Well, haven't you noticed that the anti-labor agenda tends to favor public sector jobs? Thats for a reason. Unfortunately, unions have a bad reputation across the board w(except at UPS

)hen it comes to productivity and we've all heard of the scandals and jokes involving government workers. Government jobs in general, whether unionized or not, are constantly (and rightfully so) under scrutiny. Unions, like it or not, tend to make such stereotypes into actual realities. Other than that I could ask the same question you are...why us? But my point is that it doesn't matter and that
US is all that matters.
The politicians that have any involvement in ant-union laws, in fact, have, DO, try and tighten the grip on child abusers and welfare reform but their liberal counterparts (and RINOs), for some reason, tend to throw up roadblocks at every turn. Infrastructure is a valid point.