals. Your fight is not my fight at that point. I'd say "our" fight but not everyone would agree with my opinion. Try to milk UPS for every penny, sure. Did I vote no on the last contract, sure did. But I'm not going to support a fight that is above and beyond the 99%
$8.50 an hour will pay for the 2 gallons of gas that new employees use sitting in traffic in Chicago. I have been through Chicago and know many people that live there. The cost of living is atrocious, taxes are incredibly high, gas is $4.50/gallon, and housing is very expensive.
I am retired now and am able to partly because I do not live in Chicago. MANY UPS people whom I have met are working past their retirement eligibilty dates simply because their paychecks and investments are not keeping up with the extremely high cost of living in Chicago. I can see the Union demanding a higher starting wage and possibly COLA language.
$8.50 an hour will pay for the 2 gallons of gas that new employees use sitting in traffic in Chicago. I have been through Chicago and know many people that live there. The cost of living is atrocious, taxes are incredibly high, gas is $4.50/gallon, and housing is very expensive.
I am retired now and am able to partly because I do not live in Chicago. MANY UPS people whom I have met are working past their retirement eligibilty dates simply because their paychecks and investments are not keeping up with the extremely high cost of living in Chicago. I can see the Union demanding a higher starting wage and possibly COLA language.
Not everyone lives in cook county. Some of us podunks live in the burbs or out in the country were its actually quite cheap to live.
Maybe, maybe not.Only if your goal is to invoke the USA's favorite bogeyman.
Socialist is actually the term that best describes any labor union that's doing a good job for it's membership.
The Nazi Party, officially: National Socialist German Workers' Party, (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (help·info), abbreviated NSDAP), was a political party in Germany between 1919 and 1945. It was known as the German Workers' Party (DAP) before the name was changed in 1920.
Bloodybrown, you hit the nail on the head. I don't think 705 has the expreience at the table to understand the complexities of negotiations and the time it takes to ratify an agreement. The customers are getting scared...the 705 leadership doesn't get it.
I appreciate your support and at this point ups's offer is nowere near the national. As you know you have to start out high, but i feel asking for a dollar was not high to begin. Its compariable with what we received over the last contract. We are not asking for gold bars and the world, right now my main concern is alot of the language and working conditions. Would you support it to raise starting wages for ptimers? If we are able to raise them it only benefits everyone.
Both sides would benefit? Hicks/Ricks (i do apoligize for forgetting his name) is in power and has pledged support and if scott went against it wouldnt that hurt him? Didnt he want to negotiate the national if he would have won?
Why would I support something in which 99% of UPS teamster did not see? How can I strike with 705 if they want (for example) 11/hr starting wage? our P/T see $8.50 still. I personally started at $9.50 in Jan 2002 as a preloader.
Again, if UPS offers a contract similar to the one ratified in December 2007 to 705 and it's voted/stricken down, I have no incentive to support you guys and gals. Your fight is not my fight at that point. I'd say "our" fight but not everyone would agree with my opinion. Try to milk UPS for every penny, sure. Did I vote no on the last contract, sure did. But I'm not going to support a fight that is above and beyond the 99%
So since the national had to settle early because of the pension problem that means we should settle to. You stated you voted no on your contract, why is that? Of course central states would have pushed the contract through to save there retirement. I'm not saying the my local (710) should get more in the new contract than the national because they shouldn't. My steward told me that they were having more problems with the language than economics with the new contract.
See I'm torn, I'm a feeder driver I would love to get a new contract settled before there was a strike because i think it would be bad for ups, maybe the older guys wouldn't feel it but the younger guys would, management has cut over 10 runs in the last few years and I'm sure if there was a strike and volume dropped there would be more cut. But at the same time if we dont get a contract that is fair for the employees the company will use it to there advantage all the time like subcontracting work,etc.etc. and if we dont fight then we will be working less. The reason why i say this is because management tries very very very hard not to use a on call driver.
If you want to pursue a theory,one could say that the company is playing negotiating games to push 705 into a corner and possibly a strike that would be unpopular with all. Then when it`s time for the local to hold their council elections the memory of said strike/bad contract will could influence the members to elect a council the is in the UPS pocket like those in the past.
Soap opera update: While the evil management puppet is spending to much time on the computer his wife is out back with Pedro the pool boy getting her pipes cleaned.
Well, just calling yourself a socialist doesn't make you one in the political sense. The National Socialists weren't at all interested in instituting socialism as a part of the political system, facism was their bag. Once he gained power one of Hitlers first moves was to ban the real socialist party, the Social Democrats.Maybe, maybe not.
The Nazi Party, officially: National Socialist German Workers' Party, (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (help·info), abbreviated NSDAP), was a political party in Germany between 1919 and 1945. It was known as the German Workers' Party (DAP) before the name was changed in 1920.
