Why did Ken H resign as UPS Package Director, Local 175 & JC 94?


You hate yourself, it's painfully obvious.
If you say so but with hair and a hairline like this I look in the mirror and say damn I love myself.


This is not a plan for future success, but exactly what I expected.
Well of course you would be right. You know I wouldn't expect anything different. Everyone I've ever met that knows you say you are the smartest guy in the room hands down. Well in your mind, that and you have like a doctorate in English.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Well of course you would be right. You know I wouldn't expect anything different. Everyone I've ever met that knows you say you are the smartest guy in the room hands down. Well in your mind, that and you have like a doctorate in English.
Whenever I read bubble's post, I use a British accent. And when I read anhourovers post I pretend it's out of a bullhorn in front of one other person.


Well-Known Member
Well of course you would be right. You know I wouldn't expect anything different. Everyone I've ever met that knows you say you are the smartest guy in the room hands down. Well in your mind, that and you have like a doctorate in English.
Yet he can't get elected in his own local from the people that know him best

10 Pt

Yet he can't get elected in his own local from the people that know him best
When you lose by just a handful of votes in a local that is not comprised of members primarily from your company it's not a failure.
The problem with this shotgun statement is that it's shortsighted and meant to meddle in two other poster's personal conversation of which you have no vested interest except to pile on half truths that shows the Teamster "Brotherhood" is only in name.

10 Pt

Whenever I read bubble's post, I use a British accent. And when I read anhourovers post I pretend it's out of a bullhorn in front of one other person.
Do you wake your family and the neighbors up when you do that or just move your lips?


Well-Known Member
When you lose by just a handful of votes in a local that is not comprised of members primarily from your company it's not a failure.
The problem with this shotgun statement is that it's shortsighted and meant to meddle in two other poster's personal conversation of which you have no vested interest except to pile on half truths that shows the Teamster "Brotherhood" is only in name.
You were close. Bubble got smoked and came in last place. You showed something. He did also but his was showing no one in his local listens to him.

Good job for you. And that isn't being sarcastic.

10 Pt

You were close. Bubble got smoked and came in last place. You showed something. He did also but his was showing no one in his local listens to him.

Good job for you. And that isn't being sarcastic.
The last election he ran in was to dilute the vote and omit Sam from his job. That did happen.
The time before that he was the highest vote getter in the race. The candidates on his slate couldn't pull it off.
The time before that he lost by less than a dozen votes.
Many would've quit a long time ago. Most never try.

I don't have a dog in the fight but I hate the issue that we don't bury our differences and move on for the good of the union and to restore relationships that we all badly need. Continuing to rehash past unfixable issues won't win today's challenges and tomorrow's attacks from the corporate world.

I'm just asking for the outside posters to stop the personal jabs and for the rest of us to understand that if we don't hang together, friends or not, we may hang separately.

I appreciate both of you. You are my true friends.

10 Pt

I'm not blaming anyone in this situation. I just think that sometimes it's better to move on for the greater good of everyone.
All of us here are passionate about what we believe or we'd be doing something else besides posting night and day (while our wives grumble...Lol)
Let's burn the old bridge and move on together. Time is short.


Well-Known Member
When you lose by just a handful of votes in a local that is not comprised of members primarily from your company it's not a failure.
The problem with this shotgun statement is that it's shortsighted and meant to meddle in two other poster's personal conversation of which you have no vested interest except to pile on half truths that shows the Teamster "Brotherhood" is only in name.
If you follow any of the posts bubble make it's negativity towards our union(he gets his info from tdu)as far as me taking a jab at him.....if you or him get offended by my posts on an Internet forum I suggest you toughen up......also your comment about me meddling in 2 posters convo.....isn't that what you did in this post....your meddling in my conversation with another poster

10 Pt

If you follow any of the posts bubble make it's negativity towards our union(he gets his info from tdu)as far as me taking a jab at him.....if you or him get offended by my posts on an Internet forum I suggest you toughen up......also your comment about me meddling in 2 posters convo.....isn't that what you did in this post....your meddling in my conversation with another poster
Outsider to outsider in this situation is not meddling in leadbelly's or bubbleheads post. I'm talking about people pouring gasoline on the Fire that keeps all this dissension going.

10 Pt

Leadbelly has done phenomenal things with his life. He should be applauded 4 his stick-to-it-ness and loyalty. I have learned to bury the hatchet on small issues of disagreement and respect the person who is my brother. Bubble head is a good friend of mine as well. I am trying to grow up even at my age and respect the other person who has a different Viewpoint than mine. The personal jabs from either side do not help any of us.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Leadbelly has done phenomenal things with his life. He should be applauded 4 his stick-to-it-ness and loyalty. I have learned to bury the hatchet on small issues of disagreement and respect the person who is my brother. Bubble head is a good friend of mine as well. I am trying to grow up even at my age and respect the other person who has a different Viewpoint than mine. The personal jabs from either side do not help any of us.
That's where it begins.