They are not accurate at all if the road you're driving is bumpy. UPS trucks are not really known for a cushy ride.Are those things known for accuracy?
unning is a stress reliever for me. But too much cardio ages people quicker.
I said too much cardio. Not moderate.
Working too hard?I had two fitbits but I sweat too much and broke them
One was during my 30 days so yea I was busting my nutsack...but I sweat tying my shoes in the winter so it stood no chance anywayWorking too hard?
30 more years and you won't have to worry about this stuffOne was during my 30 days so yea I was busting my nutsack...but I sweat tying my shoes in the winter so it stood no chance anyway
22.....30 more years and you won't have to worry about this stuff
Your link is referring to elite athletes who train with high intensity. General volume ("too much") as nothing to do with the aging process. They are talking about wear and tear from intensity...
To quote your link - "Little hard evidence exists that moderate cardio accompanied by adequate rest and nutrition causes physical aging. Moderate cardio might actually slow aging by conditioning your body to adapt to stress."
Wear and tear from too much intensity is exactly what I'm talking about. Too much cardio is exactly that..... I look and feel better than I ever did when I was working out and running like someone that was always training for a marathon.
I have a flex and it kept falling off, my daughter bought me an aftermarket band on Amazon. It is showing about 1/3 fewer steps than the fitbit band. It shows a little less than reality, but it is much closer than what fitbit showed.
I walk to a coffee shop on Saturday mornings, it is about 1.5 miles from home and the fitbit showed I walked .98 miles.
I can live with that and actually prefer it over the really high fitbit numbers.
Too much is bad either way. Intensity more so. I think its better to go with moderate cardio/exercise combined with a low carb and low sugar diet. Easier to stick with too. That's what works for me anyway.Huge differences between intensity training and volume training. You can have all of the volume in the world (marathon) and still not the same damage as somebody running half the total weekly miles (as the marathoner) but with 10-15% more intensity.