Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


golden ticket member
Ford's lawyer already wrote a letter saying there should be no time restrictions on this investigation. KMA!! It was agreed ONE WEEK (no more).

Maybe the FBI will investigate who leaked the letter from Ford and why did Diane friend. lead her to lawyers. With that many degrees, you'd think she could find a lawyer all by herself. Bunch of 'book-learnin' can't beat common sense.


Well-Known Member
you put down a lot of words but you did not address the point you responded to. there is no forensics , there is no house where this occurred , there is no date when this happened . the only thing ford gives you is a house that may have had 4 to 6 kids in it and no idea who's house it was or how she got there or left.

now if your argument is that the fbi has a time machine then I would be interested to hear more.
but then there is that pesky time issue. she cant tell you the date or even whether it was early summer , middle summer or late summer. her story is so vague it allows others to fill in the details and thus you have what you have here.
The FBI is looking for evidence to collaborate one story or the other and more importantly you're passing judgement purely on the basis of what is known publicly.If you noticed as proceedings moved along what became quire clear is that Mitchell was beginning to believe Ford's testimony and as a result the Republican senators simply ignored her and took over the proceedings. This little reality show will end and Kavanaugh will be confirmed but the confirmation is simply the political salad bar, political chum for the conspiracy theorists. The main courses are the midterms and the Mueller investigation.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
How do you square your conspiracy theory with the facts that Ford brought this up in 2012, and that she began trying to make the Whitehouse aware before they nominated Kav? Are there similar accusations against everyone on the short list put forth before the nomination?
Even my wife, who is a Lib, thinks she was used by the Dims.
Blasey is a troubled person with some serious mental and emotional issues.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
That’s an answer for why you don’t believe her, it’s not an answer for how it’s all a vast left wing conspiracy. If it was there would be similar accusations against everyone on the short list going back years.
It's not a vast left wing conspiracy ... it was just political machinations by the Senate Dim caucus.
There are millions of Dim witted people who believe anything the Dims put together.
Same way with the Repugs.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
It's obvious you guys are upset.
It's legit funny.
This guy isn't ... I think this plays out well for the Repugs.
They gave the FBI a 7th try at doing a background check on Kava.
It will help to generate Repug base and Independents.
The Dims behavior and obvious Machiavellian maneuvering will not help the Dims with the Independents.

Everyone knows the FBI is not going to discover anything except that Blasey has a history of emotional problems.


Well-Known Member
.If you noticed as proceedings moved along what became quire clear is that Mitchell was beginning to believe Ford's testimony and as a result the Republican senators simply ignored her and took over the proceedings. .

we all believe someone fricked up ford , just not Kavanaugh


Well-Known Member
This guy isn't ... I think this plays out well for the Repugs.
They gave the FBI a 7th try at doing a background check on Kava.
It will help to generate Repug base and Independents.
The Dims behavior and obvious Machiavellian maneuvering will not help the Dims with the Independents.

Everyone knows the FBI is not going to discover anything except that Blasey has a history of emotional problems.

next stall tactic attempt by the dims will be to say that they agree with the repubs that the fbi report is not conculsive . they will therefore demand to interview the witnesses for some made up reason.
the extra week also gives them more time to find others that will lie against Kav.