Browncafe Steward
Tie to my knowledge 1 steward has been thrown out of the building i work in, that wont happen again it will take a police escort to remove a steward or agent of off the companies property. See under article 4 and 21 the company has agreed that we are allowed to be on property. This instance the steward was watching supervisors work as they sent home hourly employees early.Thats too easy to answer. I'm surprised you even asked it. Its common knowledge that you have your traditional teamster locals also called the old guard by tdu/carey/leedham supporters.
and then you have the tdu/carey/leedham crowd. You're getting support from the latter. some of the most militant locals in the country.
those rebels looking for a cause due not equate to support by the international.
One of the heads your recently mentioned is an al sharpton / jesse jackson type looking for any cause he can join to get his face in the paper.
705 has the reputation of being union nazi's. Radicals in every sense.
I even had a conversation with a BA who described your local as being run by a bunch of TDU nuts.
My friends tell me your BA's and steward get thrown off property for being disruptive more then any others. I guess that something to be proud of.
Your union does not have any credibility when they try to sing the we're bargaining in good faith song. There's no doubt your guys are probably doing everything they can to piss off the other side.
So the consensus from quite a few sources both management and union give me the impressoin your guys probably self manipulate theirselves fantasizing about leading a strike.
The good news is your local has passed 804 as being viewed the most radical in the country. congrats on your accomplishment.
Now lets talk a little about your conversation with your business agent. What local union are we speaking of? When you had this conversation was it during a round of golf bought for by the ups? Over a weekend get away between you two love birds? Or just small talk as you were spooning after a well done deal?
I dont believe that any other union would bad mouth 705 and i do believe that you are just stirring the pot. If your agent said this give us his name so we can verify. Unless your just passing on propoganda again.