The process we have denys the nadars and pauls from becoming president.
Whats funny to me is seeing all the big money rolling in behind Obama while he tries to convince us that his intentions are pure.
Big money does not support Obama because they think he will be a moses leading us out of the wilderness. Big money supports him because they know he will cater to their every whim and need.
There's 2 myth's about Obama that is one really took the time to look would explode on their face. The first myth is that Obama would take our military and run home and hide.
Between his voting record, his speeches and those "advisors" of which he surrounds himself, it's obvious on it's face this is a republican and to some extent a democrat created myth. The republicans is an obvious reason but on the democrat side, it's one they kinda let go and don't defend hoping to keep the antiwar wing of the democrat party at home and away from say a Ralph Nader.
Obama's true actions of voting for military interventions and speeches like his recent AIPAC speech that openly advocates for all practical purposes the current Bush military policy is hoped by the DNC to be enough to keep the party Hawks in line. Holding the lines of both Hawks and Doves within the DNC is becoming more and more a fragile balance that is showing cracks.
The other myth that Obama is not bound to Corp. interests. To be blunt, that's at best naive liberals overtly decieving themselves because they either believe or lack the courage and conviction to do what many principled conservatives should do to the RNC and that is walk away and take the vote elsewhere. They've bought the spin and myth that they democrats) should fear McCain to the same level and the repubs are conditioned to fear Obama. Nobody's figured out yet that which ever one is elected, the Washington machine will still roll on and feed itself.
Numerous sources have documented how corp. money has shifted from the repubs. to the democrats and as of yet, I've not heard a peep of principled refusal either. Ask a principled liberal, progressive or whatever they/you like to call each other about the Democrat Leadership Council. Oh my, deep in the heart of the principled democrat committed to true liberal/progressive causes, their is no love lost for that clan or for that fact the Clintons. To hear some of them, Clinton was Reagan lite at best and the truth is in many respects of policy, he was. Even Hillary had Reaganlike qualities as a Senator in her voting record but that doesn''t fit the myth so when the facts are thrown out, in come the knee jerks from both sides to force the masses to tow the line.
Obama was able to go back on his promise of federal matching funds in many ways because of Corp. dollars. McCain only made the promise in the hopes of looking Obama down from this money and he now knows he's in trouble because he can't get any of it. I'm not mad at Obama because if the rolls were reversed you can bet ya hinnee that McCain and the repubs. would have done it too. It's called strategic thinking there boys and girls and Washington's backroom does that crap all the time. America is just to busy watching Fox News and American Idol and your country not important enough to dig (and you don't have to dig far at all) for the real story. And yes, sometimes it sounds like a Tom Clancy novel because real life at time is a Tom Clancy novel. It's another reason they don't want us to read history as you'll realize this truth when you do.
If one dare have the courage to venture away from the so-called mainstream and enter that dark realm of the alternative world, (you may even have to swallow that red pill LOL!) where principles and ideas are freely explored, you'll find even on the paleo-liberal/progressive side that they understand the myth of Obama like the paleo-conservative/libertarian understand the myth of John McCain. The even scary part is that these 2 sides have discovered common roots and are now talking to one another about those common connections and even working together and that scares the hell out of the RNC and DNC. The Paulian Revolution is just one manifestation of this and there are many out there.
In May, there was an article in The American Conservative magazine entitled "When the Left Was Right" and I found it a very thought provoking article.
I doubt and this is very judgemental of me but I doubt any of you self professed individualist, limited gov't conservatives would understand the root message of this article and to my surprise it's so easy when you compare the underlying goals of an Eldridge Cleaver and the Blank Panthers and a George Wallace of the same era. Here's just a tease.
One of the few journalists who heard Wallace in ’68 was Pete Hamill, who wrote in the New Left monthly Ramparts that “Wallace and the black and radical militants ... share some common ground: local control of schools and institutions, a desire to radically change America, a violent distrust of the power structure and the establishment. In this year’s election, the only one of the three major candidates who is a true radical is Wallace.”
George Wallace and the New Left despised each other: “fascist” and “dirty beatniks” were about as sophisticated as the badinage got. Only a hopeless romantic—and what other kind is there?—would ponder the cross-pollinating possibilities: Creedence Clearwater Revival playing “Fortunate Son” at Wallace rallies or the Guvnah’s supporters—Chill Wills, Walter Brennan, George “Goober” Lindsay—joining Phil Ochs in the chorus of “I Ain’t Marching Anymore” at a rally outside the Opelika draft board.
However, I think a few of my so-called liberal/commie type friends here just might understand and appreciate the deeper thoughts and idea of this piece so with that, Tieguy, again you've proven yourself the great sounding board. IMO God should grant you a special place in heaven for your toils!
You da MAN!