Who will win democratic nomination in 2020


Inordinately Right
You ought to be thankful he did that. The entire world economy is slowing down. The U.S. represents flight to safety for investors. We may go into recession, we always do eventually, but it'll probably be a fairly soft landing compared to many countries. Just because it was particularly bad in 2008 doesn't mean every recession will be that bad.
You seem confused so I'll help
Trump's stock market is garbage.


Well-Known Member
Such simplistic thinking. I’ll go slowly. Tariffs artificially raise the cost of goods. That’s bad for economic growth. A level playing field is free trade.
It's not fair trade when the Chinese flood the market with goods made by slave labor and inferior steel. Like the Chinese drywall they used to rebuild new Orleans got people sick. Fair trade is better.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Not really, they were states not typically in play in recent elections. The fact is Trump squeaked out wins there, he needs to work hard to keep those states. The 2018 governor elections show he isn’t doing that.
Arizona is a key state Trump won and Arizonians elected a Dim Senator to replace Republican Flake.


Well-Known Member
Such simplistic thinking. I’ll go slowly. Tariffs artificially raise the cost of goods. That’s bad for economic growth. A level playing field is free trade.
I'll go even slower for you. The Chinese already had tariffs in place for thousands of products worldwide, with many from the U.S.. Trump put in retaliatory tariffs to get them to open up their economy and they're now starting to make concessions because our tariffs are hurting them. Trump rightly pointed out they need us much more than we need them. Announced the other day they are reducing or eliminating tariffs on about 700 products. Getting a level playing field to create jobs in the States requires some spine.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
It's not fair trade when the Chinese flood the market with goods made by slave labor and inferior steel. Like the Chinese drywall they used to rebuild new Orleans got people sick. Fair trade is better.
So don’t buy Chinese drywall. It’s called the free market. Market forces correct for that sort of thing, this is a basic concept that Republicans used to understand.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I'll go even slower for you. The Chinese already had tariffs in place for thousands of products worldwide, with many from the U.S.. Trump put in retaliatory tariffs to get them to open up their economy and they're now starting to make concessions because our tariffs are hurting them. Trump rightly pointed out they need us much more than we need them. Announced the other day they are reducing or eliminating tariffs on about 700 products. Getting a level playing field to create jobs in the States requires some spine.
China having tariffs on imports hurts the Chinese consumer by raising the cost of goods. You really don’t understand capitalism.


Well-Known Member
Arizona is a key state he won and Arizonians elected a Dim Senator to replace Republican Flake.
I know kinda scary. I'm guessing alot of joe arpiao supporters stayed home because mcsally didn't go far enough to the right. But she just got appointed to McShame seat. Thanks to jon kyle leaving. So hopefully martha mcsally wins the special election. Are there any senate races this November.


Well-Known Member
Guess you missed my point, they haven’t.

But when has a tax/regulation-cutting Knight ever saved us?

They haven’t.

(Trumps tax cuts are a total fail).

Autobots, Decepticons, doesn’t matter.

Cybertron still falls.
Business is operating in a new paradigm. Instead of being strangled by red tape and fees, instead of giving away too much profit to the government, they're now in an environment where they can thrive. You were saying the tax cuts would fail even before he did them. You'll still be critical 10 years from now. But the only way it's going to fail is if the government continues to spend more than it takes in. Decreasing taxes has raised revenue so it isn't a revenue problem. It's a spending problem.


Well-Known Member
China having tariffs on imports hurts the Chinese consumer by raising the cost of goods. You really don’t understand capitalism.
I understand that perfect. I glady pay more for products made in America every day. Believe me china will blink first. And he will sign a trade deal that doesn't crush usa. And deal with them stealing our intellectual property. You are against anything trump does its a joke.


Well-Known Member
Business is operating in a new paradigm. Instead of being strangled by red tape and fees, instead of giving away too much profit to the government, they're now in an environment where they can thrive. You were saying the tax cuts would fail even before he did them. You'll still be critical 10 years from now. But the only way it's going to fail is if the government continues to spend more than it takes in. Decreasing taxes has raised revenue so it isn't a revenue problem. It's a spending problem.

Wrongy wrongy wrong wrong, try again.


Well-Known Member
China having tariffs on imports hurts the Chinese consumer by raising the cost of goods. You really don’t understand capitalism.
Well duh. The Chinese are protectionists. They didn't just implement tariffs, they've had them ever since they started allowing capitalism to happen under their centralized communist power structure. They sell goods here and elsewhere but protect their own domestic industries from competition with foreigners. If you think the Chinese are free market advocates you really don't understand their brand of capitalism.


Well-Known Member
Nope, I'm right, and your TDS won't let you see it.

TDS isn’t the point.

I agree that the tax cuts have benefited biggy business.

Have the tax cuts helped the 90% of Americans that it was purported to help?


As well, it’s debatable whether it actually helped America.

It seems, once again, we’re having a different conversation.

Oh well.


Well-Known Member