Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


nowhere special
or why did the two questions asked on the lie detector test excludes names and why were they questions about her summary, which had no names

They refused to provide the raw data on the polygraph. It didn't follow normal procedure and if there were inconsistencies with the test they are keeping them hidden.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
They refused to provide the raw data on the polygraph. It didn't follow normal procedure and if there were inconsistencies with the test they are keeping them hidden.
the question did not ask names and her summary included no names in it. The questions were about that summary


Just a turd

The party of the triggered


Well-Known Member
Stone, a Republican and close friend of Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover, embodied a lost era in American politics. His brand of conservatism, grounded in the belief that the law is designed to protect the weak from the powerful, bears no resemblance to that of the self-proclaimed “strict constitutionalists” in the Federalist Society who have accumulated tremendous power in the judiciary. The Federalist Society, at the behest of President Trump, is in charge of vetting the 108 candidates for the federal judgeships that will be filled by the administration. The newest justice, Trump appointee Neil Gorsuch, comes out of the Federalist Society, as did Justices Clarence Thomas, John Roberts and Samuel Alito. The self-identified “liberals” in the judiciary, while progressive on social issues such as abortion and affirmative action, serve corporate power as assiduously as the right-wing ideologues of the Federalist Society. The Alliance for Justice points out that 85 percent of President Barack Obama’s judicial nominees—280, or a third of the federal judiciary—had either been corporate attorneys or government prosecutors. Those who came out of corporate law firms accounted for 71 percent of the nominees, with only 4 percent coming from public interest groups and the same percentage having been attorneys who represented workers in labor disputes.



Well-Known Member
"Our constitutional rights have steadily been stripped from us by judicial fiat....

Stone repeatedly warned that unchecked corporate power would mean corporate tyranny and the death of democracy. He was joined in that thinking by Louis D. Brandeis, his fellow justice and ally on the court, who stated, “We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.”



Well-Known Member
I heard that two guys came forward and admitted they were the ones. Ford doesn't know the house but describes the bedroom/upstairs in detail? Her friend states she doesn't even know Kavanaugh? Kav already had six FBI background checks, the ABA gives him flying colors. Feinstein should be fired!!! She withheld "evidence" and assisted in providing those lawyers. Ford should be fired for thinking she is a competent professor - I bet her husband divorces her- plus Mitchell blew out the theory that Ford is "afraid" of flying in a commercial jet. This is what I've come to a conclusion - - - Kavanaugh is innocent - taxpayers dollars are wasted on Ford - and Hillary Clinton and Diane Finestein in additional to Blumenthal are in this together. Hillary started this because she will NEVER get over she lost fairly. Think back to Blackwater, Benghazi, thirty three thousand DESTROYED emails. Remember, keep your friends close and your enemies closer - Kavanaugh should already be installed so he can start work on the Supreme Court. Now if we can only get Ginzburg (sp) to retire. She is nasty.