My Senior Picture
I will answer your question, with a series of half or unanswered questions.Still on the conspiracy theory. Could you point out viable reasons how the H&W is unsustainable other than the Hoffa letter that both of us know was directed at smaller, less well funded plans? You do realize funding for H&W is apples and oranges from Pensions right? Money in from contributions, money out for claims, a little left for reserve and no long term liability as participants come and go. As is without UPS contributions the CS H&W plan is doing fine and needed no "bolstering". By adding in UPS contributions AND low claim experience part timers, sustainability becomes the least of their worries.
Care to expound on how the IBT "would have had ample leverage to negotiate an amicable contract for UPSers"? Maybe leaving the UPS offer of $30, $60, $90 co-premiums on the table? Still wondering where all the ample leverage was.
Must be incompetent, inexperienced buffoons at the helm. If only we had someone who knows how to deal with UPS negotiating contracts, maybe someone who led a national strike... where oh where would we find that person?
Why would the IBT have to take so many other concessions in other areas of the contract if they were shouldering the burden of administering the health care for UPS employees, because UPS refused to do it anymore?
The IBT was never in a better position, with a company on top of their game, to at least maintain the status quo.
Instead; we are being asked to accept our health care contributions being moved into Central States, the very organization in which we were bought out of pension-wise 5 years ago?
Why would anybody not look at this development with skepticism?
Ok, yes I would like to expound on how the IBT would have had ample leverage at the negotiating table.
Don't come there begging for the health care money?
I don't believe for a second that UPS cared either way, rather they smelled blood in the water when they bellied up to the table and parlayed it into a win/win scenario.
We pass it they win.
We stall it indefinitely they win.
After all, they have been raking it in under the present contract?
The company must be having quite a laugh about now.