Who will win democratic nomination in 2020

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Did he win any other three by less than a 70K combined margin?

My point in my post to which you replied is the margin doesn't matter.


Well-Known Member
Saturday Night Live had better do a "Relatable Elizabeth Warren drinks beer on Instagram Live" skit when they come back. LOL

Lord that’s embarrassing.

She’s likely the smartest person in the room, why is she stooping to drinking beer, wtf.

She’s not even doing it right.

If you don’t drink beer, don’t pretend to drink beer, lulz.



Well-Known Member
So you think moderates are going to vote for Trump? He’s governered as a conservative with the bonus of the temperament of a five year old. Plenty of people gave him a shot, they’re mostly disappointed. That’s why his approval rating has been his base only for his entire tenure. He’s not winning over any moderates.
If the economy is doing well in 2020 it's doubtful moderates will take a chance on Leftists who want to put an anchor on it with higher taxes and more regulations.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, give Trumpalooza another term, let him thoroughly wreck almost everything, and there will be a Progressive Knight to show up and save us all.

Rinse, Repeat.

What a circus.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
If the economy is doing well in 2020 it's doubtful moderates will take a chance on Leftists who want to put an anchor on it with higher taxes and more regulations.
Markets were down last year, yield curve is inverting, trade war is ongoing, but sure keep hanging your hat on the economy.


Well-Known Member
Lower taxes and less regulations..... How's that working out for the market.
You ought to be thankful he did that. The entire world economy is slowing down. The U.S. represents flight to safety for investors. We may go into recession, we always do eventually, but it'll probably be a fairly soft landing compared to many countries. Just because it was particularly bad in 2008 doesn't mean every recession will be that bad.


Well-Known Member
When has a Progressive Knight ever saved us?

Guess you missed my point, they haven’t.

But when has a tax/regulation-cutting Knight ever saved us?

They haven’t.

(Trumps tax cuts are a total fail).

Autobots, Decepticons, doesn’t matter.

Cybertron still falls.


Well-Known Member
Markets were down last year, yield curve is inverting, trade war is ongoing, but sure keep hanging your hat on the economy.
The Chinese are already making concessions on tariffs. I know you SJW's want to give everything away and make the U.S. suffer but we patriots are aiming for a level playing field.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The same argument could be made that any three Trump won was just as important!
It's a valid point even if it is cherry picking to prove a point.
Not really, they were states not typically in play in recent elections. The fact is Trump squeaked out wins there, he needs to work hard to keep those states. The 2018 governor elections show he isn’t doing that.


Well-Known Member
The Chinese are already making concessions on tariffs. I know you SJW's want to give everything away and make the U.S. suffer but we patriots are aiming for a level playing field.

You seem like a decent enough guy, but that post is just a load of horse s...

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The Chinese are already making concessions on tariffs. I know you SJW's want to give everything away and make the U.S. suffer but we patriots are aiming for a level playing field.
Such simplistic thinking. I’ll go slowly. Tariffs artificially raise the cost of goods. That’s bad for economic growth. A level playing field is free trade.