Who Owns The Earth


Well-Known Member
We can still turn out and vote in numbers like we see in the streets in Egypt. But we don't. So.....
Whats the difference if 50% of the people vote or 100% of the people vote...IT IS STILL THE SAME TWO ESTABLISHMENT CORPORATE OWNED BASTARDS ANYWAY!! The liberal Boss Twead Party and the conservative Boss Twead Party.


Well-Known Member
We can still turn out and vote in numbers like we see in the streets in Egypt. But we don't. So.....

Take the accumulative action of all elections in this country over say the last 50 years and tell me how it makes any difference in light of the reality everything just keeps getting worse.

Reading today where there are around 270 million adults in this country and yet only 145 million have jobs and 114 million are full time jobs. The narrative will be just from the last 5 or so years as it comes to blame and there is some truth there but so few will dare to look deeper at the long term policies that act to accumulate the effects we see today. Doing so shows a longterm trend as well as a growing public policy towards such ends and just knowledge when assigning blame if one were honest would force a realization that the both wings of the same bird of prey are equally guilty.

Why is it the all of us have a left arm and a right arm yet when either commits wrong, it's the mass of the human in the middle that controls both arms equally and thus is the source of all blame? If that is true of the human person, then why would it not be equally true of human institutions? Forget the sides, who's playing the middle is what you look for. And it's not the average Joe or Jane that sits in that seat of power.

Something about stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. We go down this road every time on the promises of the latest crop of liars and what has it gotten us? And I ask that equally to all sides of the political debate.

But don't worry, It's Just A Ride!

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