So gaining power is the key in socialism, then change the rules and gain control.Well, just calling yourself a socialist doesn't make you one in the political sense. The National Socialists weren't at all interested in instituting socialism as a part of the political system, facism was their bag. Once he gained power one of Hitlers first moves was to ban the real socialist party, the Social Democrats.
Yes, it is the best description.Socialist is actually the term that best describes any labor union that's doing a good job for it's membership.
Where exactly did you read that? Hitler and the Nazis were not socialists and never claimed to be. In fact they hated socialists and were pretty vocal about it. Socialism certainly has it's limitations, like any political system, but it bears no resemblance to facism. All the western democracies, including ours, are a mixture of capitalism and socialism in varying degrees.So gaining power is the key in socialism, then change the rules and gain control.
I am with you on that one.
It was my response to you saying;Where exactly did you read that? Hitler and the Nazis were not socialists and never claimed to be. In fact they hated socialists and were pretty vocal about it. Socialism certainly has it's limitations, like any political system, but it bears no resemblance to facism. All the western democracies, including ours, are a mixture of capitalism and socialism in varying degrees.
If you believe Paul Hagee, Hitler and his minions were doing the lord's work, and we all know that he ain't no socialist![]()
He may have hated socialist, but he use them to gain power;Well, just calling yourself a socialist doesn't make you one in the political sense. The National Socialists weren't at all interested in instituting socialism as a part of the political system, facism was their bag. Once he gained power one of Hitlers first moves was to ban the real socialist party, the Social Democrats.
Are you saying that under the national that they will not eliminate any 22.3s for every new feeder run created? You might want to read up on your languageAlt referencing the national as a model I think the elimination of full time jobs is more of the misinformation that 705 is deliberately posting to unnecessarily worry their members. UPS does not want to create any more combo jobs but would not look to eliminate them. However this union likes to take the initial low balls the company throws out there and then use that to get everyone unnecessarily worried.
Meanwhile all is quiet at 710 which appears to be negotiating without the personality conflicts at 705.
It would be a partial win tie.You did not answer the question Red or I missed the answer.
When you guys get a guy his job back with time served do you call that a win?
Red, you deadlock most cases and when you know you got a loser you wait until the last minute and drop the case. that's why your local only spent a mere $60,000 of the employees union dues. The poor employee you leave in limbo has a false hope and than when you drop the case cause you know its a loser you leave the employee out to dry!!
You don't represent the members when you give them false hope, but you save the $10,000. You never answered the question as to why you don't follow the grievance process like the rest of the locals?....You know, local level hearings, state panel, Joint area council and than the National? The JAC actually meets in Chicago don't they?, but you guys are to good to be part of that process, right?? You would rather have the company or the union pay some arbitrater $10,000 for every case that goes in front of them. 200 cases !!....200 x $10,000 = $2,000,000, Red don't you think that's crazy?....Why should all that money be wasted by both sides when there is an excellent alternative in place and available for your local to use??, but local 705 is to good to be part of the process currently in place.
I'm not telling you to accept the company's 1st offer, but like I said if you ask for what the rest of the UPS'ers got , the company would settle but you know, you guys want more.
You talk about Part-time medical, I belive the new plan gives them a medical crd so they don't have to pre-pay and submit bills later correct? I think that's great and so do the part-timers in my area ( no up front out of pocket expense ) and you said that a part-time employee can work less than a year and get into a driving position in Chicago!!...that is a huge incentive to work at UPS!....You ask me not to forget where I came from. I don't....I love the people, customers and UPS.....when I was a part timer it took 5 to 7 years to get a driving position, now its less than a year, pretty good deal.
The leadership in local 705 don't care about our customers, UPS or it's members, they want the old glory to say they went on strike!!!....It's just plain wrong Red.
Bloody i dont know why we are not part of jac? I have never heard of it until now. I know are grievance procedure is spelled out in article 7 and goes into arbitration. If i had to guess i would say that its spelled out in the contract.
Our ptimers have had prescription cards for some time and dont pay more than $10/10% per doctors visits out of pocket. We have not received a sumsry of the new proposed plan, but you dont have to be a rocket scienstist to know that it propbably wont be as good of coverage.
Chicagos state tax is a little over 10% on all purchases which is one of the highest in the nation. I myself pay over $9,000 in property tax per year to own my home.$8.50 an hour will pay for the 2 gallons of gas that new employees use sitting in traffic in Chicago. I have been through Chicago and know many people that live there. The cost of living is atrocious, taxes are incredibly high, gas is $4.50/gallon, and housing is very expensive.
I am retired now and am able to partly because I do not live in Chicago. MANY UPS people whom I have met are working past their retirement eligibilty dates simply because their paychecks and investments are not keeping up with the extremely high cost of living in Chicago. I can see the Union demanding a higher starting wage and possibly COLA language.