It's all on us. All of their legislation, attempt at legislation, and union busting attorneys doesn't mean squat if we as employees want a union. Earlier I asked for an example(s) of when a union(s) was busted strictly by an outside entity without any participation on the part of the employees. Meaning.....I want to know what unions have been busted whether the employees wanted it busted or not. No one answered. And thats probably because it's never happened.
Agreed. But I must question the part about them being a financial burden. Have any locals folded or not been able to represent their members due to there being too many scabs? I know down here in my RTW state it hasn't happened in my local.
You may "question the part about them being a financial burden" all you want, but the simple fact of the matter is that if there is an entity providing services to them that people other than them are paying for, they are a financial burden. Have you looked at the LM-2's of your own Local? Have you looked at the LM-2's of some of the smaller Locals around your area? There are local unions in difficult financial straits. Not because of me. Not because of you. The cost of providing representation, arbitration, collective bargaining is escalating. Question it all you want! It is a financial burden when a segment of the bargaining unit simply chooses not to compensate for the services they receive!
Unions don't belong in schools. They are counterproductive to our kids's educations. Not to mention dangerous. How many horrible teachers and pedophiles have unions allowed to stay on at schools when logic dictates that they should be fired. In many teachers unions it's near impossible to fire teachers that clearly deserve it. Why would we not protect the kids from these people?
You really need to do your homework here. Qualified teachers are not counterproductive to our kids education. "horrible teachers"? "pedophiles"? Can you provide one example of the AFT or the NEA defending a pedophile teacher? No? Didn't think so. What you've done here is throw out a red herring to bolster your argument. The NEA, the AFT and the teachers in your local school system have a legitimate obligation to protect the children they're entrusted with. The parents of those children make it their business to know what's happening in the classroom.
Having unions in certain government jobs is debatable too. In my opinion unions shouldn't be allowed near military bases or anything else involved with national defense if there is the potential for strikes or other union activity to disrupt base operations. That would primarily be DOD installations and their civilian counterparts. I don't think anyone in their right minds should have a problem with that.
Please!!! Don't you think that the involved DOD or involved government entity would make certain that they didn't enter into a collective bargaining agreement that would place the nation in jeopardy? Really? Give me a break!
My main point, again, is that none of these attacks on unions matter if we, like you said, stick together. Until politicians (and others that attack unions) can bypass the will of the employees and unilaterally bust unions with the stroke of the pen there is nothing to worry about. Until then all of the lawyering up and irrelevant legislation means squat to the big picture.