Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


Well-Known Member
Watters: Ford's Ex-Boyfriend's Sworn Letter 'Riddled With Bombshells'

Wow, no wonder this thread is going dark. Lady is a certified nut job. Cheats, lies and steals, no wonder she votes democrat no morales and the emotional stability of a toddler.

Expand your horizon of news...

Throw in some NPR or BBC.

Check out our neighbors to the north, their news is predictably dry and Canadian, but also devoid of the absolute monstrous partisan divide that exists here in the States.

Anytime someone references FOX or CNN as 'legit', I look away.

Expand your horizons.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

Yah man, let's all be optimistic.

If your boy Kavanaugh makes it to the black robes, half the population will wonder if he can be legit impartial, especially after his rant about the Clintons and left-wing donors, etc. wut?

That was so Judicial of him.

Honestly, I don't get the hard-on about Kavanaugh, from either side.

On the right
: just jettison this burnt toast and pick another Heritage Foundation robot, what's the issue? (oh, u mad?, fine, there's exactly 44 clones right behind this dude who don't have a drinking problem...)

On the left
: sure, you might get rid of the rapey lush, but then you get an even more conservative Heritage Foundation robot, you're fkd either way, which hill do you want to die on?


El Correcto

god is dead
Throw in some BBC.
Expand your horizons.
I ain’t your wife.

Seriously though, you get your news from socialist frauds and proponents of big government. You like to call conservatives regressive, our government’s founding principals are some of the most progressive revelations mankind’s ever had when it comes to government, we are slowly being regressed by people like you who get your news from societies who missed some of the biggest founding principals we have. Limited small government and unalienable rights of the people.

Keep being a fraud liberaltarian.


Well-Known Member
I ain’t your wife.

Seriously though, you get your news from socialist frauds and proponents of big government. You like to call conservatives regressive, our government’s founding principals are some of the most progressive revelations mankind’s ever had when it comes to government, we are slowly being regressed by people like you who get your news from societies who missed some of the biggest founding principals we have. Limited small government and unalienable rights of the people.

Keep being a fraud liberaltarian.

Right, but the problem is you're being rolled by people who say one thing and do another, while they appeal to your 'conservatism'.

Just do the numbers, it's not hard.

You're attracted to EAGLES AND MONEY AND FREEDOM...

You eat it up and call me a liberaltariastrafarian, or whatever, but I'm not the one getting rolled.

Carry on.

El Correcto

god is dead
Right, but the problem is you're being rolled by people who say one thing and do another, while they appeal to your 'conservatism'.

Just do the numbers, it's not hard.

You're attracted to EAGLES AND MONEY AND FREEDOM...

You eat it up and call me a liberaltariastrafarian, or whatever, but I'm not the one getting rolled.

Carry on.

You want to see libs on the scotus, I’d say ya got rolled pretty hard buddy.


golden ticket member
Schumer just said Dr. Ford was more compelling & believable than Brett K. So, that means she lied convincingly!!!??

He's a 'no' vote and has been since the beginning, so shut up !!


nowhere special
Schumer just said Dr. Ford was more compelling & believable than Brett K. So, that means she lied convincingly!!!??

He's a 'no' vote and has been since the beginning, so shut up !!
and predictably it went from wanting the FBI to investigate to investigate some more.


Well-Known Member
Here's 24 more names to interview...…..stick them up your...…….!!!
I mentioned the phone book in a previous post, that is where they would be satisfied, and if that didn't work out well, "Let's go to the Russians," would be the next target. I still like the way you think...... stick them up your........,!!! fine job nice lady.


Strength through joy
Now that the FBI report is out, the D's are claiming there was a cover up.
How can that be ?
All of the people Dr. Ford said were there, all claimed to have no knowledge of it.
The claim that the FBI never interviewed Dr. Ford is correct.
They didn't have to.
She testified under oath at the hearing that all she said was truthful.


Well-Known Member
Now that the FBI report is out, the D's are claiming there was a cover up.
How can that be ?
All of the people Dr. Ford said were there, all claimed to have no knowledge of it.
The claim that the FBI never interviewed Dr. Ford is correct.
They didn't have to.
She testified under oath at the hearing that all she said was truthful.
You have exhibited you have a brain with this post, I await the offerings of the "brainless."


Strength through joy
Well, now Dr. Ford lawyers are crying fowl that the FBI never interviewed a list of people that Dr. Ford said she told them about her alleged incident.
What good would it do, all of it would only be hearsay.


Well-Known Member
Yah man, let's all be optimistic.

If your boy Kavanaugh makes it to the black robes, half the population will wonder if he can be legit impartial, especially after his rant about the Clintons and left-wing donors, etc. wut?

That was so Judicial of him.

Honestly, I don't get the hard-on about Kavanaugh, from either side.

On the right
: just jettison this burnt toast and pick another Heritage Foundation robot, what's the issue? (oh, u mad?, fine, there's exactly 44 clones right behind this dude who don't have a drinking problem...)

On the left
: sure, you might get rid of the rapey lush, but then you get an even more conservative Heritage Foundation robot, you're fkd either way, which hill do you want to die on?

English please


Well-Known Member
Now that the FBI report is out, the D's are claiming there was a cover up.
How can that be ?
All of the people Dr. Ford said were there, all claimed to have no knowledge of it.
The claim that the FBI never interviewed Dr. Ford is correct.
They didn't have to.
She testified under oath at the hearing that all she said was truthful.

Move the goalpost?.they're dragging that thing in circles