Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


Well-Known Member
I believe there are three Repugs who will vote no if there is not another week for the FBI to investigate.
Blasey is credible but the other two are BS, so the Blasey accusations will most likely be the focus of the FBI's efforts in the next week.
Flake is being mentioned as being put up to run against Trump for the GOP nomination in 2020. He's simply grandstanding and if the investigation were to uncover some evidence against Kavanaugh the right will immediately say that the investigation was biased. They should move the cameras out of the camera pit and put in it's place an orchestra .Like they say, the show must go on and so it will for another week.


Strength through joy
I have already heard from a female friend who thought Dr Ford was a strong woman for coming out against the Judge. She was a victim of sexual assault too when she was 15, but then again she also thinks NPR is a valid news source.


Strength through joy
I am an alcoholic , have been since the law allowed me drink at age 18. I have had black outs , but never enough to completely erase my memories of working at UPS , As far as I know , no women will be coming forward to claim sexual anything ( maybe a few goats, though ), but does that make me a bad person ?


I am an alcoholic , have been since the law allowed me drink at age 18. I have had black outs , but never enough to completely erase my memories of working at UPS , As far as I know , no women will be coming forward to claim sexual anything ( maybe a few goats, though ), but does that make me a bad person ?
Definitely makes you unfit to be a scotus. And I believe bestiality is against the law so maybe you should be locked up.


Well-Known Member
I am an alcoholic , have been since the law allowed me drink at age 18. I have had black outs , but never enough to completely erase my memories of working at UPS , As far as I know , no women will be coming forward to claim sexual anything ( maybe a few goats, though ), but does that make me a bad person ?
Male or female goats, and I'll get back with an answer.:lol::lol::lol::lol:


Strength through joy
Many members of my family have been lawyers, judges , and politicians so I think I'm qualified for the position. Who is not to say that those goats caused my blackouts ?