Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


Staff member
All you Dims on this board who put down Kavanaugh and kiss Fords butt, just tell me....
How do you account for her best friend who was supposedly there at the party saying she doesnt know Kavanaugh, has never met Kavanaugh, and has never been to a party where Kavanaugh was present?
How do you account for Ford not knowing how she got there or how she got home?

Those two simple things are HUGE.

I thought Ford gave a great performance too, but I just can't get by those two things...


Inordinately Right
next stall tactic attempt by the dims will be to say that they agree with the repubs that the fbi report is not conculsive . they will therefore demand to interview the witnesses for some made up reason.
the extra week also gives them more time to find others that will lie against Kav.
You mad.


nowhere special
The Democrat Party this week sent a letter to the Montgomery County Maryland Police Department and State’s Attorney’s office to open an investigation into Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s behavior as a teenager in the summer of 1982.

Sadly, this will not be possible.
The Montgomery County Police and State’s Attorney’s office responded to Democrats on Friday.

The alleged criminal acts of assault and attempted rape were both misdemeanors in 1982 and subject to a one-year statute of limitations.
Therefore, the alleged criminal act should have been reported in 1983 which would have been difficult since the victim has no idea what she is talking about and her “witnesses” ALL refute her allegations.
Sadly. Democrat Party's Attempt to File Charges Against Judge Kavanaugh in State of Maryland Is Quickly Shot Down

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
All you Dims on this board who put down Kavanaugh and kiss Fords butt, just tell me....
How do you account for her best friend who was supposedly there at the party saying she doesnt know Kavanaugh, has never met Kavanaugh, and has never been to a party where Kavanaugh was present?
How do you account for Ford not knowing how she got there or how she got home?

Those two simple things are HUGE.

I thought Ford gave a great performance too, but I just can't get by those two things...
Her friend doesn’t remember the incident. That’s consistent with a random party 35 years ago where you didn’t get sexually assaulted. Kav claims to not remember because he was drunk and assaulted women all the time so it doesn’t stand out.


Well-Known Member
Not one whiff of corruption in a long career until he was nominated to the Supreme Court and Dems feared the right to abort would be taken away. So tell me, who are the corrupt ones here, a guy who worked hard all of his life to do things the right way, or a bunch of politicians who are willing to destroy his reputation to please their liberal constituents to save their jobs in the next election?
you seemed kinda honest in some of our conversations, some of the guys on BC are too immature to be honest.

ralph nader tweeted an article about kav's servitude to big money.

chris hedges has also been very critical of the supreme court and the justice system more broadly.

matt taibbi is critical of the justice system.

you could look up what glenn greenwald, chomsky, etc say about the supreme court. theyve made some terrible decisions.

i think theres probably 100% chance next judge will be corrupt, but maybe not a rapist. the problem is people's expectations are so low that corruption is normalized.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Her friend doesn’t remember the incident. That’s consistent with a random party 35 years ago where you didn’t get sexually assaulted. Kav claims to not remember because he was drunk and assaulted women all the time so it doesn’t stand out.
Her friend just said she dont ever remember going to a party with her period


Well-Known Member
The supposed clash between liberal and conservative judges is largely a fiction. The judiciary, despite the Federalist Society’s high-blown rhetoric about the sanctity of individual freedom, is a naked tool of corporate oppression. The most basic constitutional rights—privacy, fair trials and elections, habeas corpus, probable-cause requirements, due process and freedom from exploitation—have been erased for many, especially the 2.3 million people in our prisons, most having been put there without ever going to trial. Constitutionally protected statements, beliefs and associations are criminalized. Our judicial system, as Ralph Nader has pointed out, has legalized secret law, secret courts, secret evidence, secret budgets and secret prisons in the name of national security.

The Corruption of the Law


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
you seemed kinda honest in some of our conversations, some of the guys on BC are too immature to be honest.

ralph nader tweeted an article about kav's servitude to big money.

chris hedges has also been very critical of the supreme court and the justice system more broadly.

matt taibbi is critical of the justice system.

you could look up what glenn greenwald, chomsky, etc say about the supreme court. theyve made some terrible decisions.

i think theres probably 100% chance next judge will be corrupt, but maybe not a rapist. the problem is people's expectations are so low that corruption is normalized.
again he did not rape anyone


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
or why did the two questions asked on the lie detector test excludes names and why were they questions about her summary, which had no names